Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Marketing Coach: Say No Fast

say no fastLike you, I get a lot of offers every day.

Not just “offers” to buy things - those are easy to say no to. Rather, I’m talking about offers to read something, download something, review something, offers to get introduced to people, offers to speak, offers to connect.

The key to success - and to moving swiftly through these hundreds of micro-decisions we all face daily - is to say no fast.

Naturally, that also means you need to develop the ability to say yes fast.

But no is harder.

Saying no triggers all sorts of irrational thoughts in your brain, like:

  • I’m missing out
  • I’m being a jerk
  • I'm letting them down
  • They’ll think I’m rude
  • They’ll hire a competitor
  • And on and on and on...

None of those are true.

And most choices are reversible.

But the key to success in marketing - and in business - and in life, really - is to develop this one muscle: your DECISION muscle:

  • Do I stay or do I go?
  • Do I opt in or opt out?
  • Do I connect or do I pass?
  • Do I read or do I delete?
  • Do I say yes or no?

If you want to exercise this muscle right now (with completely no pressure and no consequence), then pop down to the COMMENTS section of this blog and post the word YES or NO. Super simple. It’ll take you 10 seconds.

Next level up from that exercise - go to your email inbox. Look at the first 20 messages. Don’t READ anything.

Just decide what to do with the email.

If it’s junk, delete it.

If it’s important, file it.

If you’re not sure… A-ha! Gotcha!!

THAT is the muscle you need to develop.

The certainty muscle - the confidence muscle - the ability not only to MAKE decisions but to TRUST your own decisions. 

  • In or out?
  • Yes or no?
  • Black or white?
  • Boxers or briefs?
  • Chocolate or strawberry?
  • Hardback or Kindle (couldn't resist!)
  • You get the idea...

As soon as you STOP “thinking” and start “deciding” - everything in your business gets easier.

You start getting unstuck.

You start building momentum.

You start implementing, moving, and acting.

And in marketing - it’s ACTION that gives you TRACTION.

So go ahead… Say yes. Say no.

Decide! Act!! Do!!!

That’s the key to your entrepreneurial success.

Let me know how I can help. (Or don’t! See how this works?)

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on saying no fast and trusting your decisions...

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Tags: marketing success, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing coaching, marketing coach, success tips, marketing tips

Do It Marketing: 37 Gurus Worth Following

29 business gurus doit marketing

Unless you're brand new to me and this blog... you know that my new Do It! Marketing book is about to be released. 

You may also know that we hit Amazon #1 bestseller status not once - but TWICE already - and the book isn't even out yet. 

What you may not know is that I had help. Amazing help from amazing people. Gurus and friends and colleagues and people I consider my personal and professional heroes. 

Some helped a little. Some helped a lot. Some helped WAY above and beyond my wildest dreams... 

If you're interested in marketing success, business success, and life success - well, there are a lot of so-called experts out there.

Many are called. Few are chosen.

I've made the choosing easy for you...

Here are 37 super-smart, generous, prolific, sometimes contrarian, and always fascinating people worth following...

p.s. The best thing about them - none of them would CALL themselves a "guru" - they simply consider themselves lucky to be sharing their insights with others who can benefit.

Here they are in no particular order (although each of them is truly #1)

  1. Jay Baer -
  2. Stephanie Chandler -
  3. Corey Perlman -
  4. Melinda Emerson -
  5. Chris Murray -
  6. Henry DeVries -
  7. C. J. Hayden - 
  8. Scott Ginsberg -
  9. Dan Janal -
  10. Art Sobczak -
  11. Mary Foley -
  12. Gene Marks -
  13. Viveka Von Rosen -
  14. Brian Tracy -
  15. Geoff Ramm - 
  16. John Jantsch -
  17. Joe Calloway -
  18. Jay Conrad Levinson -
  19. Jim Meisenheimer -
  20. Mark Sanborn -
  21. Marshall Goldsmith -
  22. David A. Fields -
  23. Pamela Slim -
  24. Mark Hunter -
  25. Bob Bly -
  26. Sean Carroll -
  27. Bob Burg -
  28. Jeffrey Hayzlett -
  29. Sam Richter -
  30. Howard Lewinter -
  31. Stephen Lahey -
  32. Jose Palomino -
  33. Karyn Greenstreet -
  34. Avish Parashar -
  35. Michael Dalton Johnson -
  36. Greg Williams -
  37. Marnie Swedberg -

