Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

7 Speaker Video Tips

I had quite the adventure yesterday when we lost power in a rainstorm about 6:30am for most of the day and I had a Facebook Live (done fireside from my iPhone before it lost all its juice) plus our Speaker Profit Formula weekly call (done from The Hot One's building on the campus of Bryn Mawr College where I had to "borrow" an office and commandeer some WiFi!) and the third installment of our Keynotes That Convert mentorship that I was finally able to do from home once the power came back on about 2:30pm.

Today should be a walk in the park by comparison  Easy peasy!

Here are 7 quick tips for you about speaker video if you want to create a KILLER video marketing asset for your speaking-driven business.

And you're also invited to get the behind-the-scenes inside scoop on what it takes to create a video marketing asset that SELLS in next Tuesday's FREE Speaker Video Training Masterclass.

Let's get those tips for ya...

1. No video is better than a bad video: Don't have crappy video out there on the interwebs that prospects will find and use to DISqualify you.

2. The context in which they SEE you is the context in which they SET you: If you want to do seminars, your video should be in a seminar room. If you want to be hired to be on bigger stages, your video should show you on a BIG stage.

3. No preamble, no lead-up: Your video should open with you onstage IN ACTION. Don't waste a prospect's time with a fancy intro with music, flashy titles, or anything else. The video showcases YOU. Period.

4. Make sure the content aligns with your REAL speech: Do not include superfluous or "off-message" sound bites, stories, or examples. Showcase only your flagship material that you want to be hired for.

5. Old video is not going to sell your new content: If you have a great video from a couple years back, but your content has changed (new topic, new book, new niche), you need a NEW video. Don't kid yourself otherwise. Seasoned speakers collect new video assets ALL the time and create a completely new video reel every 1-2 years.

6. A video of your TedX Talk is not going to cut it: First, TedX has a strong anti-professional speaker bias. Second, they've coached you specifically NOT to give your "usual" content and to create something special just for them. For both those reasons (and see #4 above), it's not a good substitute for a top-notch video demo.

7. Don't create a video demo, create a video primer: A video demo is a once-and-done finished product. A video primer is a more flexible, valuable asset because it's designed from the start for you to ADD new clips whenever you want. These could be new testimonials, new speech snippets, new venues (like that upcoming gig with you in front of 2,000 raving fans). Make sure you ALWAYS get the edit files, raw source video, and digital masters from your videographer (fair warning: many won't hand these over because they want you coming back to them for all edits. This means you need a new videographer. Sorry.)

That's it for now. While you're on this post, go ahead and take advantage of our free deep-dive training on how to create a killer video asset -- PLUS the biggest mistakes speakers make with video & how to use video to grow your speaking business.


This Speaker Video Training masterclass is absolutely free and details are on the registration page.

Sign up and let's get you the speaker video you deserve to help you get more and better bookings FAST.


Tags: expert marketing

David Newman: Speaker Video

"If you want to accelerate and boost your sales, the best thing you can do is show your clients and prospects. Don't tell what you can help them with. Show them."


Thought leadership marketing. What is that?

Well, I have good news and I have bad news. Really, that's the only kind of marketing that's left. Everything that we used to call marketing and sales, spray and pray, batch and blast - most of my clients hate doing that kind of marketing. In fact, the consistent theme that I hear is "David, I love my work. I love my clients. I just don't like the marketing and sales part."

Well, I have great news. If that's you, you can replace the words 'marketing' and 'sales' with four new words. The four new words are 'offer value' and 'invite engagement'.

We work with speakers, consultants, coaches, and experts who want to speak more profitably. Marketing today is about being a trusted advisor. It's really about serving before selling. It's about helping before pitching. Everything that you do to prove to your client that you are the right choice.

When I started my business, I made every mistake in the book. I made the good ones twice.

I wanted to work with speakers and experts and thought leaders who are in a similar position to me when I started my speaking driven business, to help them shortcut the mistakes, avoid the potholes, not hit the same brick walls and the same dead ends that I did, so that everything that we do is really about coaching them, mentoring them, and helping them shave years off their learning curve.

Marketing needs to be easy, effortless, and enjoyable because that's the only way it's going to be effective.

