Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Marketing Speaker: How to Get Clients by Speaking

marketing speaker david newman

The Challenge

Too often, professional services firms:

  • Do marketing “by accident” or don’t do outbound marketing effectively
  • Hope that “prospects will call us when they need us”
  • Never know where their next lead is coming from
  • Don’t market using their best asset – thought leadership
  • Throw too many dollars into a “marketing black hole”

The Opportunity

Independent research with over 700 professional services firms proves that the #1 source of new business is “Making warm calls to existing clients” – and #2 and #3 are “Speaking at conferences and trade shows” and “Running our own seminars and events” yet if yours is like the majority of firms, you haven’t yet cracked the code on how to make this work for YOUR people to attract YOUR clients.

More research shows that 52-72% of B2B professional services BUYERS are willing to switch to new service providers across a spectrum of specialties. (Wellesley Hills Group, 2009 What’s Working in Lead Generation professional services market study)

Meaning: You’re always ONE good presentation away from closing new business.

The Payoff

Professional services firms and thought leaders within large companies can often do a MUCH better job in the following areas:

• Design and deliver a client-magnet presentation

• Generate leads without being salesy

• Use Before-During-After marketing to stay top of mind

• Maximize profits on a shoestring marketing budget

• Generate more leads, better prospects and bigger sales using irresistible offers and high-integrity techniques

...and in my experience working with clients like this, it does NOT take huge amounts of work; small, targeted shifts in your packaging, promotion, messaging, and followup makes all the difference (which we usually nail down over the course of 1 or 2 days together and then the floodgates open!)

Last Word: Marketing Skills vs. Presentation Skills

A decent presentation built for marketing and sales results will outperform a brilliant presentation built for a “standing ovation” or praise from your local Toastmaster’s club or high marks from a presentation skills coach.

Bottom line: I don’t care if you become a great speaker. I do very much care that you become a good speaker who consistently generates more leads, better prospects, and bigger sales each time you present in front of a roomful of potential buyers.

What do you think? Fire off some thoughts, comments, or questions in the COMMENTS section below. Let's talk about this one...

Tags: marketing speaker, keynote speaker, motivational speaker, professional speaker, marketing, speaking, thought leadership, conference speaker

Marketing Speaker: Success without Stress

marketing speaker, marketing coach David NewmanWhat follows is not directly related to marketing, copywriting, professional speaking and the other topics I typically cover here — and it is easy to dismiss advice like this as simplistic or trivial.

But when copywriter Kim Stacey e‐mailed this list to me, I read it carefully—and found it to be deceptively profound and effective.

Here are 10 tips for living less stressfully, from “Loving and Leaving the Good Life” by Helen Nearing: 

1. Do the best you can, whatever arises.

2. Be at peace with yourself.

3. Find a job you enjoy.

4. Live in simple conditions; get rid of clutter.

5. Contact nature every day; find the earth under your feet.

6. Take physical exercise. 

7. Donʹt worry; live one day at a time.

8. Share something every day with someone else; help someone else somehow. 

9. Take time to wonder at the world and at life; see some humor in life where you can.

10. Be kind.

If you have some thoughts to add, please do so in the COMMENTS section below:

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, professional services marketing, marketing coach, success tips, marketing tip

Marketing Speaker: Building Your Brand Sandwich

Just got a question from one of my NSA speaker friends, Kevin Lerner of PresentationTeam. His question is as common as it is tricky:

"Is it better to promote your personal brand or your company brand?"

He continued, "Do I put more focus into the personal or professional? I'm seeing more and more people who have mostly professional information in their social media profiles and activities (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter). Do I maintain a presence for both? Which one is primary - me or the company?"

Good observation, Kevin, and even better question. As a marketing speaker and marketing coach who works with professional speakers, consultants, and professional services firms, this question comes up a lot.

brand sandwich marketing speaker David NewmanThe answer lies in building your brand sandwich. It's made up of several layers and each one needs to be hot, tasty, and fresh on it's own. (And avoid using ciabatta bread.)

