Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Which Do YOU Need More - Strategy or Implementation?

small business marketing coach business coaching strategyAs a marketing coach for business owners, entrepreneurs and solo professionals, I'm often asked some variation of the following questions:

  • What's more important - a focused marketing plan or consistent marketing activity?
  • Do I need to change my marketing strategy? 
  • What should I be doing more of - and less of - to get more clients? 
  • How do I know the kind of marketing that will work for what I offer? 
  • How can I stop spinning my wheels and do a FEW simple things consistently to generate leads, prospects and sales?

Here's my answer in very sophisticated and technical marketing lingo:

"Wow, man... I dunno."

Now before you dismiss me as a complete marketing moron, let me put that insightful statement into some context for you.

If you don't know where you are, who you're marketing to, what they want, what they're willing to pay for, and how to position yourself as the "Ah - at last!!" solution they've been looking for, then all these questions will do is: 

  • Confuse you
  • Scare you
  • Piss you off

And the bottom line is that it's tough to be a successful entrepreneur when you're running around confused, scared and pissed off all the time. 

So stop it. 

The first thing you need to decide is - which do YOU need more of? A revised and refocused master plan? Or some healthy ass-kicking to DO what you ALREADY know you need to do?

Follow the Teddy Roosevelt principle of "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." What does that mean?

That means you need to STOP GETTING READY TO GET READY until...

  • You get your next professional certification...
  • You finish writing your book...
  • Your kids are a little older...
  • You build your updated website...
  • You have a few more clients...
  • You start making more money...


Can you SMELL the stinky pile of rotten excuses suffocating you with their disgusting stench?


The short answer is a screaming YES with racing stripes and flames coming out the tailpipes.

Do you need a 60-page marketing/business plan with charts and graphs and financial projections for the next 5 years? No you do not. 

You need some flip charts, markers, paper, plenty of wall space and at least half a day to map out: 

  • Your business and marketing objectives and strategies
  • Your current and future revenue streams
  • Your thought leadership strategies (speaking, publishing, social media)
  • Your business systems and processes
  • Your current and future staffing and outsourcing game plan
  • Simple templates and scripts to operationalize your plan
  • Your pricing structure including new ways to monetize your expertise
  • Your marketing action plan with daily, weekly and monthly tasks 

I do this with my clients all the time - it's called a VIP Coaching Day and the process and the output look something like the flipcharts and action notes you'll see smack in the middle of this page.


The short answer is a screaming YES with racing stripes and flames coming out the tailpipes.

Do you need a 1,000% laser focus with a non-stop implementation mindset? No you do not. That's not realistic and it's never going to happen. 

You need a calendar, just a little bit of focus, some serious accountability for a short period of time, and your to-do list (which probably contains some long-overdue "big ideas" which you've simply never gotten around to doing even though they might be the exact things you need to FINISH so that you get out of your rut, find your groove and grow your business significantly!)

What kinds of to-do items might you tackle on such a focused day of implementation?

  • Rewrite the home page of your website
  • Record a series of videos or audios that showcase your services
  • Do some writing to better articulate your fabulousness
  • Create a few simple tools to help you generate more leads
  • Clean up your office or empty your inbox to streamline your daily work
  • Develop (or refresh) your consulting or service/project offerings
  • Optimize your social media profiles so that more prospects find (and contact!) you
  • Draft the outline for your book, product, or signature program
  • Map out your proactive referral and networking strategy (who, what, where, when)

I do this with my clients all the time too. It's called a DO IT DAY and you can find out more about them here. Sign up for the next one - I'd be honored to do a little ass-kicking with YOU over a single focused day... and cheer you on as you cross the finish line on what YOU need to get done

What do you think? Use the COMMENTS area below to talk about your experiences with strategy vs. implementation for YOUR business...

Tags: consultant marketing, marketing concept, marketing coaching, small business marketing expert, small business coach, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, marketing consultant, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, small business marketing coach

5 Reasons You're Getting Referred to Losers - and How to Fix It

marketing coach marketing speaker doit marketingAs a marketing speaker and marketing coach, I preach and teach and continually refine my own ability to stimulate more and better referrals in addition to helping my small business and professional services clients do the same. 

