Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Marketing Speaker: Marketing is Everyone's Business

Marketing speaker marketing coach Almost 10 years ago, I wrote an article for the Philadelphia Business
Journal (and an abbreviated version for entitled "Marketing is Everyone's Business."

Upon re-reading it recently, I came to the sad conclusion that the article wasn't that strong although the concept behind it was HUGE then - and it is still HUGE today...

It was inspired by my 10-minute conversation with Susan Bach
of Adolor Corporation in Exton, PA. Susan gave me more
information about her company and their positioning,
products, and future plans for new drugs than most brand
managers at competing companies could have done. The catch?
She's the HR Director.

The bottom line: You gotta KNOW the business and MARKET the
products, services, and value prop no matter what the title on your business card. Great companies KNOW this and TRAIN for it. Does yours?

David Newman is a marketing speaker and marketing coach who works with professionals who want to do a better job of marketing so they get more leads, better prospects, and bigger sales.

Tags: marketing speaker, marketing success, small business marketing expert, small business coach, marketing coach, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker

Marketing speaker: The FEAT of small business

marketing speaker small business marketing coachAs a marketing speaker and marketing coach, I've seen small businesses at both ends of the spectrum - from the very successful to the very NOT successful (and, of course, a lot in between).

Of particular interest to me has always been the small business marketing challenges of the solopreneur.

You too may have come to the realization that running a successful solo business is a real F.E.A.T. -- and here's what that means to YOU: 

Fee - Demand high fees. Right from the get-go. Why? Because if you're a solo business owner, you live or die on your margins. Profits are not optional, they're required for survival. Early on, they help you stay afloat and that's even more important at the outset than later.

Wanna be cheap or affordable? Terrific. But wait til you're successful and your retirement fund is in the bag!

Starting out at the shallow end of the money pool is a fast way to drown!

Enthusiasm - Energy and drive and fun are REQUIRED to keep you going. You won't always be up and happy, but your core enthusiasm is the deep-rooted foundation that will help you get back up just one more time after you're knocked down. Again and again. And again.

You gotta love what you do - or do what you love. This is a decision, by the way - not a circumstance and not a "woo-woo" pile of nonsense. If you need a personal "live-with" or mantra to keep you on track towards enthusiasm in your business, then so be it.

I'll share mine with you if it's helpful:

"Do work you love WITH those you love and FOR those you love." 

That's it - pretty simple. But if a project, task, client, or intitiative comes across my desk and it's NOT in line with my personal live-with, I DON'T do it. And you shouldn't take on people or projects that violate yours, either.

Altitude (aka what I call the "Alpha Dog Effect") - Your ambitions and accomplishments ALWAYS gravitate to the same level as that of the people you hang out with.

What does that mean for you? Easy: Hang with the cool kids, successful kids, optimists, drivers, movers, shakers. Seek out the people who are doing more of what YOU want to do more of.

Hang with people who earn more than you - and you'll soon join their ranks.

Make friends with people who are dedicated to bringing MORE to their business, their clients, their prospects, and their marketplace. And you'll bring more to yours.

Do NOT waste a moment of your time with the brokeass losers, whiners, coulda-beens and excuse mongers ("It's the economy, it's the banks, it's the government, it's the weather, it's the market, or my favorite - it's the stupid prospects")

Tenacity - Like a dog chewing on a bone, you have to stick it out.

If you are able to get up in the morning and just as happily work for someone else - you're MUCH better off if you just go do that. Entrepreneurship might not be for you. 

If you're like most of us, then you're in business for yourself (and for YOUR specific business) because you don't know how to wake up and NOT do it.

Bust through walls for your business and soon you'll be sitting on an empire.

Not because you read it on some marketing guy's blog -- but because you're on your way to doing it anyway. Long before you landed here to get my encouragement, respect, and congratulations!

Tags: entrepreneurship, small business marketing expert, small business coach, professional speaker marketing, motivational speaker marketing, success tips, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker

Marketing Speaker: JUST DO IT!

marketing speaker David Newman small business marketing coachA famous trapeze artist was instructing his students how to perform on the high trapeze bar. Finally, having given full explanations and instruction in this skill, he told them to demonstrate their ability.