Seriously - here are the layers for your brand sandwich:

  • Your personal name/brand (in my case, David Newman)
  • Your company name (for me, Do It! Marketing)
  • Your book titles (ex: 21 Secrets of Simple Marketing Success)
  • Your speech/seminar titles (ideally, there's a book or product with the SAME name in your arsenal)  
  • Your sound bites and building your "marketing language bank" (which is itself one of MY sound bites!!)
  • Your favorite sayings or expressions (ex: "Fabulous!!!" or "BAM!")

When it comes to social media, the best plan is to market your PERSONAL brand first and foremost. After all, remember it's called SOCIAL media -- not BUSINESS media!

My three rules for social media (and these apply equally well to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and your blog):

1. It's SOCIAL (be a PERSON first) - 3-dimensional, quirky, approachable, authentic, fun

2. It's OUTWARD-focused - Just like making friends, you'll make a lot more of them if you make your social interactions about THEM and not about YOU

3. It's a RELATIONSHIP and not a transaction - treat your followers, fans, and friends like real people. They have egos, they have feelings, they like being thanked, recognized, promoted, and praised. So DO THOSE things and you'll do great.

So Kevin - YOU ROCK, BABY! Thanks for asking the killer question!!

A corporate presence in social media is great -- if you're a corporation.

If you're a 1-5 person business (like 90% of businesses in America are), then you're NOT trading on your company's name - you're trading on your own. Make your social media strategy fit that reality and all the pieces will come together nicely for you.

Tags: marketing speaker, social media, marketing coach, small business marketing, marketing tip

Motivational Speaker Tip: Quickest way to the poor house is...

This smart marketing speaker,  motivational speaker philadelphia, professional speaker david newmanmarketing tidbit came across my desk from Joan Stewart, aka the Publicity Hound:
One of the most valuable tips I learned is that the onslaught of emails I'm receiving from business people offering cut-rate prices on their products and services is, for them, the quickest way to the poor house. In fact, raising prices, even in a meltdown economy, is one of the fastest ways to success.
Why is this so smart? Well, because Joan agrees with me on this point. I'm not ashamed to share with you that for 2010, I've just raised my speaking fee. And not by a little - by a lot. Specifically, it's up by 33%. And it wasn't low to start with.
Surprise: I'm booking just as many programs - and perhaps slightly more than before with (because of?) the higher fee level.
Leave a comment below and share YOUR wisdom on what YOU are doing to raise yourself above the competition - both literally with pricing and in other more customer-centric ways...

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing for coaches, keynote speaker, small business marketing expert, small business coach, motivational speaker, professional speaker, marketing ideas, marketing coach, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, marketing tip, public speaker marketing, pricing

Small business marketing: lessons from Home Depot

motivational speaker david newman marketing speaker marketing coachAs a marketing speaker and marketing coach, many of my clients have neither the budget nor the business model to justify a big advertising budget, much less advertising on TV... BUT a while back there was a Home Depot television commercial that brilliantly demonstrated an understanding of HOW their customers (and yours) make purchasing decisions.

It went something like this…

A man is standing in the tool department holding a drill while his wife looks on dubiously.

He obviously wants to buy it, but apparently expects some resistance from his wife so in an effort to convince her says, "Don't think of this as a drill, think of this as your new book shelves."

Well, his ploy worked because in the next scene, the same couple is standing in front of the table saws. He smiles at his wife, points to one and says, "And think of this as your new deck!"

The final scene shows the same couple getting ready to purchase a shop vac. Only this time the woman speaks up and says, "And I can think of this as my clean garage!"

Not only do they do a stellar job of articulating their products' benefits but they do so without mentioning one feature! So, the next time you're tempted to itemize your products' or services' nifty features take a deep breath and stop.

Instead, articulate how those features translate into customer benefits, outcomes, and results.

