Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

13 Questions for Creating Your Best 2015

2015cHere are some thought-provoking questions for creating your best 2015. These are from the Soul Purpose Institute and they struck me as especially relevant for consultants, speakers, authors, coaches and independent professionals.

Not only will these questions help you clarify your goals, focus, and themes for 2015 - they will also help you narrow down your choices, remove some overwhelm, kill some unnecessary "shoulds" in your marketing mix and generally help you focus on what matters most to your business, professional, personal and financial success.

13 Questions for Creating Your Best 2015

  1. What would you like to be your biggest triumph this year?
  2. What advice would you like to give yourself?
  3. What is the major effort you plan to do to improve your financial results?
  4. What would you be most happy about completing?
  5. What major indulgence are you willing to experience?
  6. What would you most like to change about yourself?
  7. What are you looking forward to learning?
  8. What do you think your biggest risk will be in 2015?
  9. What about your work, are you most committed to changing and improving?
  10. What is one as yet undeveloped talent you are willing to explore?
  11. What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do or have more of it?
  12. Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving?
  13. What one word would you like to have as your 2015 theme?


Want to kick it up a notch in your business for 2015 and get a grip on your most important marketing, sales and business growth strategies and say goodbye to spinning your wheels, inertia, and overwhelm? GOOD! I thought so... Sign up NOW for "Your 2015 Strategic Marketing Blueprint" FREE teleseminar on 11/20/14.

Your Marketing Success: Thinking vs. Doing


As a marketing coach for consultants, speakers, authors, and solo professionals, I'm often asked some variation of the following questions:
  • What's more important - a focused marketing plan or consistent marketing activity?
  • Do I need to change my marketing strategy? 
  • What should I be doing more of - and less of - to get more clients? 
  • How do I know the kind of marketing that will work for what I offer? 
  • How can I stop spinning my wheels and do a FEW simple things consistently to generate leads, prospects and sales?

Here's my answer in very sophisticated and technical marketing lingo:

"Wow... I dunno."

Now before you dismiss me as a complete marketing moron, let me put that insightful statement into some context for you.

If you don't know who you're marketing to, what they want, what they're willing to pay for, and how to position yourself as the "Ah - at last!!" solution they've been looking for, then these questions will merely: 

  • Confuse you
  • Scare you
  • Piss you off

And it's hard to be a successful entrepreneur when you're running around confused, scared and pissed off all the time. 

So stop it. 

The first thing you need to decide is - which do YOU need more of? A new master plan (More THINKING)? Or some healthy ass-kicking to IMPLEMENT (More DOING) what you ALREADY know you need to do?

My advice? Follow the Teddy Roosevelt principle of "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." 

That means you need to STOP GETTING READY TO GET READY until...

  • You get your next professional certification...
  • You finish writing your book...
  • Your kids are a little older...
  • You build your updated website...
  • You have a few more clients...
  • You start making more money...


Can you SMELL the stinky pile of rotten excuses suffocating you with their disgusting stench?


The short answer is a screaming YES with racing stripes and flames coming out the tailpipes.

Do you need a 60-page marketing/business plan with charts and graphs and financial projections for the next 5 years? No you do not. 

You need some flip charts, markers, paper, plenty of wall space and at least an hour to map out: 

  • Your business and marketing objectives and strategies
  • Your current and future revenue streams
  • Your thought leadership strategies (speaking, publishing, social media)
  • Your business systems and processes
  • Your current and future staffing and outsourcing game plan
  • Simple templates and scripts to operationalize your plan
  • Your pricing structure including new ways to monetize your expertise
  • Your marketing action plan with daily, weekly and monthly tasks 

I do this with my clients all the time - it's called a VIP Coaching Day and the process and the output look something like the flipcharts and action notes you'll see smack in the middle of this page.


The short answer is a screaming YES with racing stripes and flames coming out the tailpipes.

Do you need a 1,000% laser focus with a non-stop implementation mindset? No you do not. That's not realistic and it's never going to happen. 

You need a calendar, just a little bit of focus, some serious accountability for a short period of time, and your to-do list (which probably contains some long-overdue "big ideas" which you've simply never gotten around to doing even though they might be the exact things you need to FINISH so that you get out of your rut, find your groove and grow your business significantly!)

What kinds of to-do items might you tackle on such a focused day of implementation?

