Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Marketing Coach: Your Ego is Not Your Amigo




As a marketing coach, I see a lot of misguided people in the marketplace but this one has to be in my Top 3 of all time...

Yup, it's been a while but here's the latest winner in the now infamous Marketing Jackass Awards...

Somebody was crazy enough to post this egomaniacal rant on Facebook.

She was complaining that (yet AGAIN) she was not hired by a prospect after slathering her self-centered egotistical slime all over them.

Shocking, right? 

  1. Take a look - and for a fun exercise, COUNT the number of times she uses the words, "I, me, and my." 
  2. Bonus question: If you were an executive on the receiving end of her pitch as she describes it, would YOU hire her? Why or why not? 
  3. Leave a comment below and let's discuss.

Here it is, straight from the source:


IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!! I had a meeting with an organization leader. After going through what I have accomplished, what I am great at fulfilling to help others excel, and the list of services and products I have created WITH MY TEAM OF EXPERTS, I was indirectly asked to *downplay* my genius because many people will feel uncomfortable and jealous. Really? I am being asked to be small, to suppress my God given gifts to help others because I have to protect the ego of people who are less capable? How is that being of service to people in need? How is that being authentic, and being true to who we are, our convictions and our mission in life?

I am deeply grateful to God for blessing me with many talents and abilities. I have learned many valuable lessons in life through my own experiences, and through the wisdom of mentors who I chose to help me become the best I can be to fulfill my big mission in life. I make no excuses for the magnificent person I have become because of my experiences and choices. Not everyone will support my big mission in life, and it is ok. I stand true to my values, and my higher mission to be the voice of Hope, Courage, Inspiration, Transformation and Resilience. People need me to lead them from their places of darkness into light, and help them stand confidently in their own magnificence. People need me to find the joy, peace, healing and positive changes in their lives. It will be a disservice for me to not share all the fantastic things I can help them with, because others will feel insecure.

Not everyone will get me. And no one can stop me. I WILL BE OF SERVICE TO HUMANITY FOR THE HIGHER GOOD, IN MY OWN AUTHENTIC AND SPECTACULAR WAY. IF OTHERS ARE BLINDED BY MY LIGHT, THEY NEED TO WEAR SUNGLASSES, or stay in the shade, and not block the sun from shining on others in need of light.


Here's a bonus graphic reminder for you. If you agree, please grab this image and share it with your social media networks: 

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, thought leadership marketing, professional services marketing, motivational speaker, professional speaker, marketing jackass, professional speaker marketing, motivational speaker marketing, marketing for consultants

Marketing Coach: Social Media vs. Social Me

doitmarketing marketing speaker marketing coach memeJust came across this Facebook post from someone who shall remain nameless to protect the self-absorbed.

On the surface, this will look innocent enough. 

But a treacherous marketing gaffe lies in wait... 

Another victim is about to fall prey to the Social Media disease known as... 

[Drum roll]...

Social Me... 

Check it out and let's discuss... 

While I really value having connections on Facebook, I'm noticing that I'm not as active on my personal page and decided that focusing on my Public page will be the best use of my time and allow me to really connect more with people. So I am in the process of deactivating this page - if you haven't already, please 'like' my community page so we can still connect there: [link]

What's wrong with this picture?

Let's color-code it and you'll see how NOT to confuse "Social Me" with "Social Media"...

While I really value having connections on Facebook, I'm noticing that I'm not as active on my personal page and decided that focusing on my Public page will be the best use of my time and allow me to really connect more with people. So I am in the process of deactivating this page - if you haven't already, please 'like' my community page so we can still connect there: [link]

If you were keeping score, you noticed that there were 10 - TEN! - mentions of "I, Me, My" in this two-sentence post. 

One of the games I like to play with my marketing coaching clients is to take ANY piece of copy - a sales letter, a web page, a prospecting email - and totally REMOVE ALL "I, Me, My" language and translate it 100% into YOU and YOUR language, which is much more compelling to most of your prospects, readers, and fans. 

Here goes... 

The level of activity on this page has diminished so that the value you're getting is not at the level you deserve. Please click over to this new page [link] where you can tap into a much more active community, ask your questions, take part in value-rich discussions, get the answers you need PLUS you'll get access to valuable downloads, resources, and tools. See you on the other side!

Social Media... 

Did you notice the new score? 

Let's turn on the colors again and see how you did...

The level of activity on this page has diminished so that the value you're getting is not at the level you deserve. Please click over to this new page [link] where you can tap into a much more active community, ask your questions, take part in value-rich discussions, get the answers you need PLUS you'll get access to valuable downloads, resources, and tools. See you on the other side!

Old score (Social Me): 0-10. You lose! 

New score (Social Media): 7-0. You win!

What do you think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations when it comes to Social Media vs. Social Me... 

Grab your FREE copy of the Strategic Marketing eBook.

And then leave a comment below with your questions, thoughts, and advice on the ideas above.

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Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, social media, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing jackass, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, marketing coach, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, social media marketing, social media scripts, public speaker marketing

Marketing Coach: Dumbest Marketing Question of the Week

Marketing Jackass Direct marketing advertising

I get questions. Some are smart and some are... not so smart.

This one is not QUITE worth the Marketing Jackass Award - but it's close. 

And now without further ado, here it is - THE Dumbest Marketing Question of the Week (yes, it's only Wednesday but I have a high level of confidence that it won't get any worse THIS week)...

From: Joe Blow <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 4:54 PM
Subject: David, may I borrow your mind?  


We all appreciate and can feel the power of social media. My question is, if I do not care about impression national wide / long time brand build, what's the best way to move products? Just simply sale it.  

-- Joe

First, this gent wants to "borrow my mind." That's a compliment I suppose. Some days, I'm not sure even I can use it to best advantage. Tell you what, Joe -- it's yours. Be my guest...

If I don't care about impressions nationwide - Hello? This guy sells a product. A great product. A product sold on the web. GLOBALLY. Yet the premise of his question is that he doesn't care about impressions nationwide. This is problem #1.

I don't care about long time brand build - WHAT?? So you want the slam-bam thank-you ma'am instant sort of branding, name recognition, word-of-mouth referrals, and raving fan base, right? Coming right up... How about a zero-calorie Big Mac to go with that? And some non-addictive cigarettes? This type of wishful fantasy thinking is problem #2.

What's the best way to move products? Just simply sale it? The best way to "move products" and sell more is to make impressions nationwide, become known as the "trusted brand" in your market, focus on a niche to generate a raving fan base over time, and let your customers spread the word about how ridiculously AWESOME your product is. Missing this fact ("as obvious as a ham sandwich" as Alan Weiss likes to say) is problem #3.

The second best way (and it's a FAR DISTANT second) is to invest in a LOT of direct marketing and buy a LOT of advertising. 

I'm not being a smartass - really - because if you have the direct marketing and advertising budget of Bose, Gevalia, or Tempur-Pedic - be my guest. Spend hundreds of millions of dollars. But here's the rub: THAT will take YEARS too! And a whole hell of a lot more dollars.

You can do it my way. For 95% less money. Starting right now.  

Your call, Joe. 

What do you think? Please share your responses in the COMMENTS area below...

marketing coach, marketing speaker, jackass marketing award

Tags: marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing for coaches, marketing concept, marketing jackass, marketing ideas, marketing coach, marketing strategist, marketing mix