Bookmark this blog post - stay connected with these people - implement their big ideas - and you WILL profit, prosper, and succeed.

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on the people who have made the biggest impact on YOUR professional success...

29 gurus worth following doit marketing


Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, keynote speaker, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing for trainers, marketing coaching, small business coach, marketing ideas, marketing coach, success tips, speaker marketing, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, thought leadership, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, marketing tips

Marketing Coach: How to Let Go So You Can Grow

let it goAs a marketing speaker and marketing coach, I often work with clients who are seasoned entrepreneurs. They've been doing great work for good clients for years - sometimes decades. 

And in the technology world, they call these longtime clients who are using your longtime services "legacy" clients. 

Here's the problem - legacy clients can hold your business back.

You need to learn how to let go so you can grow. In this post, we'll explore how to do that. But first, here's the bottom line on the problem:

Legacy clients want to keep using your legacy services.

These are services, products and programs that you really don't want to sell any more. Because you don't want to DO them anymore. Regardless of the money. 

Yes, let me repeat that - REGARDLESS of the money. (The fact that they may be generating a lot of revenue but very little profit is a topic for another day. For now, think about that and see if it's true for YOU.)

An interesting paradox

Most business owners, entrepreneurs and independent professionals get all excited about ADDING new products, services and programs to their business. They do so with great relish, enthusiasm, and fanfare. 

Here's the problem - you can't keep adding. It doesn't make sense.

If you're a coach, consultant, speaker, or professional services provider, having two different investable opportunities might be good - having three might be better - having five may be challenging - and having seven may be disastrous. 

How to let go so you can grow

When you realize that your business has grown in too many directions with too many ways people can use your services - yet not enough focus, clarity, momentum, or profits for YOU - then it's time to LET GO. 

Time to cut back. Lose some branches. Prune the tree back so it can grow healthy again - and straight in the direction you want it to.

Naturally, you can't go "cold turkey" (although really, you can - more on that in a minute...)

So here is a stepwise plan to help you get rid of parts of your business that are holding you back so you can make room for the new, profit-rich, and on-strategy offerings that reflect the current focus of your business, your desired client base, and the revenue targets you want to hit.

1. Let your internal team know that your legacy services and programs are no longer accepting new clients. This will hold YOU accountable for not selling any more of them, no matter how tempting it may be. The first person you need to convince that you're not in that business any more is YOU.  

2. STOP selling, marketing and talking about your legacy services. Don't take them completely off your website or marketing materials yet, but if they are featured prominently, make them less so. 

3. Put your NEW offerings front and center in everything you do. Lead every marketing and sales conversation toward your new services and investable opportunities. Talk about them with your referral partners, influencers, advocates, business friends, past clients, and new prospects. 

4. For current clients, use the "Switch or Stop" technique. As legacy clients finish their programs - or at a natural stopping point (for accountants, the end of the quarter - or for consultants, the end of a project milestone for example), bring up the subject of transitioning your client from the old service model to the new. Put a deadline on the calendar for making a decision to "switch or stop." Make it OK for them to stop and not feel bad or awkward. And don't leave them in the lurch - always have a referral in your pocket for someone else they can use if they want to continue with a service similar to the one you are discontinuing. 

