Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

How to Generate a Ton More Blog Comments in Less Than 10 Seconds

do it marketing how to generate more blog commentsMany of my marketing mentor clients want to boost their online presence - in the words of my pal Henry DeVries, they want “more blogs, more buzz, and more business.”

So how - exactly - do you generate more buzz around your online platform?

One of the easiest ways is to host conversations and dialogue on your blog by proactively inviting your readers, subscribers, and visitors to leave comments.

There are two paths to doing this - and one is a whole lot more effective than the other. But either one is better than doing nothing at all. More on that in a moment...

How to Generate a Ton More Blog Comments in 10 Seconds

Approach #1: Ask! (General)

End each of your blog posts with an invitation to comment. Don’t just ask “What do you think?” - you have to be more explicit and TELL people to use the comment feature on your blog - and then tell them what to do to get there.

Example #1:

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on these ideas and join the conversation...  

Approach #2: Ask! (Specific)

One of my favorite clients, Integrity-Based Leadership expert Richard Melancon, recommends taking this one step further. Rather than asking broadly for comments at the end of your blog posts, Richard is a fan of asking very specific questions directly related to the content of the blog ideas you just shared.  

Example #2:

For my recent post, “I’ve Quit and Here’s Why” I took Richard’s advice and used the following at the end of the post:

What have YOU changed up in the last 3-6 months to STOP doing what doesn't matter and start DOING more of what matters most? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your specific changes and how they've freed up more time or made you more money...

Example #3:

On my previous post, “17 Keys to a Great Sale and a Great Date,” I used this:

What do you think? What parallels do you see between dating and selling? How have your best sales conversations unfolded? Please share your advice, insights, and experiences in the COMMENTS area below...

Big difference, right?

There’s no right and wrong here - you may want to try both approaches and see which one generates more comments, more dialogue, and more good conversation with your fans, followers, and readers. The proof is in the pudding.

As for me... well, you can see what I’ve decided to do below.

What do you think about inviting blog comments in a general way or a specific way? Have you gotten better results with one or the other? Please share your own blog commenting philosophy in the COMMENTS area below and...

how to get a ton more blog comments in 10 seconds

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, blogging for business, marketing expert, marketing coaching, small business marketing expert, marketing coach, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, business blogging

I’ve quit and here’s why

i quitI’ve quit.

Yup - done, finished, over.

“Quit what?” you ask?

I’ve quit blogging.

OK, that’s not quite true...

But I’ve quit blogging daily.

It was an experiment.

And it worked.

And it didn’t.

Here’s the deal - for most of last year, this website averaged between 5,000-6,000 visits per month. Not great, but not terrible either.

At the beginning of this year, I committed to an experiment - namely blogging every weekday.

Yup, 5 posts a week. Week in and week out. I stuck to the schedule and didn’t miss a day in 26 weeks. 6 full months.

The result?

It worked great.

Almost immediately (OK, it took 8 weeks, but that’s close enough) my web traffic went from an average of 5,000-6,000 visits up to an average of 10,000-11,000 visits. One month, we even generated 15,000 visits - triple the old number. I'll explain that "we" later in this post...

My opt-in rate doubled (for everything - my free ebook, blog subscriptions, my free teleseminars.)

My SEO went up - I moved from page 2 and page 3 of Google results for certain keywords to page 1.

The second result?

I found out what really worked to drive more traffic, more leads, and more business.

And it wasn’t the blog...

It was three things:

1. My new book. Specifically, the marketing plan for my book, which turned out to also become the marketing plan for the website and the marketing plan for my speaking and mentoring programs. Woo hoo - who'd a thunk it?

Lesson: If you “lean in” and commit to the marketing for ONE flagship product, service, or program like I did with my book - you will start to generate momentum that carries over into everything else that you are doing.

2. Email marketing. Plain and simple, the more marketing emails I sent, the more web visits I got. Accident? No, of course not. Most of my emails contained links back to the website for the latest blog posts, the occasional teleseminar invitation or a new program announcement.

Lesson: The more email you send that contains high-value content, advice, insights, and recommendations (aka email that’s too good to delete), the more stickiness you’ll generate for your fans and followers. 

3. FLOP - Namely, “Featuring and Leveraging Other People.” I wrote about this concept in detail here and it has also been a tremendous driver of new traffic and new friendships, new clients, and new projects. Inbound FLOP is me shining the spotlight on others. And outbound FLOP is me participating in other people’s book launches, surveys, guest blogging, and so on.

