Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Marketing Coach: 7 Keys to Speaker Marketing Success Part 2

platform building for speakers, authors and thought-leading corporate executivesIn Part 1 of this article, I shared the seven challenges that most speakers, authors, experts AND thought-leading corporate executives face when trying to boost their visibility and credibility as professionals who speak. 

Here are a few recommendations to upgrade or fix any gaps in your speaker and expert brand so that you are positioned and ready to approach more and better speaking venues to showcase your expertise.

  1. Do a website makeover. Hire a pro from and ask them to work on a new header graphic for your website and do a graphic overhaul to make your site more visually appealing and professional. This should cost you less than $500 - sometimes as little as $300.
  2. Need more testimonials? Look to your Linkedin profile - you may have some recommendations there that could easily be copied/pasted. Look in your paper files for written evaluations or letters/notes you’ve received. If you’re low on all of these... simply ASK people who know your work to write a few lines. Or help them out by writing it for them and inviting them to edit/tweak.
  3. To get quoted in mainstream media and industry publications, you must, MUST join - it is the fastest, cheapest and most reliable way to get quoted and interviewed by the media. You may also want to look into which guarantees online placement in over 100 high-traffic mainstream media sites.
  4. For your blog, the simplest recommendation I can give you is - start. Your blog is truly the centerpiece of your online presence. Without it, you’re a nobody. Blog frequently - 2-3 times per week is ideal. Blogs can be short, medium or long. Doesn’t matter - just share insightful information, make smart recommendations, engage your readers and have fun with it. There’s no shortcut here. Do it now and you’ll thank me later.
  5. Social media accounts are something that buyers are looking at more and more. Even though at the same time, people are starting to question the true ROI dollars-and-cents value of social media, it IS a metric and (like it or not - valid or not) buyers DO measure your credibility by it. So start using some social media automation tools like Hootsuite or TweetAdder and your numbers will start to increase more quickly and consistently.
  6. Speaking is another must - as you know, a big part of my life is to work with both professional speakers AND professionals who speak to increase the quality and quantity of their speaking engagements. Buyers look at your speaking schedule as part of your overall platform - if you’re not getting out there, they’re going to think, “Houston, we have a problem.”
  7. Interviews and profiles by other experts is easy - instead of seeking the media, spend part of your time BECOMING the media. In other words, YOU start to invite the thought-leaders and experts whom YOU respect to be interviewed by you. You can do these by phone or Skype or even email. The more you feature and leverage other people, the more your own "thought leadership platform" will grow.
  8. BONUS: Creating and publishing original research, surveys and reports. This is so much easier than many people think. The bottom line is that experts do research. Something as simple as a LinkedIn poll or your own SurveyMonkey survey to collect and gather statistics, analysis, trends in your industry or in your topic expertise. It’s also a great excuse to get on the phone and reach out to your perfect prospects - not to sell them anything but to interview them for your research project. Rapport builds from there - relationships grow - and soon you’ll have the top 20 decision-makers in your field knowing your name and willing to take your call. THAT is the power of original research.
Let's hear from you. Understanding what we’ve talked about so far about connecting your platform to these visibility and credibility strategies, please use the COMMENTS area below to SHARE your platform-building questions, advice and insights...

Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, trusted advisor marketing, marketing coaching, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, marketing for authors