Although I am not a referral expert - check out my pal referral marketing expert Michael Goldberg for that - I am indeed a referral enthusiast

A client of mine - a consultant with a midsized firm - asked me a great referral question.

After reading this post, YOU will see where your own referral generation process may be stuck - and how to fix it. 

My client said to me, "David, I don't seem to have any problem generating referrals. In fact, my clients and colleagues are always very generous and forthcoming with referrals. The problem is not with QUANTITY - it is with QUALITY."

She went on, "No matter how successful my referral source may be, they seem to always refer me only to losers. I hate to say that - but you know what I mean. People who can't afford what we do, folks who are not decision-makers, or folks who for a variety of reasons are simply not the right fit."

Her question: "How can I get out of referral jail?"

Here are five ideas to help YOU get out of referral jail and put YOUR allies, advocates, friends and fans in the best and most likely position to refer you to the right people for the right reasons with the right fit. 

1. Ask for what you want. 

Be specific. "Business owners" is not specific. "IT managers" is not specific. "Front line salespeople" is not specific.

  • "CEOs of 20-100 person companies in the food distribution industry in the Northeast US" is specific.
  • "Female sales executives in the technology industry" is specific.
  • "IT managers in Canadian call centers" is specific. 

Some of my clients also like to include a "phrase book" in their referral description. This means the phrases to listen for that indicate someone may be a good fit as a referral to you.

The WORST kind of referral request is, "I'll talk to anybody who needs [your product/service.]"

Stop making dumb referral requests and you'll stop getting dumb referrals.

2. Show them names, companies, and proof that you can make those people happy.

Let's face it - the reason people don't want to give you referrals is because they're putting their own relational capital (aka reputation) on the line. And that's risky.

If you can remove the risk of the referral, you will open the floodgates to getting more and better referrals for life. 

Hint: They won't believe YOU. They WILL believe your clients, past referrals, and people who have given you money and been thrilled to do so. 

Print up a sheet called "Referral Success Stories." Put in 5-7 specific referrals you've gotten over the last 12 months. Put in TWO kinds of quotes from both:

a. Clients who were referred and eventually hired you (Client success)
b. Your referral sources who are quoting how good they looked for making the referral (Referral success)

3. Tell them exactly what to say or send.

I hate to repeat myself so let me simply point out this post on the power of referral blurbs. Follow the templates given here to create your own referral blurb and START USING IT.

4. When a bad referral comes in, give some referral coaching.

When you get referred to a dud, diplomatically tell your referral source why it wasn't a great fit AND how they can tune their radar better next time.

Here's the template you can adapt to your own situation, style and tone. This is a delicate communication so you will want to re-word this carefully. Definitely not a cut-and-paste cookie cutter response but here's your starting point: 



I've kindly and gently turned down the opportunity to pursue a business relationship with [referral name.]

Too many red flags and especially after listening to his concerns, he's just not a good fit for us.

Thank you very much indeed for the referral - and in my book, it still counts. (EVERY referral counts no matter how it turns out!!)

If this causes you any strain in your relationship with [referral name] (and I doubt it will), please accept my apologies in advance.

For the record, his PROFILE was perfect - [DESCRIBE 2-3 ideal qualities about the referral.] The disconnect was in OUR FIT with his expectations and [lack of budget, lack of need, lack of authority, whatever was missing] -- two factors over which YOU had no control.

Always appreciate your advocacy, guidance and friendship.

-- David


5. Ask smart Referral-GIVING questions to generate smart Referral-GETTING answers. 

If you want to increase both the quality and quantity of your INCOMING referrals - the fastest way to do that is to increase your OWN track record of GIVING high-quality referrals. 

And to do so, you need to stop guessing and start targeting

Become a referral detective.

Learn to ask consultative questions of your current clients, vendors, partners, suppliers, friends, colleagues, and networking associates -- anyone to whom you wish to GIVE more targeted referrals. 