If you do marketing tasks that you hate, you're never going to end up doing the right kind of marketing. So if you love writing strategies, use writing. If you love speaking strategies, use speaking. If you love tech, use tech. If you love networking, shaking hands and kissing babies, please use networking strategies.

But you have to do marketing, rain or shine, happy or sad, feel like it or not because that's what's going to help you ring the cash register.

The most common symptoms of the folks that we work with is they've noticed some fee stagnation, they're not as successful as they would like to be or they're not as successful as they would like to be as quickly as they would like to be.

For some of our folks, it's often not their first rodeo, so they've hired other coaches, they've hired other mentors, they've bought other courses and programs, and they come to us a little bit jaded, a little bit burned out, a little disappointed, wondering is this really gonna work this time? And those are the folks that when they commit, when they do the work, they get amazing, incredible results.

Let me tell you a story about my client, Nancy. Nancy lives up in Buffalo, New York. She's a brilliant speaker. She was complaining to me one day, David, I can't get out of Buffalo. All I'm getting is these low fee and no fee gigs. I'm down at the chamber for $300, I'm down at the ladies auxiliary for $200, I'm in the church basement for $250. I told her, I said, "Nancy, the fact that all you're finding is these low fee and no fee gigs, that's not the problem. The problem is that you're taking them."

Never let anyone's budget determine your value or your fee.

The three primary reasons that folks work with us:

  1. They want to raise their visibility
  2. They want to raise their credibility
  3. They want to raise their buy-ability and get more and better checks in the door as fast as possible. 

If you want to accelerate and boost your sales, the best thing you can do is show your clients and prospects. Don't tell what you can help them with. Show them.

If you want to maximize profits, you have to position your products and services so that they will shorten the path and accelerate the speed to get your clients the outcomes they already know they want. We are no longer in the convincing and persuading business. We are in the filtering and sorting business.

"Everything he says, I want to write it all down and I bring so much back with me to work on. I could stay busy working on his stuff forever."

"David was fantastic, a whole new way of thinking about marketing. I need to go back and rethink my business."

"David is a seasoned speaker, he's unbelievable. He's very passionate about what he does. He truly wants you to be better. At the same time, he's going to hold you accountable."

"David has a great insight, energy, passion around marketing like I haven't seen anybody else ever have."

"David is amazing and I'll tell you, he's got so many great stories that are applicable and you're so excited, you want to immediately go home and apply them."

So no matter what, it's really about reaching the next level of professional success and getting premium checks from premium clients.

Marketing today is about 3PR - personalized, professional public relations. Those are three components. It is speaking to build your visibility. It is publishing to build your credibility and it is digital marketing to build your share-ability. If you nail those three things, you've got more visibility, credibility, and share-ability. You win.

At Do It! Marketing, we help speakers, consultants, and experts to simplify their speaking-driven business, boost their impact and increase their income by $15K-$25K per month (or more) faster than they ever thought possible.

If that’s something you’re interested in, reach out and schedule a free speaker strategy call with our team at 

On the call, we'll help you get total clarity on the business model, speaking model, and revenue model you really want, how to create it by reaching the exact clients and audiences who matter, and how to fix what's not working right now with your positioning, packaging, marketing, prospecting, outreach, and sales so that you improve your results FAST. 

Go to and we'll craft a plan to help you speak more profitably. 

Tags: expert marketing

Client Case Study: Libby Gill

"I would have happily paid double your fee!"

Libby was already a highly successful speaker when she joined the program, but as she says, who doesn't want to learn how to get more bookings and higher fees?! Listen to her story above. 


"I can make in one hour as a speaker what I can in 3-6 months as an Executive Coach."

"I loved being able to reach out to you during the program, you and Theresa really care."

"Getting more frequent and consistent bookings at my target fee of $15,000 - $18,000"

"Over the years, I've tried almost everything. Coaches, speaker bootcamps, seminars. I've always had too much sales resistance and seeing how you work, you just blew me away and I knew I had to do the same for my clients."

"Early wins were getting clarity on my messaging. Convincing a meeting planner with my new language that this topic was important to their audience. I got the gig and the meeting planner was so thrilled afterward, I turned on my phone and she gave me a video endorsement on the spot."