One student, looking up at the insecure perch upon which he must perform, was suddenly, filled with fear. He froze completely. He had a terrifying vision of himself falling to the ground. He couldn’t move a muscle, so deep was his fright. “I can’t do it! I can’t do it!” he gasped.

The instructor put his arm around the boy’s shoulder and said, “Son, you can do it, and I will tell you how.” Then he made a statement, which is of inestimable importance. It is one of the wisest remarks I have ever heard. He said, “Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow.”

Heart is the symbol of creative activity. Fire the heart with where you want to go and what you want to be. Get it so deeply fixed in your unconscious that you will not take no for an answer, then your entire personality will follow where your heart leads.

“Throw your heart over the bar” means to throw your faith over your difficulty, throw your affirmation over every barrier, throw your visualization over your obstacles. In other words, throw the spiritual essence of you over the bar and your material self will follow in the victory groove thus pioneered by your faith‐inspired mind.

Expect the best, not the worst, and you will attain your heart’s desire. It is what is in the heart of you, either good or bad, strong or weak, that finally comes to you. Emerson said, “Beware of what you want, for you will get it.”


Need a great marketing speaker for your next association conference, company meeting, or franchisee/dealer event? Marketing speaker David Newman delivers the goods - over 600 presentations since 1992.

Tags: marketing speaker, marketing success, passion, small business marketing expert, motivational speaker marketing, success tips, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, marketing tip

Marketing Speaker: 5 reasons to become rich

marketing speaker money plantAs a marketing speaker and marketing coach, some clients have, on occasion, accused me of being "all about the money" and ignoring or downplaying the other (very) important parts of their business.

The bottom line is that of all the professional speakers, consultants, and professional services firms I've helped with their marketing strategy, tactics, and tools - 100% of them came to me with NOT ENOUGH focus on the money side of their business. Thus, their struggle.

Yes, I focus on the money... and so should YOU because money does bring you some very valuable advantages.

These include:

Power Bill Gates can do more good in the world than I can because he has a $37 billion charitable foundation. Money enhances your ability to help others.

Security When you attain financial independence, your money worries are gone for good, an enviable position to be in. Millions of Americans worry about money.

Comfort Money insulates you from hunger and homelessness, and ensures access to basic services such as heat, electricity, potable water, and health care— stuff we take for granted but millions worldwide lack.

Luxury For those who desire it, wealth allows you to indulge yourself, whether living in a mansion on the ocean, driving a Porsche, or dining on the finest caviar.

Freedom With enough money, you choose what you do, where and when you do it, and who you do it with…and never have to work at a job you hate because you need the cash.

Tags: marketing speaker, small business, small business marketing expert, small business coach, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, marketing tips

Marketing Speaker: New thinking + New action

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.

The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise to the occasion.

As our case is new, we must think anew and act anew.

So, is this the latest pronouncement from some marketing speaker or management guru like Tom Peters, Jim Collins, or Jack Welch?


Just some wise advice from Abraham Lincoln.

From over 140 years ago.

As the saying goes, "The more things change..."

marketing speaker lincoln



Tags: marketing speaker, marketing success, consultant marketing, entrepreneurship, small business marketing expert, motivational speaker, professional speaker marketing, success tips, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, conference speaker

Marketing Speaker: What You Believe and What You Believe IN

Simon Sinek wrote a great book called Start with Why. One of the key lines in it is...

"People buy WHY you do something before they buy your WHAT or HOW."

Meaning - People first buy your purpose, your intent, your WHY.

Marketing Speaker whyI'll make that even more specific - they buy WHAT YOU BELIEVE. And, perhaps most important of all, they buy what you BELIEVE IN.

Face it, beliefs are easy to spot. You either believe or you don't - you either believe IN or you don't. The proof of your beliefs is in your actions.

Which of these things do YOU and YOUR TEAM and your COMPANY believe IN?

  • Being nice (Zappo's)
  • Overdelivering (Nordstrom's)
  • Helping others (Tom's Shoes)
  • Joy (BMW)
  • Design (Apple)
  • Simplicity (In 'n' Out Burger)
  • Gifts (Seth Godin keeps sending me books!!)