Your questions might include: 

  1. Who is your best client and why?
  2. How did they come to you? 
  3. What situation were they in? 
  4. What did they say or do to show interest? 
  5. How could you tell they were a great fit? 
  6. How have you tried to get more just like them? 
  7. What should I be listening for? (Ask for details and specifics)
  8. What's the DNA of a great prospect for you? (Ask for details and specifics)
  9. What phrases, key words or problems should I be listening for on your behalf? 
  10. What wants, needs, desires, and aspirations do your best clients have in common? (Ask for details and specifics)
  11. What heartaches, headaches, obstacles and challenges do your best clients have in common? (Ask for details and specifics)
  12. If I programmed my GPS to home in on perfect prospects for you, what would those settings look like? (Ask for details and specifics)
Be relentless in your followup questions to tease out details. Here's a set of probing tools to get you armed and ready for intelligent follow-up: 
  1. Tell me more about that...
  2. Say more about... 
  3. Why was that important to them? 
  4. What makes you say that? 
  5. How could you tell? 
  6. And that led to... 
  7. Why was that a problem? 
  8. What else did they say? 
  9. What else do you think they're after? 
  10. Please share 2-3 of your favorite pre-qualification questions so I can start to refer you more accurately
Follow these 5 steps to generate MORE and BETTER referrals that are MORE likely to close FASTER and more EASILY. 
-- David

P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you grow your speaking-driven business:

1. Grab a free copy of my Action Guide

Download "6 Keys to Rapidly Grow Your Speaking Business." It’s the roadmap to attract prospects, get more clients, and scale your speaking  business fast. — Click Here

2. Join the Art of High Profit Speaking group

It’s our free Facebook community where smart speakers, consultants, and experts learn to boost their reach and revenue with the power of speaking. — Click Here 

3. Watch our current free on-demand masterclass

Get in front of the exact right buyers, get off the gig-to-gig hamster wheel, and build a high-fee speaking-driven business you can be proud of. — Click Here

4. Work with me and my team privately
If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to help you build a high-fee speaking, training, consulting, and coaching business in our Speaker Profit Formula mentorship, see details and client case studies here first and then schedule your call here.

Tags: consultant marketing, marketing concept, referral blurb, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, small business coach, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, referral marketing, referrals

Marketing Coach: 5 Keys to Buyer Persona Marketing

Marketing coach 5 keys to buyer persona marketingBuyer persona marketing is not about knowing your customers or what they like to buy. 

It's much more than that. It's about getting inside their heads to deeply understand their emotional drives.  

Many of my small business owner and solopreneur clients claim to know their customer, yet they haven't really tapped into the potential of buyer persona marketing.

Once you finish this article, you'll own the 5 keys to unlock your very own pair of X-Ray goggles to connect with your best prospects so you can sell more, more easily and more often. 

As far as small business marketing goes, you'll be stuck in the minor leagues until you realize that in order to know your customer, you must first create an archetypical buyer, based upon all the information you can glean from your past clients, prospects, and previous conversations you've had with folks who bought - and perhaps more importantly, folks who didn't buy. 

What you need to figure out is the entire person, the whole picture.  Once you begin to understand the psychological motivations and emotional triggers that make your customers buy a certain product or service, you can much more effectively market to them in a way that will put you miles ahead of your competition.

Understanding your buyers is a bit like taking apart a mechanical apparatus to see what makes it tick. 

First, you need to know what problems your buyers are experiencing on a daily basis, or how they prioritize their time and the solutions to these problems.  Your product needs to offer an emotional relief from one or more of these problems.  In short, the buyer needs to NEED your product from an emotional standpoint, and they will then justify the purchase rationally after the fact.  Humans are capable of rationalizing just about any behavior if it triggers an emotional reward.  Bank on that with your product and let your marketing follow.

Secondly, work to identify the rewards your customers gain from purchasing your product.  This ties back into the emotional reward, but try to understand exactly what the buyer gains from your product, on a very basic level.  This will help you market to that reward and toward filling your prospect's emotional gap. 

Just as you consider the rewards, also look at what the perceived barriers to success or reaching that reward are, from the customer's standpoint.  This is the part of the process where you need to understand the thought process that each customer uses to either justify their emotional reactions or to justify not buying your product. 

When you begin to build a model to break down these barriers, your product or service literally sells itself with little to no resistance from your customer.  

Third, it is crucial to understand the buying process that your typical customer goes through.  This is to say that you need to better understand each step of their emotional and rational justification for having your product in their lives.  Do they compare other products to yours in an effort to sort out which one will offer the best reward?  If so, you need to understand the other products they are comparing yours to.  It is important to align your product and marketing solutions to their process for vetting information along with the emotional connection to the problem your product is solving for them on a day to day basis.