"I could be and should be a better marketer and you helped me reignite that."

"It was great that there were different levels of speakers in the program, you addressed all levels skillfully, in a way that helped everyone, and encouraged me to look at foundational aspects of my business that I had neglected for years."

"By the end of your program, I would have happily paid double your fee! I'm saying that now because within 2 months, I had already tripled my investment back from your mentoring."

At Do It! Marketing, we help speakers, consultants, and experts to simplify their speaking-driven business, boost their impact and increase their income by $15K-$25K per month (or more) faster than they ever thought possible.

If that’s something you’re interested in, reach out and schedule a free speaker strategy call with our team at 

On the call, we'll help you get total clarity on the business model, speaking model, and revenue model you really want, how to create it by reaching the exact clients and audiences who matter, and how to fix what's not working right now with your positioning, packaging, marketing, prospecting, outreach, and sales so that you improve your results FAST. 

Go to and we'll craft a plan to help you speak more profitably. 

Client Case Study: Steve Bollar

"I've made over $70,000 in 6 months - just through this"

As a former school principal and superintendent, Steve was speaking part time and didn't have direction or clarity in his speaking business. He used money from his house to join the program and he's so glad he did! Listen to his story above. 


"I was speaking part time for 13 years before I realized I needed to take the next step in my business."

"People say that there's no money in education but being a part of the program made me see that there was a way to succeed in my niche."

"Out of my work in the program, I am now getting $8,000, $12,000 and even $20,000 engagements."

"If it wasn't for learning my value and how to apply my value, I wouldn't get these high paying gigs."

"In the program I was made to feel that I really was worth it. We were taught how to view ourselves."

"The accountability and support from you and the group was great."

"The program is phenomenal."

At Do It! Marketing, we help speakers, consultants, and experts to simplify their speaking-driven business, boost their impact and increase their income by $15K-$25K per month (or more) faster than they ever thought possible.

If that’s something you’re interested in, reach out and schedule a free speaker strategy call with our team at 

On the call, we'll help you get total clarity on the business model, speaking model, and revenue model you really want, how to create it by reaching the exact clients and audiences who matter, and how to fix what's not working right now with your positioning, packaging, marketing, prospecting, outreach, and sales so that you improve your results FAST. 

Go to and we'll craft a plan to help you speak more profitably. 

C-Suite Bestseller TV Interview


Do It! Marketing: 77 Instant Action Ideas to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits, and Crush Your Competition

My clients don't want to write books. They say, “I don’t have time to write.”

Don't worry, your readers don't have time to read!

This book is a random access, jump in anywhere type of book. It's like a website between the covers of a hard copy book because people don't have time.

You can literally flip the book open anywhere. One of those 77 things, or two or three of them are exactly what you need in the moment to help you grow your business.

There are 13 sections in the book. You can take it sequentially if you want to. All the left brain people will probably start on page one and end on page 225 and they'll have a great experience, but most people, they're working on lead generation, they're working on sales, they're working on branding, they're working on referrals, they're working on any of these things. You simply flip open the table of contents, go boom, it's on page 49. Bingo. It's on page 83. Wow. It's on page 119 - and they're off and running with exactly what they need; just enough just in time.

I've heard from some very seasoned entrepreneurs and executives who have said, “Oh my gosh, you have written the handbook for financial services marketing.” - Even though it's not a financial services marketing book.

“You have written the handbook for selling IT services.” - The book is not about IT services.

So because they are very, very specific kinds of strategies, people can pick it up, whether they're a beginning marketer or entrepreneur, an intermediate executive marketing team, etc, or even very, very advanced. There's going to be something in there for everyone.

I'd say 90 percent of the strategies in the book, the cost to implement them is zero. So it's things where you can leverage your smarts, leverage your talent, or leverage your creativity and not necessarily spend a whole bunch of money on ads or spray and pray marketing, or try and batch and blast the universe. Because those strategies also tend not to work these days. So we really focus in on specificity.

One of the mantras throughout the book is offer value. Invite engagement. Thought leadership marketing.

