Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

Marketing Speaker: How to Generate Leads at EVERY Speech

Here's a step-by-step method (and word for word script) on how professional speakers, authors, consultants and thought-leading professionals like YOU can generate leads from speaking to groups of your target market. Take a look:

THIS is the approach you MUST take every time you stand up to speak so that your speaking generates MORE leads, BETTER prospects and BIGGER sales. 

And, of course, so that you STOP wasting your time, money, effort and energy on "free speaking" that doesn't lead to MORE business for YOU.

Keywords: marketing for speakers, marketing for authors, marketing for experts, professional services marketing, marketing speaker, marketing coach 

What do you think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on how to make speaking PAY OFF for your business...

doit marketing how to generate leads from every speech

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, professional speaker, professional speaker marketing, motivational speaker marketing, speaker marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, public speaker marketing

Business Book Review: THREE books for the price of one

doit marketing business book reviewsHere's another in my series of marketing and business book reviews - but not just any old business books.

Fire starters...

Game changers...

Show stoppers...

Books that will transform the way you think about your work, about your business, and - yes - about your life.

Ready? Take a look...

What do you think? Please leave a COMMENT below to share your experiences with this book, with this author, or with other game changing books that YOU recommend...

Tags: marketing for speakers, consultant marketing, thought leadership marketing, professional services marketing, marketing expert, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, marketing coach, success tips, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, business book review

Marketing Coach: 11 Lessons from 101 Tips in 3 Words

The awesome Yosef Klein who works at Click and Market in my old stomping grounds of Brooklyn NY sent me the following picture of the poster he created from my blog post titled 101 Success Tips in 3 Words

Check this out: 

doit marketing 101 success tips in 3 words

Isn't this what we are all after when it comes to marketing YOUR awesomeness? 

Don't YOU want people putting posters up in their offices of YOUR ideas, tips, content and inspiration?

Damn... I know I do... 

I know Yosef does...

And you probably do as well. 

So here are 11 observations, learnings and ideas for YOU to make this happen in YOUR business.

  1. People love lists. 
  2. People love encouragement.
  3. People love brevity.
  4. People love audacity.
  5. People love connection.
  6. People love visuals.
  7. People love quirkiness.
  8. People love insights.
  9. People love personalization.
  10. People love specificity.
  11. People love fun.

And thank you, Yosef. 

Dude - you made my day, my week AND my month.

You rock.

I appreciate you. 


Tags: Marketing Speaker, Marketing Coach, Word of Mouth Marketing

What do YOU think? Use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on how YOU create content that is more shareable, more spreadable, more findable and more poster-ific!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, word of mouth marketing, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, professional speaker marketing, marketing strategist, success tips, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants

Two Freebies: Speaking Smarter and Productizing Your Expertise

Two quick things for you:

Professionals Who Speak1. NEW Group on LinkedIn for "Professionals Who Speak"- if you're a speaker, author, independent professional, corporate executive or entrepreneur, the conversations, resources and people you'll connect with here are top-notch.

We are up to over 300 members in just over 5 weeks. Great community and great content is being posted and discussed daily.

Join us here: 

doit marketing product development roadmap

2. We still have a few seats open for next week's zero-cost teleseminar called "Product Development Roadmap." If you or someone in your circle is looking to write a book, produce audio, video, or online assets, package a coaching or consulting program, or otherwise "productize" your expertise, this may be worth a look. Especially because it's FREE...