This leads to your fourth key - your competitive analysis. Which boils down to a simple answer to a simple question: Exactly how does your product compare against others from the standpoint of the criteria that your customers develop to help them make a decision? 

These are questions that can be answered if you truly LISTEN to your customers and understand what they are telling you. 

The fifth key is personal conversations. The fastest, easiest and most enjoyable way to figure all of this out is to ENGAGE your customer base in face-to-face real time dialogue. Yes, I'm talking about personal conversations, either on the phone or in person. Think about sitting down - at least monthly - with your clients and prospects over breakfasts, lunches, coffees. Can't make it in person? Use the phone or Skype and take them to a "virtual lunch" or "virtual coffee." Shouldn't take more than 30 minutes and you'll both benefit hugely.

Why? Because you'll learn firsthand the direct path to their own interests and emotional triggers - and you'll hear it in their OWN WORDS. Use THAT language in your marketing, and it's much more likely to resonate with others just like them!

When you begin to "sync" with your buyers at the deepest and most personal level -- and how they make buying decisions -- you're on your way to effective, attractive marketing that will draw clients and customers to you like a magnet.

What do you think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your experiences with buyer persona marketing...

Tags: marketing speaker, marketing success, consultant marketing, marketing book, marketing professional services, entrepreneurship, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, marketing strategist, marketing mix, doit marketing, marketing tips, buyer persona

Marketing Concept: Lose Your Earnings Cap

product development for speakers, consultants, and expertsGuest post by Erin Blaskie

Does your business only have one income stream? Meaning, one way that you receive revenue from your paying clients?  

If so, please read this post as this marketing concept might very well change your business and your life!  

If you’re a one-revenue pony, you probably trade your time for money. This means that you probably sit at your desk (or on a couch or stand on a stage) and you do something in exchange for income. Maybe you provide a service or maybe you provide your insight and advice or perhaps you provide a speaking event. Whatever it is, you have one way to produce revenue.  

Now, let’s imagine that you have a cap of eight working hours in each day. I know you may have more or less but let’s just say eight for the purpose of this example.  

With eight working hours, let’s imagine that five of those hours produce you revenue whereas the other three are spent answering e-mails, creating proposals, entering expenses, etc. – all of the business stuff that no one pays you for.  

If you have five billable hours in each day, let’s figure out your earning cap. We all have one – this earning cap is the maximum we can possibly earn if we only do what we are doing right now for the rest of our working life.  

Five hours multiplied by your hourly rate is equal to your earning cap.  

Here’s an example:  

  • 5 x $50/hour = $250 per day
  • $250/day x 5 days/week = $1,250/week
  • $1,250/week x 52 weeks/year = $65,000/year  

See?  You have an earning cap.  Most people who come to me say, “I want to earn six figures” but they have no idea whatsoever how much they would have to earn in order to actually MAKE six figures per year.  They just want that elusive figure.  So, let’s see how much someone would have to make per day if they wanted to earn $100,000/year.  

  • $100,000/year / 52 weeks/year = $1,923/week
  • $1,923/week / 5 days/week = $384.60/day
  • $384.60/day / 5 hours/day = $76.92/hour  

You can use the equation above to figure out how much you need to earn per hour in order to hit your various revenue goals. This will help you to understand how much you really can make without trying to over extend yourself.  

Now, imagine that you had your five billable hours each day per the example above AND you had other revenue streams.  

Imagine what it would be like to see sales come in from other sources where you aren’t actively working. Imagine seeing sales come in at night, when you are spending time with your family on the weekends and while you are vacationing.  

Other revenue streams instantly boost your earning cap.  In fact, adding income streams to your business blows the roof off of your earning cap because there is NO earning cap when you have the potential to make income wherever you are, regardless of what you are doing.   

These other revenue streams can come from information product sales, affiliate revenue, group coaching and online training as well as membership sites and more.  


NOTE: If you would like to destroy the revenue cap in YOUR BUSINESS, there's no better program to get you launched than the 8-week Product Development Toolkit program. Early Bird savings have been EXTENDED for this special offer and full details are online for you here: - Join us!