Want to make this abundantly clear to your prospects, customers, clients, partners, and the world?

Great! Post it - share it - let the world see your beliefs not only in what you SAY (like my marketing pal, Steve Miller has done so brilliantly here) but in your ACTIONS.

When it comes to small business marketing, only action creates results and only action proves your beliefs.

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing for coaches, professional services marketing, small business marketing expert, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, success tips, small business marketing speaker

Marketing Speaker: Once You're the Go-to Guy...

Marketing speaker go-to guyJust finished presenting for Steelcase to a group of really smart, entrepreneurial architecture and design firm principals and executives in Philadelphia.

When I asked them the overall purpose of marketing their firms, someone volunteered the notion that they want to become the "go-to guys" and "go-to gals" for their prospects and clients and the community of folks whom they serve.

As a marketing speaker and marketing coach to professional services firms, I pointed out exactly how important that was - especially in light of the fact that a survey of over 700 clients showed that between 52-72% of them would be willing to change professional services providers across a wide variety of industries. (Architecture and design was in the middle of the pack at around 60%)

For YOU, I'd like to raise the bar even further. Once you've successfully established yourself and your organization as the go-to resource... the key question becomes:

What do people GET when they GO TO you?

Do they get help, information, tips, actionable advice and a genuine thank-you for getting in touch?

OR... Do they get a sales pitch, a come-on, an invoice, a brush-off or worst of all - silence?

There's nothing worse than doing all the hard work to establish yourself, your team and your organization as the "go-to" resource only to blow it when prospects and clients ACT on your invitation to help them.

  • For free...
  • Because you care...
  • And because you put their needs ahead of yours.  

When it comes to becoming the "go-to" resource, be careful what you wish for... Do it right and they WILL go to you.

Question is, what will they GET?

And will they come back for more or leave disappointed?

What do you think? Share your "go-to" guy stories, tips, and strategies in the COMMENTS section below...


Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing for coaches, small business marketing expert, expertise, marketing coach, success tips, small business marketing, thought leadership, small business marketing speaker

Marketing speaker - A Brand New Day

Marketing speaker brandingI was going through my old files and came across some truly excellent thinking and writing about one of the most misunderstood and overhyped areas of my beloved marketing profession: branding.

Here, then, for your enjoyment is the real deal according to people that know a thing or two about the matter:

With 35 varieties of bagels, 66 subbrands of GM cars, and more than 13,000 mutual funds, American consumers are suffering a severe case of brand overload. Marketing speaker and marketing coach Peter Sealey has a tough-love cure: "simplicity marketing."
Read more here.

Take the Brand Challenge - "Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are trying to get ideas." -- Paula Poundstone
Read more here.

Be the Brand: Creating a meaningful brand goes beyond mere product presentation. It requires vision, leadership, and communication.
Read more here.

(Re) Brand You: This marketing expert and author will help you reboot yourself after a layoff.
Read more here.

What Great Brands Do: Marketing speaker Scott Bedbury knows brands. The man who gave the world 'Just Do It' and Frappuccino shares his eight-point program to turn anything -- from sneakers to coffee to You -- into a great brand.
Read more here.

Nine Ways to Fix a Broken Brand: The marketing excesses of the past few years left broken pieces scattered across the branding landscape. As a result, many companies are left with bogged-down, boring -- even dying and dead -- brands. Now take a look at your brand: Do you know what's broken? Do you know how to fix it?
Read more here.

What do you think? Leave your thoughts, comments, and rants in the comments section below...

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, professional services marketing, small business marketing expert, branding, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, small business marketing, brand strategy

Marketing speaker - Your 1,000,000 ideas

Marketing speaker 100 ideasToo many thought leaders, speakers, consultants, experts, coaches, authors, and entrepreneurial business owners say "David, I've got a million ideas - I'm sooo creative."

Sad truth is these folks are also the ones struggling to grow their business and establish any traction in their revenue generating activities.


Because they have a million ideas. You can't ACT on a million ideas and only action creates results!

New game plan - You need 100 ideas.

Yep, that's it. 100 rock solid, valuable, actionable, spreadable, talkable, magnetize-able ideas.