Register here: 

Have a great weekend!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, thought leadership marketing, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, marketing strategist, speaker marketing, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, public speaker marketing

101 Success Tips in 3 Words

  1. 3 word tips doit marketingDrink more water.
  2. Watch less TV.
  3. Action makes traction.
  4. Try new things.
  5. Hang in there. 
  6. Get better daily.
  7. Begin with enthusiasm. 
  8. Finish with flair.
  9. Celebrate small wins.
  10. Eliminate wasted steps.
  11. Aim higher sooner.
  12. Never stop learning.
  13. Start fresh today.
  14. Write that letter. 
  15. Practice deep listening.
  16. Pay yourself first.
  17. Seize the day.
  18. Cashflow is king.
  19. Life is good.
  20. Eat more vegetables.
  21. Thank your Mom.
  22. Make others shine.
  23. Ask me anything.
  24. Think WAY bigger.
  25. Focus your energies.
  26. Now beats later.
  27. Tweet more often.
  28. Zig don't zag.
  29. Marketing comes first.  
  30. Hug your kids. 
  31. Content before commerce.
  32. Never sell alone. 
  33. Don't get distracted.
  34. Always ask "Why?"
  35. Amp it up!
  36. How doesn't matter.
  37. Invite and engage.
  38. You're already there. 
  39. Make silly faces.
  40. Get off email.
  41. See the sunrise.
  42. Simplify, eliminate, outsource.
  43. Kiss your dog.
  44. Fascinate to dominate.
  45. Write it down. 
  46. Keep on truckin'!
  47. Love your clients.
  48. Ask for help.
  49. Value follows fee.
  50. Never give up.
  51. Decide, organize, act.
  52. Sharpen your edge.
  53. Lose some weight.
  54. Hammer it out.
  55. Doodle more often.
  56. Drink hot coffee.
  57. Expand your circles.
  58. Consider crazy alternatives.
  59. Chinese food rocks!
  60. Use beautiful things.
  61. Not so fast. 
  62. Get a massage.
  63. Unlock, unblock, unleash
  64. Go for no. 
  65. Blow 'em away.
  66. More chocolate, please.
  67. Fill your buckets. 
  68. Don't shy away.
  69. Give more generously.
  70. Don't be scared.
  71. Freshen it up. 
  72. Go play outside. 
  73. Thank your heroes.
  74. Respond, don't react.
  75. Sing real loud.
  76. Schedule "me" time.
  77. Bake a cake.
  78. Live the dream.
  79. Invest in yourself.
  80. Fall in love. 
  81. Seek the truth.
  82. Avoid the obvious. 
  83. Laminate your kudos.
  84. Birds gotta fly. 
  85. Fish gotta swim.
  86. Potential ain't performance. 
  87. Relationships are perishable. 
  88. Kill your television.
  89. Make that call. 
  90. Hire the weirdo.
  91. Speak more honestly.
  92. Track your progress. 
  93. Decisions drive momentum.
  94. Take notes everywhere.
  95. Look further ahead.
  96. Stop playing small.
  97. Sell the dream.
  98. Deliver the goods. 
  99. Never shortchange yourself.
  100. You're so ready.
  101. DO IT. Now!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing concept, professional services marketing, marketing expert, small business coach, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, marketing coach, success tips, speaker marketing, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, marketing tips

Why Your Business Needs to FLOP

Business flop doit marketing

Your business needs to FLOP.


And no, this is NOT another one of those goofy semi-inspirational posts that tell you that all entrepreneurs need to FAIL before they succeed. 

FLOP is an acronym for one of the most powerful marketing concepts you can use to grow your business FAST and EXPONENTIALLY:

FLOP: Feature and Leverage Other People.

Marketing 101: If all you talk about is YOU - your company, your book, your blog, your brand, your programs, your products, your services... people will ignore you, tune you out, and dismiss you for the self-centered schmuck that you are

FACT: Experts promote other experts. 

More Examples:

1. As you may know, I'm in the process of publishing the DO IT! Marketing book with AMACOM. Notice I didn't say "my" book. Because it's really not just mine. In the writing process, I asked a dozen of the sharpest, most successful marketing experts I know to contribute a "success strategy sidebar." They did. Now my book is truly "our book." That's FLOP.