  • Rewrite the home page of your website
  • Record a series of videos or audios that showcase your services
  • Do some writing to better articulate your fabulousness
  • Create a few simple tools to help you generate more leads
  • Clean up your office or empty your inbox to streamline your daily work
  • Develop (or refresh) your consulting or service/project offerings
  • Optimize your social media profiles so that more prospects find (and contact!) you
  • Draft the outline for your book, product, or signature program
  • Map out your proactive referral and networking strategy (who, what, where, when)

marketing coach small business marketing doitmarketingGood news: You have just such an opportunity coming up later this month. It's called a DO IT! DAY and you can find out more about it here. Sign up and I'd be honored to do a little ass-kicking with YOU over a single focused day... and cheer you on as you cross the finish line on what YOU need to get done

What do you think? Use the COMMENTS area below to talk about your experiences with strategy vs. implementation for YOUR business...

BOO! 17 things that should scare the heck out of you


Halloween can be a scary time.

In honor of this sugar-filled yet frightful holiday, here are 17 things that should scare the heck out of YOU and any small business owner, entrepreneur, or independent professional...

  1. Prospects who lie. And they all lie all the time.
  2. Business partnerships. No, no, noooooo!!! Don’t do it. EVER.
  3. Arrogance
  4. Complacency
  5. Inertia (Yours and your prospects and clients too)
  6. Not having a sales process - or not sticking to the one you have
  7. Nightmare clients from hell
  8. Tire-kickers, price shoppers, and broke-ass losers
  9. Social media overload
  10. Making payroll every two weeks - even if it’s only paying yourself
  11. Hiring, firing, and everything in between
  12. Prospects who ask for free consulting
  13. Not hiring a great IP attorney to protect your brand/ logo/ trademarks
  14. Waking up in a cold sweat realizing your REAL job is sales
  15. Prospects seeing your products, services, and programs as a commodity
  16. Not outsourcing and delegating everything you possibly can
  17. Collecting great marketing ideas - but never implementing them (Aaarghhhhh!!)

What would YOU add to this list?

Please leave a comment below and let's discuss...

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, thought leadership marketing, coach marketing, teleseminar marketing, teleseminar selling, trusted advisor marketing, marketing for trainers, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, do it marketing, lead generation

6 Reasons Why I Spent $1000 When I Could've Bought a $20 Book Instead


6 Reasons Why I Spent $1000 When I Could've Bought a $20 Book on Amazon Instead - and Why YOU Might Want to Do the Same...

Some of my friends and clients are surprised that as the marketing coach and "marketing guru," I still invest in other people's courses, programs, and seminars.

Well, stop being surprised.

Truth is, all the top experts in any field are continually learning, developing, and studying the brilliance of others.

I've had folks take MY courses who were incredibly successful, 7-figure+ consultants, speakers, and entrepreneurs.

Why? Not because I knew "more" than they did - but I did have some specialized knowledge, strategies, expertise and experience that they lacked. As top-performing (and top-earning) experts, they recognized the gap - and wanted to fill it. Thus, they signed up to work with me, either 1-on-1 or through one of my online group trainings.

Which brings me back to the main story - why I spent $1,000 when I could've (maybe) gotten the same info from a $20 book.

Here's what I mean...

A few weeks ago, I signed up for Amy Porterfield's Facebook Profits Lab. It is an amazing program - and no, I'm not an affiliate and there's no link and I don't want you to sign up for anything. The program has two levels - $397 for the basic course and $997 for the VIP level where you get access to Amy and her team and get some very cool bonus materials.

The kicker?

Amy co-authored a $20 book - Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies - that contains much, if not all, of the same information.

I could've just bought that, right? Well... No actually.

Here are 6 reasons I invested with Amy and spent $980 more than I "had" to...