Tags: marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing success, small business advertising, professional speaker, articulation, marketing ideas, marketing coach, advertising

Marketing Speaker: 12 Rules for Bringing Out the Best in People

As amarketing speaker  motivational speaker david newman motivational speaker in the area of marketing and business development, I'm often asked by CEOs and business owners about how they can be better leaders of their internal marketing efforts. 

My answer is you can't be a great marketing leader unless you're first a great leader.

Here are some guidelines that the best leaders across all disciplines have come to recognize as foundational to their leadership success and that I share with you for the benefit of your own marketing success:

  1. Expect the best from people you lead.
  2. Become fully aware of others' needs.
  3. Establish high standards of excellence; communicate them
    clearly and often.
  4. Create an environment where failure is not fatal.
  5. Climb on other people's bandwagons if they're going
    anywhere near the neighborhood you want to go.
  6. Employ stories, examples, analogies, and models to
    encourage success.
  7. Use a balanced mix of positive and negative feedback in
    a constructive spirit and with specific substance.
  8. Appeal sparingly (or not at all) to competitive or
    aggressive impulses.
  9. Encourage and reward collaboration.
  10. Build into the group an allowance for healthy conflict
    and "fights" around issues, not around personalities.
  11. Recognize and celebrate achievement.
  12. Take steps to keep your own level of motivation genuine
    and high

Tags: marketing speaker, entrepreneurship, small business coach, marketing, leadership, ceo, marketing coach, small business marketing, success

Marketing speaker: Use testimonials wisely

marketing speaker marketing coach testimonialsTestimonials are among the most powerful marketing ammunition in your marketing arsenal. As a small business marketing speaker, I'm often asked if testimonials are important - and if so, why?

Testimonials have the power to achieve a variety of things for your marketing and customer retention programs.

Each time you use a testimonial you need to decide what you are trying to accomplish or what message you are trying to support. For example, they can:

* Overcome buyer skepticism. Use a testimonial to shine light on your credibility, or on the quality of your product or service. This type of testimonial builds trust and overcomes natural barriers. In the example above, the testimonial could have read: "Best product I've tried in this price bracket - and I've tried many. Great value for money, and no shortcuts on quality."

 * Overcome objections. Your readers are going to be naturally skeptical of any claims, promises or bold statements. As much as you can back yourself up with facts, a third party experience or opinion will work wonders to overcome unspoken objections in the customer's mind. "It all sounded too good to be true, but when I used the hair straightener, there was more shine and less breakage."

* Simplify or make a point. A customer's personal experience with your product or service will work to persuade your audience like a story does. Complex explanations or abstract applications will make more sense when applied to real life examples. This works well with highly technical products or complex services where the customer doesn't need to understand all the details.

* Break up and maintain interest in long copy. Readers have short attention spans and they will get bored unless you can change up the structure on a regular basis. Quotations and testimonials will break up the tone or voice of the copy, and sound like the customer is reading dialogue, which will keep them engaged. You can also break up paragraphs with a testimonial that supports the point you have just made.

* Target anxieties or doubts. Just like they can overcome skepticism and objections, they can also overcome hidden anxieties or doubts at each stage of the sales process. Anticipate questions like "is this worth my money?", "do I really need this?", "can I trust the guarantee?" and "will they sell my information?", and place testimonials accordingly.

Use testimonials in your marketing efforts and you'll unleash the power of social proof, reduce risk, and induce the "I gotta get me some o' that" factor!

What has been your experience with testimonials? Use the comments area below to share your thoughts...