Lesson: It’s not all about YOU. It IS all about how YOU can serve and promote other experts in your field who have a complementary skill set, message, or service offering. Welcome to the new collaborative economy. They win when you win. And you win when they win.

Sooooo... I’m still blogging.

But I’ve scaled down to once or twice a week.

And I’ve scaled UP the other activities listed above.

Because that’s what generates results.

What have YOU changed up in the last 3-6 months to STOP doing what doesn't matter and start DOING more of what matters most? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your specific changes and how they've freed up more time or made you more money... 

13 signs to fire your web design firm, doitmarketing, david newman, marketing coach, marketing speaker

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing for coaches, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, marketing book, marketing professional services, trusted advisor marketing, blogging for business, marketing expert, marketing coaching, marketing ideas, marketing coach, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, business blogging

9 Ways to Integrate Email and Social Media Marketing

integrate email marketing social media marketingGuest post by DJ Waldow

Are you wondering how to add social media to your email communications?

Email and social media marketing go together like Batman and Robin.

They both can be effective on their own; however, when combined, their (super) powers can save the city and exceed your marketing goals.

Is Email Dead?

In this article I’ll show you how to combine email marketing with your social media efforts.

In a recent StrongMail survey, ”More than two-thirds of business leaders (68%) say they plan to integrate social media with their email marketing efforts."

As a guy who lives, breathes, eats and sometimes dreams email marketing, I was thrilled to see email getting some mainstream love.

You may be thinking, “Hey, isn’t email dead?”

Think again. I mean, sure, there are certainly case studies of companies forgoing email and replacing it with social media. I’d argue that these are exceptions, certainly not the norm.

This blog post and infographic on the value of email by SmarterTools will quickly dispel the “email is dead” myth.

Need one more proof point that email is not dead? How many times have you checked your email this week? Today? Since you started reading this blog post? Okay. Now that we are all in agreement, let’s continue...

Read the rest of this article here...

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, business coaching, trusted advisor marketing, email marketing, email marketing campaign, marketing consultant, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, email newsletter

Marketing Coach: 5 Habits of Interesting People

5 habits of interesting people

What makes someone interesting? Or - as they say in marketing lingo - a person of interest to others? 

It's a combination of factors, really... and here are five of them for your consideration: 

  1. They are not vanilla. They're quirky, pugnacious, determined, and they don't give a rat's ass what the rest of the world thinks. (They also don't mind using terms like "rat's ass" in a blog post.) Bottom line: wolves don't lose sleep over what sheep think of them. Think Donald Trump or Bill Clinton. How vanilla are YOU?
  2. They are articulate. Love 'em or hate 'em, these folks can articulate a point of view. Opinionated, loud, proud, and never dull. The sound bite "frequently wrong, never in doubt" was made for them. Think Bill O'Reilly or Rachel Maddow. How quotable are YOU?
  3. They stand FOR certain things. And they stand AGAINST other things. They energize their followers, antagonize their foes, and polarize the rest of us in the middle. Sound bite: If you don't risk turning SOME people off, you'll never turn anybody on. Think Howard Stern or Sarah Palin. What stand are YOU taking?
  4. They build movements larger than themselves. No matter how big, loud, rich, and famous they are - they're building something bigger than themselves and strive to make an impact beyond themselves. Think Oprah or Bill Gates. What's YOUR movement?
  5. They don't seek media - they ARE the media. They are tastemakers, movers, shakers, interviewers, and relationship-builders. They don't wait for the media to come knocking - they are more likely to post videos, write articles, and interview others to feed their tribe a steady diet of top-notch content. What media did you create today?     
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And then leave a comment below with your questions, thoughts, and advice on the ideas above.

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, business coaching, trusted advisor marketing, entrepreneurship, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing

Marketing Speaker: 6 Easy Ways to Win at PowerPoint

1. Sometimes, visuals can stand alone:

doitmarketing do it marketing 1

2. Use font sizes to help you make your point:

doitmarketing do it marketing 2
3. Use screen shots and visually focus your audience on key ideas:

doitmarketing do it marketing 3

4. Use arresting, unusual graphics, not the same old tired clip art:

doitmarketing do it marketing 4

5. It's OK to use graphs if you summarize the A-ha insight they provide:

doitmarketing do it marketing 5

6. Sometimes it helps to SHOW and TELL on the same slide:

doitmarketing do it marketing 6

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on this topic and join the conversation... 