  1. Social media and digital marketing (Facebook especially) changes by the week. Any book is going to be instantly outdated upon publication.
  2. I loved the way Amy ran the (huge) marketing campaign to fill her course. She won me over not only with what she was teaching, but what she was DOING to get me to buy.
  3. The free content Amy provided during her launch was nothing short of top-notch. Detailed, specific, actionable, and valuable. I could've just consumed the free content and learned a ton. Ironically, that's why I bought. Don't lose the impact of this point. If your free content is a "Happy Meal" in itself, it makes people MORE hungry (not less) for your full 7-course gourmet experience.
  4. Part of what Amy offered (and part of what I've always offered in every one of my group training programs) is to not only TEACH you, but to SHOW you what she does in her own business with the exact same strategies you're learning. This "preach only what you practice" approach is sadly rare in our business. Most gurus only scratch the surface and almost never reveal what's REALLY working for them right now, in today's market, with today's technology, tools, and platforms. Amy shows you. I show you. That's worth gold right there.
  5. Community is huge. Part of Amy's program (and again, this is something I've done since 2008) is to connect her students with each other. This provides a learning environment that is so much more motivating, actionable, and collaborative. Back in the day, I used Yahoo Groups to provide a private forum and "online hangout" for the participants in my programs. Then in later years, moved to Linkedin, and most recently started using Private Facebook Groups which works best of all. Part of why I invested at the $997 VIP level with Amy was her "VIP Only" Facebook group with personal access to Amy and her team plus all the other VIP level members. The idea is to connect your community so they can ask and answer questions of each other, share success stories, ask for feedback, get advice, insights and recommendations from you and from others, and build a sense of shared momentum. In one of my group programs earlier this year, we had over 100 pieces of completed work posted in our collaborative forum. Seeing other's progress motivated people and it just built up to a point where everyone was crushing it. Yay!! That's the point, right?
  6. You need to sell the way you buy. I could not, in good conscience, ask YOU to invest with me if I refuse to invest in myself. This one is multi-layered - but just think about it... Imagine if I asked you to spend money to learn from me BUT I don't spend money to learn from others. What a huge psychological disconnect that would be! Of course I believe in my heart and soul that you should invest with me to learn something valuable, profitable, and immediately actionable like speaker marketing, book marketing, or how to run profitable coaching programs. Why? Because I invest in myself all the time to learn more about new things that are outside of my expertise like podcasting, Facebook advertising, and joint venture marketing. If you don't buy because you believe - you'll never be able to sell because you believe... and that's where your sales success DNA (core beliefs, mindset, skill set) lives!!
So put down that $20 book. How could you multiply your investment AND magnify your results?

Download this FREE Do It! Marketing Manifesto, where you'll discover the four levels of marketing and how to use each.

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing for trainers, selling professional services, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, content marketing

Marketing Master Class: Christina Daves on PR for Anyone

MASTER CLASS 2014Welcome to the 2014 Do It! Marketing Master Class Series

Here's where you'll get some of the smartest marketing advice from top marketers and entrepreneurs who share their best success secrets via in-depth interrogation-style interviews with yours truly... 

My special guest this week... 

Alyson LexChristina Daves - PR and Media Expert

Christina Daves is a serial entrepreneur who has founded and run four successful companies over the past 20 years. With no resources remaining when she launched her latest venture, CastMedic Designs, Christina taught herself everything she could about generating her own publicity. Since launching in 2012, she has appeared in over 200 media outlets including national and local television and publications generating over six figures in sales. As a result of her PR success, she created PR for Anyone® to help other small business owners learn how to do what she did to have similar success.

Christina is also the author of the bestselling book, PR for Anyone™ - 100+ Affordable Ways to Easily Create Buzz for Your Business.

Download this Master Class (mp3) now

Share this with your pals, link to it from your own blog, tell 17 friends, go nuts and have fun! 

Please leave a comment below with your own experiences or questions about business-boosting PR strategies, getting more media coverage, or anything else we talked about (including how to use PR to directly get more leads, sales, and customers!)

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, speaker marketing, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, pr, publicity, christina daves, marketing master class

Client Testimonial: Sardek Love

"This program changed everything for me"

Sardek already had a training business but he wanted more speaking and more money. Listen to his story above. 

"This program got me onto the international speaking circuit"

"I went from charging $1,500-$2,500 to immediately jumping my fee to $7,500 on my way to $10K"

"Looking at other coaches and gurus, the value you bring is not even close"

"IF you implement, this stuff WORKS."

"I've only implemented 30% and I'm getting these results!" 

At Do It! Marketing, we help speakers, consultants, and experts to simplify their speaking-driven business, boost their impact and increase their income by $15K-$25K per month (or more) faster than they ever thought possible.

If that’s something you’re interested in, reach out and schedule a free speaker strategy call with our team at

On the call, we'll help you get total clarity on the business model, speaking model, and revenue model you really want, how to create it by reaching the exact clients and audiences who matter, and how to fix what's not working right now with your positioning, packaging, marketing, prospecting, outreach, and sales so that you improve your results FAST. 

