Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Marketing Coach: The APT email response

doitmarketing email awesome-perfect-thank-youEmail.

We all get too much. 

We all spend too much time writing, replying, sorting and processing. 

Here's one tactic that will help you - in some cases, immensely.

It's a simple three-word email.

You'll get it in a moment... 

First, more about the problem... Face it: Sometimes you get caught up in replying to emails that do not need a reply. 

You leave open loops. 

You're not sure if NOT replying would seem rude. 

And sometimes you're replying to a reply, confirming a confirmation or thanking someone for a thank you. 

This type of email is totally unnecessary.

And, as you know, the best way to cut down on the number of emails you RECEIVE is to first cut down on the number of emails that you SEND. 

The second best way is to adopt an email template that clearly indicates you acknowledge the other person's reply and that you do NOT need further communication about it. 

Here's the three-word email I suggest you begin to use... 

"Awesome - perfect - thank you."

This email note does a few things for you: 

1. Makes it clear the message was received

2. Gives thanks

3. Makes it clear that no further response is needed WITHOUT being curt, short, or rude. 

My acronym for this email is A-P-T: Awesome - Perfect - Thank you

Try it and see if you begin to see a more streamlined email inbox with less back and forth, less wasted time, and less "email for the sake of email." 

Rock on - and leave a COMMENT below to share your success stories using this APT email...

awesome - perfect - thank you

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing success, thought leadership marketing, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, email marketing, professional speaker marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, sales and marketing, marketing tips