About the Author: Erin Blaskie, also known as the Bizinatrix, is in a hot, passionate love affair with the Internet. Whether she is leading her team of creative, outsourcing professionals or sharing information via the web, Erin brings to the table her enormous passion for tech, geek and the Internet

Tags: marketing strategy, marketing success, consultant marketing, consulting firm marketing, professional services marketing, small business marketing expert, small business coach, professional speaker marketing, motivational speaker marketing, small business marketing, small business marketing speaker, content marketing

Marketing Concept: Excitement is Killing Your Business

speaker marketing coaching programYou did not start your speaking, consulting or professional services firm because you woke up one day and said... 

"Gee, I'm EXCITED to market and sell all day... Nothing I love more than hunting prospects and facing daily rejection, fear, uncertainty and doubt. Oh boy, I can't wait to start another day of THAT..."

But you probably DID start your speaking, consulting, or professional practice because you are EXCITED about entrepreneurship and running your own show... you are EXCITED about sharing your ideas... you are EXCITED about helping people and making an impact on their work, their lives, and their success. 

Well, this EXCITEMENT might be precisely what is killing your business! More on this concept in a moment...

You may have already seen the details of our next Speaker Liftoff program and thus my questions for you:
  1. Did you make a New Year's Resolution to kick it up a notch (or three) in your speaking, consulting, or professional services practice?
  2. Are you tired of being the best kept secret in your industry or professional expertise?
  3. Do you want to raise your personal visibility as an expert in front of your prospects and clients? 

is fleeting - and what's worse, it is unfocused. As entrepreneurs, we often get excited about NEW ideas, NEW business models, NEW opportunities - and too often these turn out to be NEW distractions that reduce our level of focus, clarity, and momentum. Excitement is about SPENDING emotional energy

Yes, it's positive and fun - but it can often lead you to suffer from "shiny object syndrome" where you're excited about your new ideas but end up spinning your wheels in frustration because your new ideas have no traction or framework to be turned into results.

is permanent - It is about getting into focused daily action and moving things - one at a time - from your "TO DO" list to your "DONE" list! The more you execute, the more you will find yourself having greater levels of focus, clarity and momentum. 

Action begets action. The path emerges where one step leads to the next and pretty soon, you have accomplished more, gotten concrete results, and built a new foundation for doing even better in the future. Execution is a muscle - When you use it, it gets stronger and stronger. And the bonus? When you execute and succeed - you earn the other kind of excitement - the kind that PAYS YOU BACK in emotional energy and gratification.
If you are ready to EXECUTE (and become excited about your progress), please check out the details on SpeakerLiftoff.

Hope you'll consider adding some EXECUTION to your EXCITEMENT about your coming year of business success!

Tags: marketing for speakers, consultant marketing, consulting firm marketing, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, consulting, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, marketing consultant, small business marketing

Marketing Coach: How to Write Your Kickass Bio (12 Tips and Example)

As a marketing speaker and marketing coach, my clients often ask me to critique their Professional Bio.

Blog Bio.png

Whether YOU are a professional speaker, consultant, coach, author, or professional services firm owner - your Bio is one of your most powerful marketing tools that will make or break your future clients' perception of your expertise.

Writing an effective, attractive and client-magnet bio is hard.

Here's what you must NOT do:

  • Be boring
  • List achievements and awards out of context
  • Brag
  • Come across as a corporate stuffed shirt or pompous twit
  • Trot out a bunch of acronyms, jargon and consultant-speak
  • Preach
  • Tell us about your awesome vacations, Harley collection, adorable kids, and scuba diving prowess

Without further ado, let me present a Professional Bio I recently came across from a consultant with the Tom Peters Company in the UK that I found quite impressive and that you might consider modeling into your own. My comments are numbered and explained below:

marketing speaker marketing coach robLike you,(1) leadership expert and business author(2) Robert Thompson has seen the word leadership defined numerous ways over the years. Is it charisma and positive thinking? Pinstripes and red power ties? Decisiveness? Is it all about the situation? Is it meant only for the chosen few who rise to the top? Or, is there a different story?(3)