Go to and we'll craft a plan to help you speak more profitably. 

Marketing Master Class: Corey Perlman on Social Media Overload

MASTER CLASS 2014Welcome to the 2014 Do It! Marketing Master Class Series

Here's where you'll get some of the smartest marketing advice from top marketers and entrepreneurs who share their best success secrets via in-depth interrogation-style interviews with yours truly... 

My special guest this week... 

Alyson LexCorey Perlman - Social Media Marketing Expert

Corey Perlman knows what it takes for busy entrepreneurs like you to dominate social media the RIGHT way. That means - strategically, smartly, and without wasting hundreds of hours on trivial nonsense. Corey's new book, Social Media Overload, is specifically designed to show you how to generate maximum social media impact in minimum time.

Download this Master Class (mp3) now

Share this with your pals, link to it from your own blog, tell 17 friends, go nuts and have fun! 

Please leave a comment below with your own experiences or questions about social media marketing, social media overload or anything else we talked about (including how to dominate social media without letting it dominate YOU!!)

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Tags: marketing for coaches, social media, web marketing, linkedin, professional services marketing, marketing expert, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, social media marketing

Marketing Master Class: Alyson Lex on Marketing Smarter

MASTER CLASS 2014Welcome to the 2014 Do It! Marketing Master Class Series

Here's where you'll get some of the smartest marketing advice from top marketers and entrepreneurs who share their best success secrets via in-depth interrogation-style interviews with yours truly... 

My special guest this week... 

Alyson LexAlyson Lex - Copywriting and Direct Marketing Expert

If you’re ready to make your marketing work for you, consistently, over and over and over again…  then Alyson is your go-to person. She's a master of developing sales funnels that work. From architecture to products to copy that converts, Alyson takes you from “I don’t know” or “This doesn’t work” or even “I’m not having any FUN with this!” to “My Marketing ROCKS!” Listen in as we talk about strategy, marketing, copywriting, and sharpening your message and your methods...

Download this Master Class (mp3) now

Share this with your pals, link to it from your own blog, tell 17 friends, go nuts and have fun! 

Please leave a comment below with your own experiences or questions about direct marketing, copywriting or anything else we talked about (including having a really cool name that matches your profession perfectly!!)

short blog posts

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing professional services firms, copy writing, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, content marketing

Tom Davidson Client Case Study 

From little-known Generalist to Well-known Expert

Find Your Natural Niche - Case Study by Tom Davidson

I was 14 again, with a nylon harness around my waist and a soft rope passing slowly through carabineers at my crotch. As the crew leader, I was the first to rappel, just as I had been the first to climb. The rest of the boys—standing safely at the bottom of the cliff—were shouting instructions, “Relax…lean back…keep your knees straight…let the rope out faster!” as if they had done it a thousand times and this was the most natural thing in the world to do. Eventually, we all made the trip safely up and down the rock face that day, but I’ll never forget the feeling of the first few steps over the edge: scary, clumsy and uncomfortable. After that, it was just plain fun! That’s what it’s like to transition from unknown generalist to well-known expert (scary, clumsy and uncomfortable), but after that, it’s just plain fun ... and much easier to market. At first, it seems like a leap of faith but it’s really what I call a leap of focus.

For more than 10 years, I tried to get business from anyone, anywhere. How many of these tactics sound familiar?

  • Working 24 hours a day, seven days a week for 365 days a year to scare up bits and pieces of work to keep the lights on but not much more.
  • Throwing marketing ideas at the wall to see what sticks, only to find them expensive and ineffective.
  • Tweeting into the wind, trying to get visibility in the growing world of social media and beyond.
  • Spreading business cards like confetti and giving free speeches to anyone who promised “lots of potential clients” in the audience.

It took a while, but I was ready to stop the madness.

Finding My Natural Niche

Finding and committing to my natural target market may have been the hardest part. My topic is not unique and neither am I—at least I didn’t think so. I’m no celebrity, hero, athlete or business tycoon. I’m just an expert on a mission to help someone.

I was stuck like this for a decade until I attended an Authentic You retreat by Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE. The lessons from her “archaeological dig” exercise lasted years beyond that three-day weekend. Looking to my past for evidence of one-of-a-kind stories improved my content and put me on a path to discover my natural target market.