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, web marketing, marketing ideas, marketing coach, small business marketing speaker, marketing tip, marketing tips, referrals, testimonials

Marketing speaker: 5 Secrets of Entrepreneurial Success

Marketing speaker David Newman motivational speaker PhiladelphiaFrom Fred Smith, founder of Federal Express: 
  1. The first secret is to have a compelling business idea, one that is differentiated and sustainable.
  2. The second secret is to be a zealot.
  3. Third on my list of secrets is to have a conservative business plan.
  4. Secret number four is to work effectively with others.
  5. The last secret of truly successful entrepreneurship is to change and grow as your business grows.
Fred Smith Speech to Entrepreneurs: The Five Secrets of Entrepreneurial Success

From David Newman, founder of Do It! Marketing:

I would suggest that these 5 secrets apply no more or less to entrepreneurs than they do to people working inside organizations. In fact, they may even apply MORE so!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing success, small business, entrepreneurship, small business marketing expert, small business coach, marketing ideas, marketing strategist, small business marketing, marketing tips

Marketing speaker: Do you have the 'X' gene?

Marketing speaker marketing coach marketing DNA"We often talk about ourselves as if we have permanent genetic flaws that can never be altered."
-- Marshall Goldsmith

This snippet from America's preeminent executive coach (and founding director of the Alliance for Strategic Leadership) speaks volumes about where most people are today, and where they COULD BE.

My wife was on the phone a while back with a friend who runs a video production business. She asked him, "So, Ron - do YOU have the sales gene?" Turns out that neither one of them believed they had "the sales gene." Problem is, HE was in sales and my wife wasn't!

Guess how robust his sales are?


Although I'm a marketing speaker and not a sales trainer, I can tell you that this mindset WILL hurt your bottom line.  

And the term "gene" - as in the creativity gene, the leadership gene, the money-making gene, the happiness gene - is as FLEETING in reality as it sounds BIOLOGICALLY PERMANENT when we talk about it!

Thomas Watson, Jr. of IBM weighed in on this issue when talking about excellence (or the 'excellence gene' as we might call it in this context):

"If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work."

Try this version on for size: If you want to achieve X (sales, dating, marketing, whatever), as of this second, start believing that you DO possess that gene -- and then ACT on that fact!

Tags: marketing speaker, marketing success, small business coach, motivational speaker, professional speaker, professional speaker marketing, motivational speaker marketing, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, marketing tips

Marketing Speaker - Less is Truly More or "Multitasking is BS"

Marketing speaker, marketing coach, Philadelphia keynote speaker David NewmanMarketing speakers and marketing consultants are famous for packing in "over 100 strategies you can use immediately" and "97 secrets" or "51 immutable laws" of this and that.

Problem is - those numbers are too high. You don't need 100, you can't implement 97, and you'll never get a handle on 51.

You need 3-4 max. Three strategies. Or four tactics. Used with focus, momentum, and consistency...

Less is truly more. Here's Picasso's take on it:
You must always work not just within, but below your means. If you can handle three elements, handle only two. If you can handle ten, then handle only five. In that way, the ones you do handle, you handle with more ease, more mastery, and you create a feeling of strength in reserve.

-- Pablo Picasso

If any one thing characterizes the time in which we live, it is the tendency to strive and to overreach and to want more, more, more, now, now, now.

The problem with multi-tasking and this go-go-go pattern of life and work is that there is no room for mastery, for ease, for “strength in reserve.”

  • If you want to get more done, work more slowly.
  • If you want it faster, develop a singular focus.
  • If you want to get better, do less.
The age of better-faster-cheaper is over. And you know what? Even if you want better-faster-cheaper, the internet has already raised the bar on you because it has brought with it the expectation of perfect-now-free. You can’t win that game.

Success, according to Picasso’s definition of “mastery, ease, and reserve” is much like the great pot roast recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation in three simple words:

Low and slow.

You can’t make a good pot roast quickly.

In a hurry? Fine.

Start cooking it sooner.

Buy good meat.

Make your own stock. Don’t open a can.

Use fresh vegetables cut to the right size.

Add only the things you like and what you know tastes good. (Hate potatoes? Don’t add them – it’s YOUR pot roast!) Take care blending the ingredients.

Cook it low and slow. (This seems like a good recipe for marketing, relationships, and life, too!)

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, marketing for coaches, small business marketing expert, motivational speaker, marketing ideas, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, marketing tips