With over three decades of executive coaching, speaking, and most importantly, real-life, in-the-trenches business experience, his view is radically different.(4) Robert appreciates, and shares with listeners, that leadership is a moment-to-moment choice and not about title, tenure or position. Leadership is for everyone, everyday. It's how we should live our life.(5)

Robert, sometimes referred to as the “Provocateur” for his ability to stir up a group(6) or as the “People Whisperer” for his coaching skill that brings out the best in people, is known for his practical, street-savvy style; Robert's fusion of real-life stories and his conversational techniques connect with his audience at an intimate, intense and individual level.(7)

Robert has served as a senior consultant with the U.S. based Tom Peters Company for several years. He is a Certified Master Facilitator of the The Leadership Challenge Workshop™, and continues to work with the best and brightest in the leadership development field. (8)

The author of the best selling, The Offsite: A Leadership Challenge Fable, Thompson's penetrating conversations have been shared with folks from around the globe. (9)

His successes include: AT&T, Amgen, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Lockheed Martin, Qwest, Sony, Sun Microsystems, The Cheesecake Factory, The Gap, Visa and numerous U.S. city, state and federal agencies to name a few.(10)

Prior to his leadership efforts, Robert, a journalist by education and passion, created, managed, and sold a successful U.S. regional newspaper publishing company and a national advertising sales company. As the founder of a corporate nonprofit exchange program for aspiring post-communist business professionals, Robert attained a key role in the Clinton-Yeltsin “Business for Russia” initiative.(11) He has served on the board of advisors for a successful Internet start-up company and assisted the group through their initial public offering
. (12)


1. The most powerful word in marketing is YOU. Starting the bio with "Like you..." is flat-out brilliant.

2. Label yourself immediately. Prospects need to know your expertise upfront and you get 2 seconds to position yourself. Put "_______ expert" in the first 10 words of your bio.

3. Using engaging questions in your bio is something you've probably never considered - and it WORKS. People judge you MORE on the questions that you ask rather than the statements you make. Add questions to your bio - it's a kickass idea!

4. Buyers are lazy, busy and befuddled. One way to make yourself come across as "different" is simply to claim it! "His view is radically different" works. I also recommend the phrase "Unlike many consultants/ speakers/ fill-in-the blank..." (Ex: "Unlike many marketing coaches, David Newman shows you exactly what to say and how to say it, what to do and how to do it")

5. Philosophy sound bites that serve as a preview of your thinking. Consider these "bullets without the bullets." They share snippets of what you'll share and implement with your future client in a conversational way.

6. Always promote your benefits, not yourself. I'm not crazy about these unattributed third-party references ("known as the Provacateur") but the saving grace is that they are framed in terms of benefit to the audience/client. This could be stronger if it said "The Financial Times called him 'the CEO's secret weapon'"

7. Love the fusion concept. It says subconsciously to your buyer - "hire this guy and you'll get the best of both worlds." It's also an implied differentiator. What are you a fusion of? And the masterstroke is that the fusion is also framed as a benefit to the audience.

8. He works with the "best and brightest" so YOU, Ms. Prospect, must be pretty sharp if you hire him. This implied compliment gets buyers to WANT to qualify to work with you. Nothing like a little ego boost for your reader as they cruise through your bio. This signals - again subconsciously - "I'm making a good decision."

9. Claim authorship. Calling his talks "conversations" is also a brilliant differentiator.

10. Name names. Client names are powerful. I do NOT like "His successes include" simply because it sounds like he's taking credit for the success of giant global corporations. A better turn of phrase might have been "Companies such as X, Y, and Z have partnered with Robert when they want outcome 1, 2 and 3." This might also be a great place to put in some testimonial snippets from execs inside these specific companies. Their words carry a lot more weight than his.

11. List your accomplishments in the REAL world. Speakers and experts are not hired for what they know so much as they are hired for what they've DONE. Connect who you are to what you do and your credibility skyrockets.

12. Creme de la creme. Board service and being seen as a leader among your peers implies that you are respected within your field and thus, you must be among the best at what you do.

Use these guidelines to turbo-charge YOUR professional bio right now and you'll thank me later -- DO IT!

Grab your FREE copy of the Do It! Marketing Manifesto

And then leave a comment below with your questions, thoughts, and advice on the ideas above.