2. My pal, Avish Parashar, is not only a top-notch opening and closing keynote speaker... he's also a speaker marketing guru. Hmmm... competition? Nope. FLOP partner. He regularly shares my content with his newsletter readers and I do the same for him. He promotes my programs. I promote his. We're not only friends, we seek each others' professional advice and exchange referrals. That's what you might call FLOPPY.

3. My friend Carol Ritter writes for a Chamber blog and local paper. Her holiday column included these words: "My gifts to all the entrepreneurs and non-profits who are working so hard to be successful is the gift of resources. I work with some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country; their ideas and success will inspire you and give you concrete ideas for 2013..." and she proceeded to list a great sales culture expert, a great video production company, a great marketing resource (from yours truly), and a great motivational speaker from North Carolina. There's FLOP in action again.

Grow up. Step up. Be a real expert and learn once and for all - it's not about YOU.

The more you FLOP, the more YOU will succeed.

What do you think? Use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and experiences on featuring and leveraging other people...

p.s. Can you find the 2 awesome clients, 2 great friends, 1 respected colleague and a semi-nude woman in the graphic above? Here's some help: 

New Orleans motivational speaker Marvin LeBlanc

Healthcare keynote speaker LeAnn Thieman

Conference Catalyst keynote speaker Thom Singer

Presentation skills expert Laurie Brown

Meetings technology speaker Corbin Ball

Lingerie models (nice holiday savings too)

FLOPPED again!

Grab your FREE copy of the Ultimate Resource List!

And then leave a comment below with your questions, thoughts, and advice on the ideas above.

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

Tags: marketing for speakers, professional services marketing, small business coach, professional speaker marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, small business marketing coach

13 Quick Tips: Blogging for Business

13 tips for blogging - blogging for business1. Keep it short. No time to write? Cool - they have no time to read. 

2. Lists rock (like this one!)

3. Shoot a 2-minute video. Post to YouTube. Embed with 3 lines of setup. Optimize title, tags and description with your keywords. Boom - done. 

4. Interview other experts. Three questions max. Post and voila!

5. Interview prospective clients and customers. Promote them and their company. Repeat. Go to bank.

6. Review your favorite books on amazon - both related and unrelated to your main business. Optimize your amazon reviewer page and link it back to your home page.

7. Seek guest blogging opportunities on blogs that target the same topics and readership you are after. 

8. Invite both prominent and up-and-coming bloggers to guest blog for you. Same story, other direction. Genius!

9. Leave constructive, helpful comments on prominent blogs and media sites. Use an abbreviated signature file and link back to your blog.

10. Participate in Linkedin Groups and share your blog content/links in response to relevant questions and discussions. You raise both your credibility and visibility with this one tactic.

11. Don't overdo keywords and SEO on your blogs - people can tell and it makes you look a little creepy, robotic - or both. Write for humans and the traffic will follow.

12. Graphics, baby, graphics. Blogs are visual. Get an affordable account with iStockPhoto or one of the other stock photo sites. Grab unusual and interesting graphics and photos to spice up that wall of text. You'll be amazed. It makes all the difference.

13. Schedule it. Stick to it. Your blog is the command center of your online thought leadership platform. Shoot for 2-3 updates a week and amazing things will start to happen. Now is the time for you to... Get blogalicious! 

Keywords: Blogging for business, marketing expert tips, marketing speaker, marketing coach

What do you think? Use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and experiences on blogging for business and...

Grab your FREE copy of the Platform Promotion Checklist!

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, professional services marketing, blog, blogging for business, marketing expert, marketing coach, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants

Marketing for Speakers AND Professionals Who Speak

Two quick things for you:

Professionals Who Speak1. NEW Group on LinkedIn for "Professionals Who Speak" - if you're a speaker, author, independent professional, corporate executive or entrepreneur, the conversations, resources and people you'll connect with here are top-notch. Join us here:
2. There is still time to register for Speaker Liftoff - the program begins Dec. 7 and all the details are waiting for you online here: 
Looking forward to seeing you in either place. Or both. Rock on!