You need to offer value. You need to prove your value to your prospects, to your future customers and clients before any money changes hands. That means that we have to focus not on pitching and peddling. We have to focus on helping and serving and there's such a huge distinction there that I would say the age of mass marketing is over. Everything needs to be laser focused, personalized, intentional relationship building and obviously big companies want to work with big companies.

How do you do that kind of relationship building and personalization at scale and to humanize our products and services?

There are ways to do that and I talk about them in the book. They can't market the same way to everybody because there's no such thing as a generic solution to a specific problem and all of our clients and all of our audiences always have specific problems.

A lot of my work is with smaller entrepreneurial companies. They will do things like blast their entire network on LinkedIn - doesn't work. They will go out and buy 10,000 postcards and they will blast out to some mailing lists that they bought, as opposed to organic outreach.

One on one phone calls, texts, emails, handwritten notes. I'm going to go old school right here. Hand written notes to people that you want to intentionally befriend so that they become your next client.

The shortcut is - there is no shortcut. It takes work, it takes time. It takes effort. It takes specificity and intentionality to really reach the buyers that you want to.

Think the overarching message

I talk about this in some detail in one part of the book. There's only two things that we need to communicate these days to get our prospect's attention:

1. I know what you're going through - Whatever that pain problem, heartache, hassle, challenge is, I know what you're going through

2. I can fix it.

So you need that specificity, that empathy, that relationship, that trusted advisor marketing status (which is another word for thought leadership marketing) ‘Trusted advisor’ is someone who holds their clients' interests above their own. We need to focus on helping and serving and not take the easy way.

A lot of times we leave the same voicemail or we send the same email to our prospects. I call that human spam. You’re sending it personally, but all you're doing is copy, paste, send, copy, paste, send, copy, paste, send, leave 12 voicemails. They're all identical. You're not customizing a thing. You're not personalizing, you’re not doing your homework.

These days there's all kinds of studies that show us that people are entering the buying cycle - and let's say there's 10 steps. They're entering the buying cycle at step six or seven. They've already done research on your website, they've already looked you up on social media, they've already seen your testimonials. They may even have called the people that you have on your testimonial blurb. So we're living in this 3D glass house right now. You can't fake it. You can't pretend that you’re awesome because you'll be found out in a heartbeat.

What are we doing in our marketing?

We’re adding value so that when folks enter that process at step seven, they're ready to buy. They're more optimistic than they are skeptical.

When I started my entrepreneurial business back in 2002, I made every mistake possible. In fact, I made the good ones twice because they were so much fun. Stumbled, fumbled, literally hit every brick wall. Every dead end. Did not know how to market my way out of a paper bag.

I went out as an entrepreneurial speaker, consultant, trainer, working with big Fortune 500 companies. Luckily I started to get a little bit of traction because even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut. Then other speakers and experts came to me and asked “David, what's your secret? How did you get big clients like Microsoft and IBM and Merrill Lynch and Bank of America?” My initial gut response was, “I don't know. I don't know.” I thought I got lucky, but that wasn't really true.

So I started looking at what I was doing, threw out the things that didn't work, double down on the things that did work. And then other people asked to pick my brain. I was asked to have breakfast, lunch and coffee meetings. I started teaching all of these things to other people for free just because they were good people. They were struggling. The same struggles that I had. One of the things of course that we often say is write the book that you want to read. I was giving the advice that I myself had to learn.

One of the best ways to learn something is to teach others. And that's what I started doing back in 2004/2005 when my business did start to turn over and did start to elevate and escalate.

And then around 2008 I had a pivotal experience. I was working with an insurance brokerage firm and there were 20 people in the room. It was a training gig, full fee, like $10,000. I was really happy about that. I walked into the room and they're all sitting there like “Go ahead, big guy, go ahead and teach me something.”

At the same time, I was having two or three different breakfasts and lunches with my entrepreneur friends, just letting loose on all these ideas, strategies, tactics, tools and scripts. I realized, wait a second, I'm having more fun with my entrepreneurial friends having breakfast, lunch and coffee than I am with this full fee client with the room full of people looking through me. That was literally the day that I turned down my corporate work, I just dialled that back.

Then I started to formalize and systematize my marketing for thought leading experts. For the past 10 years that’s been my focus.