5. Take advantage of natural attrition as you ramp up. As an example, you might gradually go from 10 legacy clients down to 7, then eventually 4, then the last 1 or 2. All the while, your main job is to fill your client roster with NEW clients using your NEW services. If you time this right (always the tricky part!) you'll get more new clients before the old ones transition out. This is one of the more uncomfortable phases of the process because you'll feel like you're trying to ride 2 horses at once. And you'll be torn with second guessing yourself that "maybe these old services aren't so bad after all..." Don't listen to that voice. It's the voice of fear and scarcity. Block it out. 

6. Rip off the Band-Aid. Once you've made the transition as smooth as you possibly can - both for yourself and for as many of your legacy clients as possible, it's time to rip off the Band-Aid in one quick, if somewhat painful, move. Have a heart-to-heart conversation with your remaining clients and make it clear that: 

a. You value their trust and friendship.

b. You appreciate their long-standing business over the years.

c. It's time to switch to your new model or you'll help them find another resource.

d. They can always call you for friendly advice, insights and recommendations and you remain in their service because you care about their success. 

That's the very best that you can do - and it's what a trusted advisor does.

Easy? No.

Necessary? Very.

Benefits: Huge.

This is nothing short of the roadmap to the future success of your business. 

And you can't get there if you're stuck looking in the rear-view mirror. 

Look up ahead - the sun is rising over the horizon of your new (ad)venture. Focus forward, hit the gas, and let's GOOOOO!!!

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on this topic and join the conversation... 

13 signs to fire your web design firm, doitmarketing, david newman, marketing coach, marketing speaker

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing professional services firms, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, marketing strategist, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, marketing tips

Marketing Coach: The APT email response

doitmarketing email awesome-perfect-thank-youEmail.

We all get too much. 

We all spend too much time writing, replying, sorting and processing. 

Here's one tactic that will help you - in some cases, immensely.

It's a simple three-word email.

You'll get it in a moment... 

First, more about the problem... Face it: Sometimes you get caught up in replying to emails that do not need a reply. 

You leave open loops. 

You're not sure if NOT replying would seem rude. 

And sometimes you're replying to a reply, confirming a confirmation or thanking someone for a thank you. 

This type of email is totally unnecessary.

And, as you know, the best way to cut down on the number of emails you RECEIVE is to first cut down on the number of emails that you SEND. 

The second best way is to adopt an email template that clearly indicates you acknowledge the other person's reply and that you do NOT need further communication about it. 

Here's the three-word email I suggest you begin to use... 

"Awesome - perfect - thank you."

This email note does a few things for you: 

1. Makes it clear the message was received

2. Gives thanks

3. Makes it clear that no further response is needed WITHOUT being curt, short, or rude. 

My acronym for this email is A-P-T: Awesome - Perfect - Thank you

Try it and see if you begin to see a more streamlined email inbox with less back and forth, less wasted time, and less "email for the sake of email." 

Rock on - and leave a COMMENT below to share your success stories using this APT email...

awesome - perfect - thank you

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing success, thought leadership marketing, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, email marketing, professional speaker marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, sales and marketing, marketing tips

Marketing Coach: How to Create a Great Company Name

How to create great company nameAs a marketing speaker and marketing coach, clients often ask me for branding and naming advice to help create a great company name.

Where do awesome business names come from?

Names like...

  • The Cookie Machine
  • The Video Advisor
  • CareerNavigator
  • SalesGPS
  • The Coffee Hangout
  • Guitars After Dark
  • The Fitness Foundry

I've seen solopreneurs and companies go through the branding/naming (or re-branding/re-naming) process smoothly and efficiently in less than a week - and I've also seen train wrecks that needlessly dragged on for months. 

How to get started

First, take a look at two blog posts to help you set the stage for an easy, effortless, enjoyable naming and branding process: 

Instant Branding Toolkit

Building Your Brand Sandwich

How not to screw it up

Here are some ideas to dig into for the "how" or "do's and don'ts" of the naming process...