Keywords: Marketing for Speakers, Speaker Marketing, Marketing for Professionals Who Speak

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing for coaches, marketing professional services, marketing professional services firms, professional speaker, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants

These Thanks Can't Wait...

doit marketing bookOne of the many pleasures of writing a book is writing the Acknowledgements section where you get to thank all the folks who have helped you at every point in your journey, whether it was last week, last year or all the way back to your childhood.

As you may know, I'm finishing up the final edits on my new book being published by AMACOM next summer. The Acknowledgements section has been top of mind for me this Thanksgiving week. 

Personally, I can't understand authors who write a slim paragraph and then end with "I have too many people to thank and their names could fill this book." REALLY? If that's the case, why don't you at least TRY?

I sure did...  and to celebrate this Thanksgiving week, here it is in its entirety - LARGE, LOUD, and PUBLIC!


The first acknowledgement has to go to YOU—for buying this book, for reading this book, and for applying its strategies, tactics and tools to grow your business.

After you, it gets harder to count all the individuals, friends, clients, collaborators, mentors, trusted advisors, and supporters who have made this book—and all the rest of my work—so easy, effortless and enjoyable. Unlike some authors who don’t even try… here goes.

First I’d like to thank my parents for not having a stroke when I announced I was leaving the pre-med program at Franklin & Marshall College to pursue a career in theater. Thank you to Dr. Gordon Wickstrom who modeled the highest gift of catalyzing the best in others while making them feel personally important and professionally capable. What do you get when you cross healing with drama? Of course, you get marketing.

My amazing partner, Vanessa Christman, gets a ton of credit for sticking with her lunatic husband through thick (my waistline) and thin (my hairline). Without you, none of this would be any fun at all. Truly.

My two awesome kids, Becca and Charlie, Woofie the Wonder Dog, and Mimi the cat also went to heroic lengths to put up with me long before, during and after the writing of this book. I love you guys like bananas.

Professionally, the list is even longer. Big thanks to my book agent, Michael Snell. He does business the old-fashioned way and it works amazingly well for all concerned. I’m grateful to my pal Gene Marks for sharing Mike’s genius with me. At AMACOM, Ellen Kadin is a rock star. She knows what works and she makes sure I DO IT. Her steady dedication to our shared vision of a “business book with attitude” shows up on every page. Big thanks and kudos to the AMACOM design team for realizing that vision with the bold design of this book.

And for you aspiring or experienced authors – especially those of you who, like me, HATE to be edited – meet my editor extraordinaire, Christopher Murray. Chris “got” this book right from the start and was an amazing collaborator, organizer and advocate for the business-building ideas you are about to profit from. Find Chris online at and put your project in the hands of a supremely insightful editor and the best friend your writing ever had.

I deeply thank Dr. Michael Ray of Stanford Business School for introducing me to the Creativity in Business MBA course that changed my life. The very best advice he gave me was, “Stop starting things and get more into DOING.” The DNA of Michael’s wisdom runs throughout my work, my life, and by extension, this book!

Thank you to my pals from my corporate days: Sandy Frick, Trish Koons, Neal Duffy, Kim Nuzzaci and Benjamin Laden who were crazy enough to hire me, work with me, and recruit me away from one job into the next for a great 10-year run. I don’t know what you were thinking, but I’m grateful for all the fun we had “working for the man.”

Thank you to four very special people who helped me at every point in my entrepreneurial journey including the good, the bad and the ugly – in mind (Terry Fisher), body (Nick Odorisio), spirit (Scott Simons) and career (Ford R. Myers).

My involvement in the National Speakers Association (NSA) and Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) has been an invaluable source of inspiration, insights and friendships. Thank you to my mentors, role models and friends Laurie Brown, Gideon Grunfeld, Michael Roby, Kirstin Carey, Steve Coscia, Avish Parashar, Michael Goldberg, Todd Cohen, Brian Walter, John Reddish, Marvin LeBlanc, Carol Fredrickson, Tom Stoyan, Toni Newman, Brian Lee, Scott McKain, Alan Zimmerman, Frank Bucaro, LeAnn Thieman, Thom Winninger, Patricia Fripp, Alan Weiss, Bob Burg, John Jantsch, David Meerman Scott, Brian Tracy, Randy Gage and Jeffrey Gitomer.