100 ideas will give you the foundation for:

  • 100 blog entries
  • 10 speeches, keynotes, seminars or presentations
  • 3-4 books
  • 100 2-minute videos
  • 2-3 solid long-term development programs, coaching packages, service offerings lasting between 10-52 weeks
  • 30 webinars or teleseminars
  • 100 team training topics for your employees, salespeople, franchisees, or dealers
  • 5-10 white papers, implementation guides, or downloadable toolkits
  • 10 different in-person seminars for your clients, customers, prospects, and partners

True thought leaders don't have a wildly different message each time you hear from them. They always present variations on a theme built on a solid foundation.

What's their foundation? Their 100 ideas!

What are YOUR 100 ideas?

How can you dial DOWN the 1,000,000 in your head - and dial UP the 5-10 you probably talk about right now - to create a lasting "Thought Leadership Platform" that you can become KNOWN for?

My 100 are always evolving (subtly) but they never go away and themes and patterns recur consistently.

As a small business marketing speaker who works with professional speakers, consultants, and professional services firms, here are a handful of mine that might spark some ideas for YOU:

  • Experts win on value, generalists die on price
  • Effective marketing should be easy, effortless, and enjoyable
  • 4 steps to marketing are Define - Organize - Implement - Track (D-O-I-T!)
  • Only action creates results (headline on my home page - Marketing Speaker David Newman)
  • Passion is not enough
  • Plan for failure - think through failure, think ahead of failure, think around failure
  • Forget about plan B - you also need plans C, D, E, F, and G!
  • Smart marketers Move in, Move ahead, Move aside, and Move alone
  • Your marketing materials need to be "un-chuckable"
  • Who do you want to be a rock star to?
  • Don't make buyers feel they're the first person to trust you

You get the point... these and about 89 more are the sum total of what I get paid to do via keynotes, seminars, strategic work sessions, coaching programs, corporate meetings, association meetings, franchise conferences, 1-on-1 mentoring, webinars, products, videos, audios, podcasts, white papers, special reports, blog entries... all that I do comes from my 100 ideas.

You can't make money if you have a million ideas.

You can - and you will - make money from your 100 ideas.

So get going... not someday, but right now!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, small business marketing expert, small business coach, marketing ideas, small business marketing speaker

Marketing Speaker: Design a Client-Magnet Presentation

How to Design a Client-Magnet PresentationMarketing speaker marketing coach David Newman Philadelphia motivational speaker

As a marketing speaker and marketing coach, I see too many speakers, consultants, and thought-leading executives who commit to a speaking strategy built around their professional passions, interests, or favorite topics within their expertise.

Sounds like common sense, right? Well, that would be a huge mistake. DON’T do it!

For your speaking efforts to pay off in terms of marketing results, you need to design the presentation content NOT around what YOU are passionate about, but what your buyers and prospects are passionate about!

Speaker marketing coach David Newman motivational speaker PhiladelphiaImagine a pair of X-ray vision goggles that you are now using to zoom in on your target clients. Ask yourself the following:

  • What do they want?
  • What are they missing in their lives?
  • What hurts?
  • Where is the pain?
  • What are they yearning for?
  • What do they worry about most?
  • What are their biggest headaches, heartaches, and hassles?
  • What are their urgent, pervasive, and expensive problems?

Gather Live Ammo Data

What’s the first step? Research. Preparation. Homework.

Industry, regional, business, and company news is now at everyone’s fingertips on the Internet. Look for verbatim quotes, video clips, blog entries, trade journal profiles, and audio interviews to capture as much as you can from representative members of your buyer persona.

Then go directly to the source – YOUR real live customers and prospects. If you’re not intelligently researching your prospects’ issues, challenges, and pressures, how can you possibly come in with credible high-perceived-value solutions? One of the best ways to approach prospects is with:

  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • Research
  • Data gathering

It positions you and your firm as an expert resource and it gives you valuable data you should be getting anyway!

Bottom line: for thought-leadership marketing to work for YOU, you have to be a dealer, collector, curator, and dispenser of thoughts... and one of the best ways to LEAD is to LISTEN.

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing for coaches, small business marketing expert, motivational speaker, marketing ideas, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, thought leadership, marketing tip