  1. At first, sit down with your leadership team. No spouses. No customers. No low-level employees. 5 people maximum.
  2. Generate ideas for your raw branding/naming "building blocks" (as outlined in my "Instant Branding Toolkit" blog post)
  3. Work over the list until you have 10 strong candidates.
  4. Whittle the list down by eliminating 5 of them - the process is "1 vote to eliminate." If there are no objections from the rest of the group, it's gone. If there are objections, then it is up to those individuals to argue the case for "saving" that name until the vote is unanimous either way. This voting/defending process makes things go MUCH faster. And it gets you to focus on much stronger names faster. 
  5. With your top 5 candidates, do a customer survey. Not your spouse, your brother-in-law, your Uncle Marvin who used to be an ad agency exec, not your sister who is a brand manager for Tide. Actual, real, live customers. 
  6. Take the top 2 scoring names from the customer survey and do an in-house survey with your own team. Use ONLY customer-facing executives. Sales reps are great. Customer service people are great. Field service people are great. Ask them two simple questions: 1. "Given what you know of our customers and prospects, which one of these two names will resonate with them the most?" 2. "Why?" 
  7. Compile your results, make your decision, announce your winner, and start your transition to your new name. 

Boom - done!

What do YOU think? Agree? Disagree? Comment? Rant? Rave? Awesome... go ahead and use the COMMENTS area below and let's discuss...
top 10 marketing secrets, marketing speaker, marketing coach

Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, marketing agency, marketing professional services, trusted advisor marketing, marketing coaching, branding, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, speaker marketing, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, marketing tips, brand strategy, naming

Marketing Speaker: Top 10 Marketing Secrets

top 10 marketing secrets, marketing speaker, marketing coach, doitmarketing, david newmanHere's a piece I submitted to CMO magazine. 

Wanted to share it with YOU first because, heck, you deserve to see it before a whole bunch of corporate dudes get their hands on this info, take it into meetings, and debate it for months before deciding not to implement any of it... Ya dig?

The lesson? Action creates traction... so GO, GO, GO!!!

Top 10 Marketing Secrets

  1. There is NO secret - it's just hard work, good luck, and a great team
  2. Social isn't marketing. Social is social. Marketing is marketing. Doing one and expecting the others' result is probably the #1 cause of heartaches, headaches and disappointment.
  3. It's all about the basics - always has been, always will be. Now more than ever.
  4. B2B and B2C are different animals - yes, really. Thus, genius in one can make for a train wreck in the other.
  5. Marketing's main client is sales. Boom!
  6. There is no industry or market sector where thought leadership isn't going to make a huge difference to your success. HUGE.
  7. We've been saying this for a decade but still so few are doing it: stop "spreading messages" and focus more on starting conversations. Real, open, 2-way conversations with the public, the media, consumers, clients, influencers, and friends (real ones, not the ones on Facebook).
  8. The more you rely on third-party platforms like Facebook, the less stable and more endangered your brand becomes. Build traffic on your own properties where you have 100% control of what's visible and what's not, who can see what and when and for how long, and how content and community are built and nurtured.
  9. Good, creative, smart advertising has always worked. It's not about where you see it - it's about what you see. And how much it makes you think, smile and act.
  10. Stop following the herd - we need more leaders. Stop reading Top 10 lists like this one - and start writing your own. Stop blathering on about your products and services - and start telling real stories about real customers making real improvements in their real lives because you were there. 
What do YOU think? Agree? Disagree? Comment? Rant? Rave? Awesome... go ahead and use the COMMENTS area below and let's hear from YOU...
top 10 marketing secrets, marketing speaker, marketing coach

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing strategist, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, marketing tips

10 Blogging Lessons from Your Dog

woofie wheres woofie dog blogDoes your dog blog? 

Yes? No? Not sure? 

Well, don't worry because mine does.

You're about to get 10 blogging lessons from my black Labrador retriever, Woofie, who turns 10 soon. (FYI her birthday is April 29 and she loves getting birthday notes by email. And she replies to every one!)