Thank you to my speaker bureau partners and friends – Andrea Gold, Shawn Ellis, Katrina Mitchell, and Nancy Vogl. You are the sharpest, most dedicated folks in the business and you model excellence and integrity in everything you do.

Thank you to my expert contributors: Jay Baer, Scott Ginsberg, Corey Perlman, Dan Janal, Mark LeBlanc, Barry Moltz, Mark Hunter, Henry DeVries, Tom Searcy, Melinda Emerson, Stephanie Chandler, Mary Foley, Gene Marks and Viveka Von Rosen. You are each superheroes in your own realm and I hugely appreciate your generosity of expertise.

Thank you to my colleagues in Vistage International, the world’s largest CEO peer group organization: Jose Palomino, Gerry Lantz, Chris Farias, Scott Messer, Brian Carney, Skip Lange, Carl Francis, Marcia O’Connor, Michael Gidlewski, Steve Van Valin and Jim Lucas. You’ve shared your insights and advice with me even when I didn’t want to hear it, didn’t follow it, and didn’t want to believe it. However, you were right four times out of five. I’m learning.

Thank you to my Do It! Marketing team members, past and present. Especially the uber-awesome Catherine Bernard, the ultra-amazing Katie Hanna, the super-productive Rachel Rodden, and Liz Crider aka “the one that got away.” I love working with you and appreciate you more than you know.

Thank you to my amazing clients. Man, when YOU work, this program works! I’m continually humbled and grateful for your confidence, your business, your friendship, and the credit that you bring to our work by DOING IT consistently, smartly, bravely, and quickly. You are the embodiment of my mantra that “Only action creates results.” Thank you for the privilege of working alongside you as you create your next level of success. 

Sooo... even if you're not writing a book at the moment, you will experience BIG gratitude if YOU write the Acknowledgements section of your (future) book. 

Let me know what you think in the COMMENTS area below. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing success, marketing for coaches, marketing concept, business coaching, marketing professional services, marketing professional services firms, marketing coaching, marketing ideas, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, business coach

Marketing Coach: Simple Sells

For your marketing - and in business in general - simple SELLS. As a marketing coach for speakers, authors and independent professionals, I see it time and time again...

You're making it HARDER than it needs to be. Honest.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction."
-- Albert Einstein

What kind of professional would you be if you specialized in the small, the simple, and the gentle solutions?
Marketing speaker, marketing coach David Newman - Simple SELLS
Or does your style lean more towards the thicker report, the more complicated answer, the more expensive technology, and the more complex project plan?

Winston Churchill was asked how much time he would need to prepare a talk.

He replied that his preparation time depended on the talk's duration.

When asked about a 2-hour speech, he said he could deliver that immediately.

When asked about a 2-minute speech, he said "I should need a fortnight to prepare."

The short, simple, direct answers are often the most valuable - and take the longest time and the hardest work to prepare!

Question: What could you simplify right now that would make a difference to you and/or the people you want to impact the most with your marketing?

Tip: Whether you're selling your products, your services, or your ideas, the age-old fact is: simple SELLS.

What do you think? Use the COMMENTS area below to leave your advice and experiences on this topic.

speaker marketing program

p.s. Attention Speakers, Authors, Consultants and Independent Professionals: Enrollment is now open for the next 30-Day SpeakerLiftoff program that blasts off on December 7. Check out the details and info here. Let's work together to create YOUR game plan for simple marketing success in 2013 and beyond.

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, marketing professional services, marketing for trainers, small business marketing expert, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, small business marketing speaker, small business marketing coach