I still do a lot of speaking, but then I also do a lot of mentoring and coaching for other thought leading experts. Both executives and entrepreneurs who are marketing their smarts and getting their ideas out into the marketplace.

The way to approach your marketing is understand where you're strong and understand where you're weak and then really figure out where do you need to tune the machine.

Look at the entire marketing and sales cycle from initial contact to sign the contract. Where are you stuck? Do you have a hard time getting initial attention from prospects?

No problem getting initial attention? That's great. Have a first meeting or a first phone call.

Then they go dark, right? So now your problem is disappearing. Prospect syndrome, where did they go? We had a great meeting. I had a great phone call. Gone.

Maybe it's negotiating. You always get beat up on price. They always think you’re a commodity. They see you as interchangeable with every other company that does what you do. You have a distinction or differentiation problem.

Maybe you just can't close the deal. You have a problem at the very end of that process where everything is going great and you lose out to a competitor, or everything is going great and they say “We don't have the budget for that” or everything is going great, and they're like “Ah, you know, let's revisit this next year”.

So you're stuck at the beginning, middle or the end. Where are you stuck? And that's where to focus out of those 13 sections in the book. Beginning, middle or end.

This book is about sales driven marketing. There's even a section in here called The Branding is BS. A lot of marketing books talk about branding or marketing for the sake of marketing. This is 77 specific strategies, tablets, tools, scripts, ideas, principles and practices that ring the cash register. So it is not marketing for the sake of marketing. It's marketing that drives sales, and we've left everything else out.


Client Case Study: John Ramstead

"Best investment I've made in myself and my business"

Before join our mentoring program, the most John was paid for a speaking engagement was $200. He's now doing 24+ keynotes per year, getting $5,000+ each, generating 6 figures per year in addition to his coaching, training, and consulting for premium clients at premium fees. Listen to his story above. 


"I used to struggle with pricing, positioning and finding prospects."

"I was putting in a lot of work and not seeing great results, and finding too many free gigs!"

"Before, I was quoting $1,500 but the most I'd been paid for a speaking gig was just $200."

"I got my first $25,000 client for coaching."

"Your help with connecting my value to the fee was a huge game changer for me."

"This isn't a hobby for me, I want to have a successful business, supporting my family and traveling."

"I walked out with actionable copy, messaging, speaking and coaching packages, and exactly how to market plus real-world feedback from you and the other brilliant people in the group that this was really going to work."

"Light years better than sitting here alone trying to figure it all out myself."

"In the last 12 months, I've had about 24 paid speaking engagements, averaging over $5,000 each. That's not even including my coaching and consulting clients!"

"I just moved my coaching rates from $25,000 to $30,000 per executive and some clients pay more if it's coaching for a whole team."

"It's now time to invest in yourself and in this mentoring."

"I thank you constantly for what this program gave us. I went through it with my wife who is also my business partner, and we both still refer to your materials regularly - it's this constant resource and encouragement to keep moving forward." 

"If you're serious about building a business, you need to find someone to help you. You can figure it out on your own because we're all smart people. But why take three years to do something that could take you three months?"

At Do It! Marketing, we help speakers, consultants, and experts to simplify their speaking-driven business, boost their impact and increase their income by $15K-$25K per month (or more) faster than they ever thought possible.

If that’s something you’re interested in, reach out and schedule a free speaker strategy call with our team at 

On the call, we'll help you get total clarity on the business model, speaking model, and revenue model you really want, how to create it by reaching the exact clients and audiences who matter, and how to fix what's not working right now with your positioning, packaging, marketing, prospecting, outreach, and sales so that you improve your results FAST. 

Go to and we'll craft a plan to help you speak more profitably. 

Client Case Study: Kathy Parry

"From sporadic $500 gigs to regular $6,500 gigs"

Kathy was up against competition from giant corporations and was struggling to get regular gigs and break past an $800 fee - until now. Listen to her story above. 


"I was up against competition from giant corporations and I needed a shift."

"I was pigeon holed and wasn't getting the fees or work I wanted, I needed help!"

"My fees went from $500 to $6500 after doing the work in the program"

"I feared I may have had to get a J-O-B before I met you."

"I previously bought training and mentorship but wasn't seeing the results I wanted."