What makes Woofie such an authority on blogging? Well, it's simple really - she gets a TON of traffic. Every month, I get emails from GoDaddy, where her website is hosted, to the effect that her website bandwidth (5GB/month) has been exceeded. Sometimes by a factor of two or three!

Put simply: there's a chance that this dog's blog is more popular than yours. 

So to help you fix that, here are Woofie's guidelines for blogging.

  1. Post  regularly. Woofie posts updates once a year - usually on or before her birthday. It's regularly scheduled. You should post more often than that - but the point is the word REGULARLY.
  2. Don't ask for much. Woofie doesn't sell on her blog. She doesn't beg. She doesn't collect email addresses. She offers value (if doggy cuteness has value to you) and she invites engagement (by email or social media). That's it. And it works. 
  3. Be cute and relax. Be the real you on your blog. People ask me the secret to success in presenting yourself online. My answer: it's two things. 1. Authenticity and 2. Enthusiasm. Woofie freely shares both of these traits on her blog - and so should you.
  4. Let people come up to you first. Pretend you're a dog... you have no opposable thumbs... you can't do much. So you better be the online equivalent of an adorable little puppy who people want to stop, pet, interact with, and give treats to. Do that, and you win.
  5. Use more photos - visuals sell. Much of Woofie's website is made up of photos of her adventures from the previous year. Photos and videos are where it's at. In the wise words of my digital marketing pal, Jay Baer of Convince and Convert, "Text is going away online. Everything is moving to pictures and video."
  6. Be easy to reach. Woofie has a whole host of digital communications tools in her arsenal (Here's how to connect with her on Twitter, LinkedIn, email, blog, Dogbook.) The short story is she is reachable in ways that YOU want to reach her, not in ways SHE prefers to be reached (which all happen to involve bacon and/or cheese.)
  7. Depend on other people to sell for you. In addition to having no opposable thumbs, Woofie has never made a sales call and has never sent a marketing email. She has people do it for her. Third-party endorsements, referrals, recommendations, and word of mouth from her human friends do the trick. How about you?
  8. Make people feel better about themselves after engaging with you. Let's face it - this dog is cute. But what's beyond that to make interacting with her worthwhile? Well, if you came over to our house, you could answer that for yourself. But we're talking about online. So each interaction needs to be fun, special, and rewarding in and of itself. Want to try one? Click here to send Woofie an email and see what you get back in a reply. 
  9. It's OK to be silly. Sometimes it's even more than OK - it's required. Self-deprecating humor is the best kind. It puts people at ease and makes them feel better about themselves, too. Plus it's an indicator of expertise if you can portray yourself "as you are" - mistakes, warts, and all. The fearful, the incompetent, and the weak don't have the guts to do that. Woofie does. And you do, too. 
  10. 10 kisses, one bark - keep it positive. Nobody likes to read the blog posts of a perpetual whiner, negative nelly, or always-ranting loon. Woofie has never posted anything negative. And even I, her humble human, try to keep my blog posts 90% positive, aspirational, and fun -- and only 10% critical or "calling out the crazy." It's like the old bumper sticker of doggie wisdom - "Bark Less, Wag More."
Grab your FREE copy of the Social Media Traffic Boost Cheat Sheet!

And then leave a comment below with your questions, thoughts, and advice on the ideas above.

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

Tags: marketing speaker, thought leadership marketing, word of mouth marketing, web marketing, marketing professional services, blog, trusted advisor marketing, blogging for business, marketing coach, marketing strategist, blogging 101, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, content marketing, marketing tips