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, consulting firm marketing, thought leadership marketing, kickass pr, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, copy writing, small business coach, professional speaker marketing, motivational speaker marketing, marketing mix, marketing tip, conference speaker, public speaker marketing

Marketing Mix: 13 Questions for Creating Your Best 2012

marketing speaker marketing coach 2012Yesterday, you were promised some thought-provoking questions for creating your best 2012 - and here they are. Once again, these are from the Soul Purpose Institute and they struck me as especially relevant for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent professionals.

Not only will these questions help you clarify your goals, focus, and themes for 2012 - they will also help you narrow down your choices, remove some overwhelm, kill some unnecessary "shoulds" in your marketing mix and generally help you focus on what matters most to your business, professional, personal and financial success.

13 Questions for Creating Your Best 2012

  1. What would you like to be your biggest triumph this year?
  2. What advice would you like to give yourself?
  3. What is the major effort you plan to do to improve your financial results?
  4. What would you be most happy about completing?
  5. What major indulgence are you willing to experience?
  6. What would you most like to change about yourself?
  7. What are you looking forward to learning?
  8. What do you think your biggest risk will be in 2012?
  9. What about your work, are you most committed to changing and improving?
  10. What is one as yet undeveloped talent you are willing to explore?
  11. What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do or have more of it?
  12. Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving?
  13. What one word would you like to have as your 2012 theme?


marketing coach small business marketing doitmarketing

Please use the comments area below to share your 2012 successes, goals, plans and strategies. What's working? Where could you use a bit of help?

Want to kick it up a notch in your business for 2012 and tackle your most important marketing, sales and business growth TO-DO items all in a single, super-focused day? Check out DO IT DAYS and join us for the next one.

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, consulting firm marketing, marketing concept, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, success tips, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing mix

Marketing Concept: 14 Questions for Completing and Remembering 2011

marketing speaker marketing coach 11This just came across my email inbox from the Soul Purpose Institute and these 14 questions struck me as a powerful marketing concept to help you close out your 2011 and prepare you to launch into your next level of success in the new year.

I'll post some equally powerful questions about your 2012 - tomorrow!

  1. What was your biggest triumph?
  2. What was the smartest decision you made?
  3. What one word best summarizes your 2011 experience?
  4. What was the greatest lesson you learned?
  5. What was the most loving service you performed?
  6. What is your biggest piece of unfinished business?
  7. What are you most happy about completing?
  8. Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life in 2011?
  9. What was the biggest risk you took?
  10. What was your biggest surprise?
  11. What important relationship improved the most?
  12. What compliment would you liked to have received?
  13. What compliment would you liked to have given?
  14. What else do you need to do or say to be complete this year?


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Got 2011 thoughts and reflections to share? Use the COMMENTS area below and...

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing success, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, consulting firm marketing, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, marketing coach, marketing strategist, motivational speaker marketing, success tips, speaker marketing, marketing consultant

Marketing Concept: Viral is for Morons (Here's Why)

Marketing Concept: Viral is for morons. In general, this is true - and with professional services marketing in particular, it is VERY true. 

How many times have you heard professional services marketing ideas like:

  • We'll make a funny YouTube video ...and it'll go viral!
  • We'll post a really controversial/ snarky/ edgy blog ...and it'll go viral!
  • We'll create a really cool ebook ...and it'll go viral!
Take a look at this well-done Slideshare from the smart marketing folks at espresso:
The Ugly Truth About Viral Marketing
So... What do you think? Use the COMMENTS area below and...
professional services marketing blog

Tags: marketing speaker, consultant marketing, consulting firm marketing, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, word of mouth marketing, viral marketing, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, entrepreneurship, marketing ideas, speaker marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, inbound marketing

Marketing Mix: 8 Steps to Obtaining Speaking Engagements

Guest post by Steve Markmanmarketing mix professional services marketing speaking engagements

Marketing mix: Your marketing and PR efforts should be in the forefront of your organization, given today's competitive climate and the uncertain economy. Standing out from the crowd, regardless of your organization's industry, is a huge challenge. How can you meet this challenge?

Many organizations have recognized the value of holding seminars at which their executives make presentations. The problem with these seminars is that, more often than not, the attendees are existing customers, clients or individuals who are already familiar with the firm.

