After working with over 500 consultants, speakers, coaches, authors, and service professionals, I found 5 big shifts for mindset and skillset improvement are vital to the success of folks who are ready to make the leap to a high-fee business model.
We’ll dig into the details behind all of this to get you ready to rock in the world of high-fee programs during this special masterclass but here are some gold nuggets and things for you to think about before then...
1. The first mindset shift is around money.
Here’s the sound bite: What’s expensive to YOU is not expensive to others.
YOU are not your client.
You need to understand that if you’re someone who drives a Toyota, there are people buying Ferraris.
If you live in a $500,000 house, you can have prospects who live in a $5 million house.
You have to get out of your own way when it comes to charging premium dollars for your premium programs.
"I could never charge that much" is a nonsensical statement. What you really mean when you say that is you would never pay that much – and that’s what’s killing your business right now and keeping you stuck in low-fee hell.
You need to charge what will attract the right kinds of prospects and will REPEL the wrong kinds of prospects.
2. The second mindset shift is that making a lot of money in your business is hard, complicated and overwhelming.
I’m here to tell you it can be easy, effortless, and enjoyable.
You don’t need dozens of moving parts and emails and websites and landing pages and technology and a hundred marketing jobs to do every day.
Making crazy money can be crazy simple.
I know this because I’ve done it both ways.
The hard way AND the easy way.
Many of my clients have done it both ways and guess what? The easy way is better.
High-fee simplicity ROCKS and the more you simplify, the more you will boost your focus, momentum, and results.
3. The third mindset shift is around the way you deal with distractions.
Let’s say you join the High Fee Mastery program that we’ll talk about later.
You start to build some momentum – you begin to see the light on how much leverage you can build into your business – and you even start to implement the first few steps of the program and you might even begin to see early results.
Then – BOOM – it happens.
You let yourself get distracted.
Shiny object syndrome.
A new opportunity.
A new offer from some internet guru takes you off track.
You feel you have to buy this new software or spend a lot of time engaged in this new social network that’s going to be the next Facebook.
But here’s the thing: every time you get distracted like that, it diminishes your chances of generating the high-fee success you deserve.
Success comes to those who focus relentlessly on one or two primary high-fee strategies and give them all they’ve got – day in, day out, rain or shine, happy or sad, feel like it or not.
You need to become a high-fee focus ninja and train yourself to immediately deflect and dismiss ALL distractions that keep you from making the kind of money you know you can make with some discipline and focus and depth.
Stop being a guppy skimming the surface and become the shark who swims in deep water and never takes his eye off the prize.
4. The fourth shift is mastering high-fee sales conversations.
Getting much better at them. And being way more comfortable qualifying (and disqualifying) so you focus like a laser beam on the exact prospects who you want to serve, who you can really help, and who will gladly pay for your high-fee programs.
And learning to reframe a sales conversation as an enrollment conversation.
Not even enrolling people in your programs but enrolling people in the execution and realization of their desired outcomes and results.
And that is much, much easier.
Nobody wants your program – everybody wants their specific outcomes and results. More on that during the masterclass.
5. The fifth and last shift – knowing in your bones that the higher the fees you charge, the more commitment you’ll get from your clients.
This is true in your 1-on-1 programs like coaching and mentoring and it’s also true in your high-fee group coaching programs and it's true for your high-fee consulting services and also for your high-fee mastermind/elite access programs.
The higher the fee, the higher the commitment, the higher the commitment, the greater the level of client execution.
And the great the level of client execution, the better results your clients will experience.
So it actually SERVES your client better to charge premium fees because it leads to greater action and better results.
Unconditionally and across the board, I’ve seen this play out in dozens and dozens of different coaching, consulting, and professional service businesses.
Ready to get serious about your high-fee success?
Join me for this zero-cost advanced training and let's get your high-fee business model up and running and generating serious cash flow for you in the next 60-90 days.