Hiding in Plain Sight

What makes me different as a speaker was not a fact, feat or feature but a pattern from my past, one that was obvious to many—including my mastermind group—but completely invisible or ignored by me. I was too close to see it.

I’d grown up outdoors, learning about the environment and teaching others what I knew. My Boy Scout troop didn’t go camping often enough or in cold-enough weather, so my buddies and I planned long backpacking trips, rock climbing, caving and river-float adventures on our own.

This led to a certain skill set at a young age, and that led to a series of hobbies, degrees and job opportunities with a pattern: Eagle Scout, trail guide, survival instructor, professional forester, scoutmaster, firefighter, training manager, public affairs officer, organization development consultant and human resource executive. My niche was hiding in plain sight all along: leadership development for natural resource professionals.

Seeing the Forest and the Trees

At the center of my bullseye market are foresters and their organizations, technically trained outdoor professionals whom I knew well. Like other technically trained experts, they are great at what they do, but they didn’t learn leadership in biochemistry class!

I drew a mind map with “foresters” at the center and quickly sketched a complex web of organizations that employ foresters, including hundreds of state and federal agencies, dozens of forest products and professional associations, and a commercial forest products industry that ranks in the top 10 in 46 states.

And that’s just the center of the bullseye! The rest of it includes closely affiliated outdoor professions such as wildlife conservationists, soil scientists, water-quality experts, fire protection services, pathologists, agronomists, biometricians and all the vendors that supply these professionals and their industries.

Still, I had my doubts and psychological barriers. For example, I minimized the value of my knowledge and experience in this feld—what subject matter experts call the curse of knowledge. I was also concerned the market would be too frugal for my fees. It has been a challenge, but one that I am overcoming with proven value. Sometimes, you need to get out of your own way and just forge ahead.

Retooling My Natural Brand

After three previous attempts over 10 years to make my brand stick and stick out, and after fnally owning my new target market, I was determined to make this makeover work. It would mean crafting messages, creating images and framing my offers in the right ways, in plain English and in terms that made sense to the professionals I knew so well.

As I started to write, the words, images and analogies fowed easily. The process needed polishing, but the momentum and fow came easily, another sign that I had chosen the right target.

While I already had traction at the time, I enlisted the help of David Newman, an NSA expert in small business marketing, for speed and direction. That’s exactly what I got, because in just six months, I accomplished the following with his help and others:

  • Created a meaningful new brand name identity and tagline: “Leadership Nature - Because Great Managers Don’t Grow on Trees.”
  • Developed product and service offerings that were more powerfully organized and written based on solutions to their most painful 22 | SPEAKER | March 2013 leadership problems, not the tools I use to solve them.
  • Launched a new website ( with messages, imagesimages and resources navigation so that any visitors from my target market can easily see how well I know their world and demonstrate my readiness to help them.
  • Customized one-sheets: one for my ongoing legacy business ( intended for generic audiences, and one for my new targeted audience with Leadership Nature.
  • Redesigned training with simulations, examples and exercises specifcally tailored to natural resource professionals.
  • Co-authored and published a targeted leadership assessment profle for this audience called the RangeFinder™.
  • Converted my printed book into an e-book and started using it as an item of value for collecting emails for my newsletter and more.
  • Secured a regular column on leadership in my professional association’s news journal.
  • Selected a targeted few marketing activities (what David Newman calls “Money Making Activities”) that I could most easily and practically execute on a regular basis.

 7 Steps to Taking the Lead 

1. Join or start a mastermind group to challenge your thinking and support your success.

2. Embrace more of your wholelife experience and own it as much as you do your current expertise.

3. Match what you do now with what you did then.

4. Make over your marketing to fit your new niche.

5. Give back to your target market’s associations, conferences and publications; start locally and grow globally.

6. Maintain your generic identity where you already have a client base, but devote your
time, energy and resources into your niche business.

7. Seek help from other NSA members and other service providers, and take fuller advantage of what this organization is all about.

A Third-Person Perspective

David Newman, a marketing expert who works with speakers, authors and solo professionals, offers the following takeaways from his work with Tom Davidson.

Go with what you know.

Tom targeted an industry in which his expertise and experience provided him with the right names to drop and the best stories to tell. Credibility oozes into each of his conversations and buyers sense that Tom is the real deal—because he is!