"I loved your very specific and streamlined instructions on what to do to succeed."

"I would still be awake at night worrying about how I was going to make this work, if I hadn't met you."

At Do It! Marketing, we help speakers, consultants, and experts to simplify their speaking-driven business, boost their impact and increase their income by $15K-$25K per month (or more) faster than they ever thought possible.

If that’s something you’re interested in, reach out and schedule a free speaker strategy call with our team at 

On the call, we'll help you get total clarity on the business model, speaking model, and revenue model you really want, how to create it by reaching the exact clients and audiences who matter, and how to fix what's not working right now with your positioning, packaging, marketing, prospecting, outreach, and sales so that you improve your results FAST. 

Go to and we'll craft a plan to help you speak more profitably. 

7 Best Public Speaking Podcasts

7-best-public-speaking-podcastsCheck out this list of the 7 best public speaking podcasts for motivational speakers, consultants, and experts who speak professionally.

The most successful public speakers are always looking for that ONE new idea to help them grow their business and improve their speaking.

Some of these public speaking podcasts offer tips and information to become a better speaker. Others help you better monetize your expertise as an entrepreneur. And some just have my favorite public speaker podcast hosts or as guests, to help you speak more profitably.

1. The Speaking Show is an interview/educational podcast focused on a core audience of speakers, consultants, and thought-leading executives and entrepreneurs (good-looking folks like YOU) who want instant-action strategies, advice, and insights to grow your speaking-driven business. If you're a speaker, trainer, consultant, keynoter, coach, facilitator, author, seminar presenter, online course creator, or information marketer - this is the show for YOU. We'll talk about strategies, tactics, and tools to help you grow your speaking business fast.

2. The Toastmasters Podcast is a top rated talk show featuring interviews with Toastmasters usually featured in the Toastmaster magazineThe Toastmasters Podcast is co-produced by Toastmasters International and Archieboy Holdings, LLC, for our global audience of Toastmasters and those interested in public speaking and leadership. Join your hosts, Bo Bennett, Ryan Levesque, and Greg Gazin in a discussion about communication and leadership with Toastmasters around the globe.

3. The National Speakers Association Podcasting Network features the Voices of Experience audio magazine and other content provided by NSA. Voices of Experience® is an audio magazine in which top public speakers share their experiences to bring members vital, up-to-date information on every facet of the speaking profession. Tune in if you want to win more stages, improve your craft, and grow your business.

4. The Go-Giver Podcast inspires and teaches – which makes it one of the great podcasts for public speakers. Bob Burg is a sought-after motivational speaker at company leadership and sales conferences on topics at the core of the Go-Giver books. A former television personality and top-producing salesperson, Bob has shared the platform with some of today’s top business leaders, broadcast personalities, coaches, athletes, and political leaders, including a former U.S. president. Bob is an advocate, supporter, and defender of the free enterprise system and believes that the amount of money one makes is directly proportional to how many people one serves.

5. What the Speak Podcast Bryan Kelly provides video and audio podcasts that are all about "helping you kick ass when you speak, present, or pitch. For real. No joke." Amazing episodes with truly powerful presenters, you’ll receive PROVEN methods and insider secrets from top professional speakers, best-selling authors, and leading researchers.

6. The Public Speaker's Quick and Dirty tips for improving your communication skills, hosted by Lisa B. Marshall. I have been a fan for some time now, and I like Lisa’s style.

7. The Presentation Scientists (formerly The Ethos3 Podcast) features Scott Schwertly and Gabrielle Reed of Ethos3 where each week they discuss the science of presentations. Their goal is to help you discover how to use smart public speaking strategies to win the hearts and minds of any audience.






Tags: public speaking podcast, motivational speaker podcast

5 Big Shifts You Need to Make for High-Fee Success


After working with over 500 consultants, speakers, coaches, authors, and service professionals, I found 5 big shifts for mindset and skillset improvement are vital to the success of folks who are ready to make the leap to a high-fee business model.

We’ll dig into the details behind all of this to get you ready to rock in the world of high-fee programs during this special masterclass but here are some gold nuggets and things for you to think about before then...

1. The first mindset shift is around money.

Here’s the sound bite: What’s expensive to YOU is not expensive to others.