101 Marketing Tips in 3 Words

  1. Charge higher prices101 marketing tips in 3 words
  2. Focus your energies
  3. Do less marketing
  4. Attract bigger fish
  5. Narrow your niche
  6. Promote your expertise
  7. Make clients shine
  8. Believe in yourself
  9. Clarify your value
  10. Articulate your fabulousness
  11. Start your movement
  12. Begin right now
  13. Stop wasting time
  14. Don't be afraid
  15. Close that deal
  16. Use the phone
  17. Blog more often
  18. Take your shot
  19. Make idea lists
  20. Be the shortcut
  21. Different ain't better
  22. Better is better
  23. Develop more allies
  24. Serve great food
  25. Showcase others' genius
  26. Make it fun
  27. Do it right
  28. Manage your money
  29. Aim higher sooner
  30. Never give up
  31. Look around you
  32. Serve your peeps
  33. Make your bed
  34. Polish your shoes
  35. Do the unthinkable
  36. Think the undoable
  37. Shift your services
  38. Meet new needs
  39. Solve old problems
  40. Start with kindness
  41. Elbow grease rules
  42. Do the work
  43. Fear the reaper
  44. Listen with love
  45. Energize your base
  46. Refresh your perspective
  47. Rediscover your mojo
  48. Let it go
  49. Be the change
  50. Drive more innovation
  51. Share the goodies
  52. You're already there
  53. Pass the Tabasco
  54. Live the dream
  55. Work crazy hours
  56. Write that letter
  57. Don't get arrogant
  58. Don't get complacent
  59. Use better bait
  60. Kiss the dog
  61. Boost your magnetism
  62. Flip their switch
  63. Dance the tango
  64. Build your empire
  65. Sell more passionately
  66. Market without fear
  67. It's game time
  68. Sweat the details
  69. Remember the goal
  70. Invite more conversations
  71. Offer deeper engagement
  72. Don't wimp out
  73. You're so close
  74. Take the leap
  75. Schedule your tweets
  76. Get OFF Facebook
  77. Buy the Book (Shhh...)
  78. Make more videos
  79. Write snarky posts
  80. Think more visually
  81. Death to PowerPoint
  82. Always buy lunch
  83. Pitch bigger deals
  84. Put clients first
  85. Close your email
  86. Watch the horizon
  87. Keep good notes
  88. Capture ideas everywhere
  89. Be the rock
  90. Leave bigger tips
  91. Share your toys
  92. Rock their world
  93. Make it work
  94. Play your hand
  95. Take a break
  96. Time is limited
  97. Jump on it
  98. Now or never
  99. Action makes traction
  100. Kick some butt
  101. We need YOU!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, trusted advisor marketing, marketing ideas, marketing strategist, success tips, marketing for authors, marketing tips

Marketing Coach: The 4 Levels of Marketing

marketing speaker, marketing coach, 4 levels of marketingWhen it comes to marketing, there are four things that you need to focus on, four levels if you will.

The four levels of marketing are:

  • Strategy
  • Tactics
  • Initiatives
  • Action steps

When you go to a conference, when you ask your mastermind group for help, even when you start searching the web for answers and resources to grow your business, the number one source of overwhelm is when you've heard a whole bunch of strategies, a whole bunch of tactics, a whole bunch of initiatives, a whole bunch of actions steps and you don’t know the difference.

There are three reasons why this short-circuits your brain:

  1. You can't do them all
  2. You can't even prioritize or figure out how to start to think about them
  3. You can't distinguish which is which and why or how it might work for your particular business

A strategy is a big picture area of your business. It could be a marketing-focused strategy. It could be a sales-focused strategy. It could be a financial strategy.

Let’s say you come across someone who tells you Twitter is an amazing marketing platform and you’re really missing out if your business is not on Twitter. He's using it and it fits his business beautifully, and you respect this person and you admire their successful business.

And now you’re thinking, "Oh man, it's all about Twitter, Twitter, Twitter."

"If this guy built his business on Twitter, I can probably build my business on Twitter."

Well, let's back up and analyze that as far as the four levels of marketing.

Internet marketing is the strategy. In other words, Internet marketing is the big giant umbrella over Twitter.

The tactic under that would be social media. There's a lot going on via the internet, folks, that's not social media.

For example, Search engine optimization, your website, the structure of your web presence, blogging, email marketing, dozens of internet marketing strategies. Social media happens to be one bucket under that, so social media is the tactic.