Diversify while still specializing.

Tom built a wide variety of investable opportunities into his thought leadership platform. Each of his
delivery vehicles (training, keynotes, assessments, tune-ups) centers on a prospect problem; they are not merely a random collection of services.

Brand your mojo.

Everything Tom does with his branding and naming has a purpose. His wood-veneer
business cards, the name of his firm, the Spot Fires Blog, the RangeFinder assessment—each
of these parts makes the whole stronger and more cohesive. It’s not a gimmick. It works.

Focus on the ecosystem.

No, this isn’t a nature pun. The marketing ecosystem is the larger world of buyers and opportunities
that operate around your target market. Tom’s ecosystem includes natural resource professionals,
vendors, suppliers, government agencies, associations, conferences, and the commercial companies that sell into or depend on them. You’ll usually find your laser-focused niche is actually huge, once you map it out.

Reaping the Harvest

What happened was quite remarkable to me, but probably not surprising to the marketing experts who specialize in building speakers’ businesses. And while some of the components came faster than others, the overall results were astonishing:
  • Achieved much greater and more meaningful visibility with my bestfit client pool.
  •  Overcame most natural barriers to entry, resistance and objections more quickly and naturally.
  •  Found networking to be painless and productive.
  • Got more spin-off business from speaking engagements.
  •  Received more volunteered referrals and collected testimonials more easily than ever before.
  •  Increased my fees to match my expertise and position in the market.
  •  Had much more fun.

There are countless ways you might find and leverage your target market, but I hope this personal case study helps you see your possibilities more clearly and moves you more quickly from unknown generalist to wellknown expert. Take your own leap of focus, and you just might find you enjoy going over the cliff as much as I did.

David Newman is past president of NSA Philadelphia and author of the book DO IT! Marketing (AMACOM, 2013). Free marketing resources, templates and tools are waiting for you at

Tom Davidson is a forester and leadership expert. He is past president of NSA Virginia and co-founder of the Richmond Chapter of the International Coach Federation. Davidson holds BS degrees in forestry and agricultural economics, and an MBA and MS in organization development. He is author of The 8 Greatest Mistakes New Managers Make. He can be reached at Tom@ 

See the original article here

Marketing Coach Tip: Everything old is profitable again



Old is the New "NEW" - meaning, when it comes to marketing, everything old is profitable again! 

As a marketing speaker and marketing coach, I'm always being asked, "What's new? What's next?" Well, this answer may surprise you...

If you've been doing business (online or not) since the 1990's, today's marketing landscape should be eerily familiar... 

Check out these "retro" tactics - they're BACK and BIGGER and BETTER than ever... 

1. Online advertising - Google AdWords was the Granddaddy of them all... Remember when you could just buy some banner ads and the leads would pour in? (Yah, me neither. It was ALWAYS more complicated than that!!) Modern update: Advertising on Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter (and yes, Google of course) is creating a whole new online ad boom - just like the good old days!

Why? Because they're proven, they work (if you know what you're doing), and they can make you a LOT of money. 

2. Pop-up ads and pop-up offers - long the scourge of the Internet, pop-ups (and pop-under, pop-over, PopTart and every other sneaky variation) were rampant in the 1990's and early 2000's. Until the pop-up blocker industry came along, made millions of dollars, wiped the evil pop-up off the face of the earth... until today when pop-ups are back, bigger and better than ever.

Why? Because they're proven, they work (if you know what you're doing), and they can make you a LOT of money. 

3. Teleseminars - 10 years ago, you couldn't spit without hitting some business guru offering free teleseminars to showcase his or her products, services, or programs. Or offering paid teleseminars to generate a lot of revenue quickly. Fast forward to today, yes we have webinars, Google Hangouts, and virtual training - but guess what? Old school teleseminars are back, bigger than ever.

Why? Because they're proven, they work (if you know what you're doing), and they can make you a LOT of money. 

p.s. I don't know much about online advertising or pop-ups, but you can grab a boatload of actionable information on teleseminars (both Teleseminars as Marketing - and Teleseminars as Revenue) in this free "Teleseminar Domination" video series. Enjoy!

Click below to grab your FREE videos...

teleseminar domination free video series

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, thought leadership marketing, coach marketing, teleseminar marketing, teleseminar selling, trusted advisor marketing, marketing for trainers, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, do it marketing, lead generation