YOU are not your client.

You need to understand that if you’re someone who drives a Toyota, there are people buying Ferraris.

If you live in a $500,000 house, you can have prospects who live in a $5 million house.

You have to get out of your own way when it comes to charging premium dollars for your premium programs.

"I could never charge that much" is a nonsensical statement. What you really mean when you say that is you would never pay that much – and that’s what’s killing your business right now and keeping you stuck in low-fee hell.

You need to charge what will attract the right kinds of prospects and will REPEL the wrong kinds of prospects.

2. The second mindset shift is that making a lot of money in your business is hard, complicated and overwhelming.

I’m here to tell you it can be easy, effortless, and enjoyable.

You don’t need dozens of moving parts and emails and websites and landing pages and technology and a hundred marketing jobs to do every day.

Making crazy money can be crazy simple.

I know this because I’ve done it both ways.

The hard way AND the easy way.

Many of my clients have done it both ways and guess what? The easy way is better.

High-fee simplicity ROCKS and the more you simplify, the more you will boost your focus, momentum, and results.

3. The third mindset shift is around the way you deal with distractions.

Let’s say you join the High Fee Mastery program that we’ll talk about later.

You start to build some momentum – you begin to see the light on how much leverage you can build into your business – and you even start to implement the first few steps of the program and you might even begin to see early results.

Then – BOOM – it happens.

You let yourself get distracted.

Shiny object syndrome.

A new opportunity.

A new offer from some internet guru takes you off track.

You feel you have to buy this new software or spend a lot of time engaged in this new social network that’s going to be the next Facebook.

But here’s the thing: every time you get distracted like that, it diminishes your chances of generating the high-fee success you deserve.

Success comes to those who focus relentlessly on one or two primary high-fee strategies and give them all they’ve got – day in, day out, rain or shine, happy or sad, feel like it or not.

You need to become a high-fee focus ninja and train yourself to immediately deflect and dismiss ALL distractions that keep you from making the kind of money you know you can make with some discipline and focus and depth.

Stop being a guppy skimming the surface and become the shark who swims in deep water and never takes his eye off the prize.

4. The fourth shift is mastering high-fee sales conversations.

Getting much better at them. And being way more comfortable qualifying (and disqualifying) so you focus like a laser beam on the exact prospects who you want to serve, who you can really help, and who will gladly pay for your high-fee programs. 

And learning to reframe a sales conversation as an enrollment conversation.

Not even enrolling people in your programs but enrolling people in the execution and realization of their desired outcomes and results.

And that is much, much easier.

Nobody wants your program – everybody wants their specific outcomes and results. More on that during the masterclass.

5. The fifth and last shift – knowing in your bones that the higher the fees you charge, the more commitment you’ll get from your clients.

This is true in your 1-on-1 programs like coaching and mentoring and it’s also true in your high-fee group coaching programs and it's true for your high-fee consulting services and also for your high-fee mastermind/elite access programs.

The higher the fee, the higher the commitment, the higher the commitment, the greater the level of client execution.

And the great the level of client execution, the better results your clients will experience.

So it actually SERVES your client better to charge premium fees because it leads to greater action and better results.

Unconditionally and across the board, I’ve seen this play out in dozens and dozens of different coaching, consulting, and professional service businesses.

Ready to get serious about your high-fee success?

Join me for this zero-cost advanced training and let's get your high-fee business model up and running and generating serious cash flow for you in the next 60-90 days.



Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, business coaching, sell more coaching, marketing for consultants, sales training for coaches, high-fee success, mastermind programs

Keys to Digital Marketing for Solopreneurs


Guest post by Ivan Serrano
Focus on relationships first

Solo professionals are almost always providers of some kind of service. Whether you are freelancing, consulting or coaching, almost every gig is based on a relationship. Each of these relationships is characterized by a certain level of trust, and in every case, you must prove your credibility and establish some level of rapport before a new client will hire you to do whatever it is you do.

But, you must be findable

In many ways, an online presence is just like a business on Main Street in any town. Just like any brick-and-mortar business, solo practitioners who do all their marketing online, must know what they are selling, and they must know what their customers are buying. Of the two, understanding what your customers are buying is more important.