Companies need to expose their expertise to prospective customers and clients. What is a proven method of accomplishing this objective? By speaking at public forums - at conferences, seminars and forums held by independent event organizations, associations, professional and industry trade groups, and academic institutions and think tanks - enormous exposure is created.

There is much evidence in the field of professional services marketing that speaking in public forums often results in new business, by providing increased awareness of your company in general and specific subject areas in particular, to an audience of your potential customers or clients. Presentations about industry trends or "how-to" talks can make a large impact on your audience.

Speaking opportunities for consulting firm principals, corporate executives and entrepreneurs represent a strong marketing, public relations, and business development tool for the following reasons:

    1.    Attendees get to learn about your firm's expertise firsthand and can interact directly with your speaker immediately before or after the presentation. An attendee asking for a business card can be the first step to obtaining a new client. The press in attendance also present opportunities for added exposure. 

    2.    Gaining increased visibility in vertical/industry sectors or broad-based areas that your firm has determined is in need of greater exposure. This can be an established line of business where your firm speaks from a position of strength and is known as a "go-to" firm for a particular area. Conversely, presentations can cover an area that is just getting off the ground or at an early stage in its development and needs some fast exposure to let your potential customers know about your newly offered products or services. 

    3.    Your company gains "advertising" by having its name and your executive speaker's name published in the agenda of thousands of brochures and promotional announcements mailed or e-mailed by event organizers.

What should your professional services firm be doing to get your executives and managers out on the speaking circuit? Take the following eight steps:

    1.    Decide which product or service area(s) your firm should be targeting for increased visibility. Make sure that you have executives in those areas committed to the idea of making public presentations. Some will resist the idea of taking time away from other business activities so make sure that you have their full support. 

    2.    Get the right speaker on board. Proposed speakers should be experienced executives and, preferably, experienced speakers. Small-to medium-sized organizations should nominate their CEO or other senior executive. Large organizations can also nominate staff at the director or manager level, depending on the criteria of the speaking opportunity. 

    3.    Speak to the right audience. Thoroughly research the events for which representatives of your firm can be proposed as speakers, as solo presenters or as panelists. There are so many events taking place on so many topics, frequently simultaneously, that you'll need to choose diligently in order to maximize the time and expense associated with speaking. Identify speaking engagements whose audience represents the customers and industries your organization wants to reach.

    4.    Develop a proactive speaker placement program. It's fine to evaluate unsolicited speaking opportunities. However, having someone dedicated to the task who will aggressively identify opportunities, develop relationships with event organizers and write and submit speaker proposals, should lead to an increase in the frequency of speaking engagements and thus increased visibility for the executives participating and the firm as a whole. 

    5.    Decide on the geographic area to target for speaking engagements - locally, regionally, nationally or even internationally. There are thousands of speaking opportunities held worldwide every year. 

    6.    Create high-impact presentations. Audiences want to get actionable information they can take back to their organizations. They don't want to hear that your firm is the leading firm in this or that subject area. A solid, informative presentation that covers applications or technologies and is not product or company specific will create instant credibility and obviate the need for a "sales pitch." A presentation that turns out to be a sales pitch will ensure low evaluations by the audience and a one-way ticket home from the conference organizer. The speaker who gives a sales pitch is duly noted and rarely invited back, oftentimes tainting the entire company in the eyes of the event organizer. 

    7.    Learn the process for submitting a speaker proposal to the event organizer - follow the format established by the organizer for writing a presentation abstract, submitting bios and speaker expertise, previous speaking experience information, and, of course, meeting the proposal deadline date. Make sure you tailor the abstract and the bio to each speaking opportunity so that they fit the objectives of the audience. 

    8.    Follow up continuously and persistently with the event organizer to help your company stay above the noise, since you will often be competing with several other companies for the same speaking slot.

By developing an effective speaker placement program for your organization, you will have taken a big step in meeting your marketing, PR, and business development objectives.


Steve Markman is President of Markman Speaker Management (MSM) a Needham, Mass.- based speaker placement and conference development firm established in 1994.

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, consultant marketing, consulting firm marketing, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, marketing agency, professional services marketing, consulting, public relations, marketing coach, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing mix, thought leadership, public speaker marketing, presentation skills expert, speaker placement