An initiative would be "I'm going to start using Twitter."

This is level three now. I'm going to start using Twitter. I'm going to start understanding it. I might read a book. I might go to some websites, I’m going to grab a copy of Twitter 101 or Using Twitter for Business, all those fabulous resources that are out there for free.

Now, the action step - here's level four, the action step always takes the form of verb, noun, date.

  • Set up my Twitter account by Wednesday
  • Load my first 30 tweets in Hootsuite by Friday
  • Find 100 influential people to follow in my industry by next Monday

Those are action steps.

And the action step can also go on your calendar.

So it really takes it down to "What are you doing today?" What's on your priority to-do list today?

Your to-do list could be 50 things, but what are your top three most important things that you need to do based on the strategies you've selected, based on the tactics that you’ve chosen, based on the initiatives that you've designed, what are the action steps to put on your calendar and get it done?

So let’s follow this through with a complete example -- let's say you're in the insurance business.

You're selling into the insurance marketplace, insurance companies and insurance agents, general agents, insurance associations, insurance publications, and you’re looking to become a dominant resource in that world.

Your action step would be "I want to follow 300 insurance industry folks on Twitter by March 1."

Does that fit into an initiative? Yes. The initiative is aggressively grow my Twitter following targeted to the insurance industry.

Does that fit into a tactic? Yes, it does. It fits into the social media set of tactics.

Does that fall under a strategy that you decided to use? Yes, it falls under your internet marketing strategy.

So right there, just unpacking those four levels, you've gotten some insights through which you can start to filter and sort all of your old ideas, old notes, all of those conference sessions that you may have gone to, all of those tactics and tools and light bulb moments, all those nuggets and sound bites that you may have swirling around in your head or on your “someday, maybe list.”

If you start to sort them in to these four levels; strategy, tactic, initiative and action step – you’ll get a much clearer blueprint for ALL your marketing going forward this month, next month and next year.

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, thought leadership marketing, social media, marketing professional services, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing strategist, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, social media marketing, marketing tips, internet marketing

Marketing Coach: 29 Gurus Worth Following

29 business gurus doit marketingIf you're interested in marketing success, business success, and life success - well, there are a lot of so-called experts out there.

Many are called. Few are chosen.

I've made the choosing easy for you...

Here are 29 super-smart, generous, prolific, sometimes contrarian, and always fascinating people worth following...

p.s. The best thing about them - none of them would CALL themselves a "guru" - they simply consider themselves lucky to be sharing their insights with others who can benefit.

Here they are in no particular order (although each of them is truly #1)

  1. Jay Baer -
  2. Stephanie Chandler -
  3. Corey Perlman -
  4. Melinda Emerson -
  5. Barry Moltz -
  6. Henry DeVries -
  7. Scott Ginsberg -
  8. Dan Janal -
  9. Mark LeBlanc -
  10. Mary Foley -
  11. Gene Marks -
  12. Viveka Von Rosen -
  13. Brian Tracy -
  14. Tom Searcy -
  15. John Jantsch -
  16. Joe Calloway -
  17. Jay Conrad Levinson -
  18. Joe Vitale -
  19. Mark Sanborn -
  20. Marshall Goldsmith -
  21. David A. Fields -
  22. Pamela Slim -
  23. Mark Hunter -
  24. Bob Bly -
  25. David Siteman Garland -
  26. Bob Burg -
  27. Jeffrey Hayzlett -
  28. Jim Kukral -
  29. David Rohlander -

And here are eight more for good luck... (Yep, you get more than 29. See? Underpromise and overdeliver!)

  1. Michael Goldberg -
  2. Randy Gage -
  3. Jose Palomino -
  4. Dharmesh Shah -
  5. Sally Hogshead -
  6. Michael Dalton Johnson -
  7. Larry Winget -
  8. Gary Vaynerchuk -

Bookmark this blog post - stay connected with these people - implement their big ideas - and you WILL profit, prosper, and succeed.

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