However, there are some new dimensions to an online business presence that are new–call them the digital dimensions.

Your digital address is not as easy to locate as an address on Main Street. The map of the internet hasn’t been published yet, alphabetical listings don’t work that well when there are zillions of businesses all competing for your attention. How do you get found? Another way of asking the same question is, “What can you do to stand out and rise to the top of the search listings?”

Marketing is the answer.


First, let’s agree on a simple definition of marketing. For the solo practitioner, the definition of marketing is deceptively simple; marketing is communicating your value proposition to people who either don’t know about you or who need to be reminded of the unique value you can provide. That’s it. Boiled down to its essence, marketing is simply communicating value.

The simpler your message, the better. Marketing is about repeating your simple message over and over, but finding new ways to communicate your value so you don’t sound like a broken record.

The better you are at marketing, the less you have to worry about sales.

What is digital marketing

Now, for the digital aspect of marketing. Digital marketing is all about how, where, and to whom you communicate your value in the online world. This means your web presence, you social media accounts, your blog, your email newsletter–anything where you click a button to publish something.

Every time you click to publish any kind of content, it should be communicating value. However, it doesn’t make much sense to be communicating your value to people who don’t care. Ideally, the people you want to be communicating with about your value are not suspect, not prospects, not leads, although these words get tossed around a lot. The people you want to be communicating with are probable purchasers–the people who are most likely buy what you are selling.

Answer these questions next

In order for your marketing to be effective, and actually reach probable purchasers you have to know a lot about who they are, what they are looking for, and more importantly where to find them online.

These three factors, more than anything else, should guide your marketing efforts, digital or otherwise.

Who are your customers? Ultimately, your customers are the ones who own the budget and write the check for whatever you are selling. The goal of your marketing efforts is to communicate your value to these people. Communicating with anyone else is wasting your time unless they can put you in front of these people either through referrals or introductions.

What are they looking for? Of course, everyone with money to spend isn’t a probable purchaser. You really only want to be spending your marketing efforts on people who are looking for what you are offering. Put yourself in their shoes and figure out what they want. They may want someone to handle something that is a headache for them. They may want a great website design because their competitor just got a wonderful new website design.

The point is, you’ve got to communicate your value in terms they can relate to. If you are solving a problem, it must be a problem your probable purchasers instantly recognize.

Where are they? This is oftentimes the hardest question to answer, and will probably require some online detective work. But once you do, it can be liberating. If you find out your customers and probable purchasers are not online, don’t do a lot of needless digital marketing. You probably don’t need social media engagement. Instead, go where you know your customers are and get your message in front of the buyers.

The truth is, though, that quite a few of your probable purchasers are online, and more of them will be in the future, so it makes sense to figure out online marketing for your particular niche.

Answering these three questions is a requirement for developing a digital marketing strategy.

A word of caution

Social networks are not broadcast networks. Radio is a broadcast medium. TV is a broadcast medium. There’s a transmitter that transmits and receivers that receive whenever they are powered up. Social networks are always on, but the people you are looking for may not be tuned in. They may not even be on the platform you are broadcasting on.

But here’s the real kicker. People on social networks expect some interaction, some back-and-forth action. They aren’t interested in you just broadcasting your message to them. This means you must spend time online interacting.

Just like aimless surfing of the internet can eat up massive amounts of time, so can social media. Your time is not scalable, and it is not recoverable. Solo professionals, more than anything else, must be great stewards of their time. There are plenty of automation tools for email campaigns and social media posting, and they can save a lot of time.

Again, this is why it is so important to know who your customers are, what they are looking for, and where to find them. You can spend a ton of time having wonderful interactions with terrific people who will never buy anything from you.

You can’t do it all

Online marketing can seem complex, and can eat up a lot of your time. This is why it is so important to know who your customers are, what they are really looking for, and where to find them online. Spend your time where your customers are, online and offline. Focus on communicating with the people most likely to buy what you are selling.

More than anything else, you need to develop a deep understanding of your customers. The time and effort you invest in understanding your customers will return value to your over and over. This is the place to start to unlock your digital marketing success – and finally stop spinning your digital wheels.

Guest author: Ivan Serrano. You can follow him on Google+ 

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