Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Marketing Coach: Simple Sells

For your marketing - and in business in general - simple SELLS. As a marketing coach for speakers, authors and independent professionals, I see it time and time again...

You're making it HARDER than it needs to be. Honest.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction."
-- Albert Einstein

What kind of professional would you be if you specialized in the small, the simple, and the gentle solutions?
Marketing speaker, marketing coach David Newman - Simple SELLS
Or does your style lean more towards the thicker report, the more complicated answer, the more expensive technology, and the more complex project plan?

Winston Churchill was asked how much time he would need to prepare a talk.

He replied that his preparation time depended on the talk's duration.

When asked about a 2-hour speech, he said he could deliver that immediately.

When asked about a 2-minute speech, he said "I should need a fortnight to prepare."

The short, simple, direct answers are often the most valuable - and take the longest time and the hardest work to prepare!

Question: What could you simplify right now that would make a difference to you and/or the people you want to impact the most with your marketing?

Tip: Whether you're selling your products, your services, or your ideas, the age-old fact is: simple SELLS.

What do you think? Use the COMMENTS area below to leave your advice and experiences on this topic.

speaker marketing program

p.s. Attention Speakers, Authors, Consultants and Independent Professionals: Enrollment is now open for the next 30-Day SpeakerLiftoff program that blasts off on December 7. Check out the details and info here. Let's work together to create YOUR game plan for simple marketing success in 2013 and beyond.

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, marketing professional services, marketing for trainers, small business marketing expert, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, small business marketing speaker, small business marketing coach

Marketing Coach: Your Web Traffic - Fitness Program or Autopsy?

marketing coach, small business marketing coachBad news: You are 9 days into the month and your website traffic is down 43%. 

Worse news: You don't even know about it. 

Why not? 

Because if you're like most small business owners, (non-web) entrepreneurs and independent professionals, you look at your web stats once a month - and almost always when it's too late. 

So the question for you and your organization is - are you looking at your web marketing game plan as a forward-looking fitness program -- or as a backward-looking autopsy?

The autopsy approach sounds like this: "What went wrong? Where did our site visits go? How come opt-ins dropped? Our bounce rate climbed again..." Sigh, worry, fret, fret, fret...

The fitness approach sounds like this: "It's been 10 days since our last blog post, we have to post more regularly - let's put something up this Tuesday and again on Thursday. Where's our SEO score card? I think we dropped back a few places on two of our keywords and it looks like we're back at #1 again for 'Poughkeepsie laundromat' - woo hoo! We need to load some fresh tweets to drive more traffic to our free report because it looks like opt-ins are dropping..."

DANGER: The fit get fitter. And the autopsy people are dead on the table. 

Where do your website stats stand today?

Please leave your insights, advice and recommendations in the COMMENTS section below...

Keywords: Marketing coach, small business marketing coach

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing for coaches, consulting firm marketing, marketing professional services, email marketing, marketing for trainers, marketing professional services firms, marketing ideas, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing mix, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, doitmarketing, content marketing, small business marketing coach, marketing tips, frustration

Marketing Coach: Your Expertise = Your Empire

marketing speaker marketing coach doitmarketingYou may have already heard about the upcoming Expertise to Empire Bootcamp Webinar Series produced my good friend and National Speakers Association colleague Shari Alexander.
If you are a speaker, consultant, coach, author, independent professional -- or executive looking to spread your message and monetize your professional expertise -- this program is for YOU. 

This 6-Session Weekly Bootcamp includes information, materials, and coaching on:   

  • How to create your personal Brand that puts your competition to shame
  • Strategically navigating the world of Social Media so that it doesn't eat up your life and your productivity while still generating leads 
  • The business of Public Speaking; learn what the top speakers are doing in today's market to get gigs and build their list
  • The ins and outs of the fast-changing Publishing world. Discover which method of book publishing is right for you. Then put the steps in place to successfully execute the book you've been dreaming of
  • Insider secrets of a successful Product Launch. Get more product sales in a shorter period of time with these tested and proven techniques
  • Find out what the masters are doing for their Market Research.  Get the edge in your business plan right from the start by implementing these easy and quick techniques

As with most well-marketed, well-delivered programs, naturally you get some nice bonuses in addition to the Early Bird pricing that is now in effect.  

You're invited to a FREE Q&A webinar TODAY June 7th at 2pm Pacific Time. 
If you can't come to the live webinar, I still recommend that you register because you'll get a copy of the replay. The registration link is below.

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

This is your chance to ask Shari' about the Expertise to Empire Bootcamp, find out if it's right for you AND get tons of FREE tips and advice!
Title: FREE Expertise to Empire Q&A webinar
Date: TODAY! Thursday, June 7, 2012
Time: 2pm  Pacific - 3pm Mountain - 4pm Central - 5pm Eastern  
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

Hope you'll check out this program because it might make all the difference in helping you get from Expertise - to Empire!

Tags: marketing speaker, personal branding, small business branding, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, marketing for trainers, product development, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, marketing strategist, speaker marketing, small business marketing, marketing mix, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, social media marketing