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, marketing expert, marketing for trainers, marketing coaching, marketing ideas, marketing coach, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, presentation skills expert, presentation design

Marketing Coach: 11 Questions to Spark Your Success

11 questions to spark your success

  1. There's no good time. Now is the time.
    What are you waiting for?
  2. Put out your best material. For free. 
    Do you want to be SHARED or SCARED? 
  3. YOU may be your biggest obstacle.
    What would happen if you got out of the way? 
  4. Stop STARTING things and get more into DOING.
    What can you do today - right now?
  5. A few may wish to see you fail. A lot more are rooting for your success.
    Where is your attention?
  6. Forget the word vision.
    Better: What do you SEE in your future?
  7. You're aiming too low.
    How can you elevate your sights, your fees, and your value?
  8. Stop blaming others. It's ALL your fault.
    Move on - what's next?
  9. A bend in the road is never the end - unless you fail to turn.
    Where do you need to turn? 
  10. It's not what you think it is. And it's bigger than you think it is.
    Why not embrace that? 
  11. There are no silver bullets, secret sauces, or magic beans.
    Now what's your plan? 

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on this topic and join the conversation... 

13 signs to fire your web design firm, doitmarketing, david newman, marketing coach, marketing speaker

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, business coaching, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing coaching, marketing ideas, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, business coach

Do It Marketing: 37 Gurus Worth Following

29 business gurus doit marketing

Unless you're brand new to me and this blog... you know that my new Do It! Marketing book is about to be released. 

You may also know that we hit Amazon #1 bestseller status not once - but TWICE already - and the book isn't even out yet. 

What you may not know is that I had help. Amazing help from amazing people. Gurus and friends and colleagues and people I consider my personal and professional heroes. 

Some helped a little. Some helped a lot. Some helped WAY above and beyond my wildest dreams... 

If you're interested in marketing success, business success, and life success - well, there are a lot of so-called experts out there.

Many are called. Few are chosen.

I've made the choosing easy for you...

Here are 37 super-smart, generous, prolific, sometimes contrarian, and always fascinating people worth following...

p.s. The best thing about them - none of them would CALL themselves a "guru" - they simply consider themselves lucky to be sharing their insights with others who can benefit.

Here they are in no particular order (although each of them is truly #1)

  1. Jay Baer -
  2. Stephanie Chandler -
  3. Corey Perlman -
  4. Melinda Emerson -
  5. Chris Murray -
  6. Henry DeVries -
  7. C. J. Hayden - 
  8. Scott Ginsberg -
  9. Dan Janal -
  10. Art Sobczak -
  11. Mary Foley -
  12. Gene Marks -
  13. Viveka Von Rosen -
  14. Brian Tracy -
  15. Geoff Ramm - 
  16. John Jantsch -
  17. Joe Calloway -
  18. Jay Conrad Levinson -
  19. Jim Meisenheimer -
  20. Mark Sanborn -
  21. Marshall Goldsmith -
  22. David A. Fields -
  23. Pamela Slim -
  24. Mark Hunter -
  25. Bob Bly -
  26. Sean Carroll -
  27. Bob Burg -
  28. Jeffrey Hayzlett -
  29. Sam Richter -
  30. Howard Lewinter -
  31. Stephen Lahey -
  32. Jose Palomino -
  33. Karyn Greenstreet -
  34. Avish Parashar -
  35. Michael Dalton Johnson -
  36. Greg Williams -
  37. Marnie Swedberg -

Bookmark this blog post - stay connected with these people - implement their big ideas - and you WILL profit, prosper, and succeed.

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on the people who have made the biggest impact on YOUR professional success...

29 gurus worth following doit marketing


Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, keynote speaker, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing for trainers, marketing coaching, small business coach, marketing ideas, marketing coach, success tips, speaker marketing, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, thought leadership, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, marketing tips

Top Business Book Review: Sell More Books

doit marketing business book reviewsHere's another in my series of marketing and business book reviews - but not just any old business books.

Fire starters...

Game changers...

Show stoppers...

Books that will transform the way you think about your work, about your business, and about your future.

This time, we take a look at a GREAT book recommendation if WRITING a non-fiction business book lies in YOUR future. 

Ready? Take a look...

What do you think? Please leave a COMMENT below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on this topic...

business book review

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing coaching, marketing coach, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing

Marketing Coach: 7 Things Entrepreneurs Must Do Daily

doitmarketing, doit marketing, 7 things entrepreneurs must do dailyHere are the top 7 things that entrepreneurs, business owners, and independent professionals must do every single day:
  1. Revisit your goals, milestones, and metrics for the day, week, month, and quarter (financial, marketing, sales, operations)...

    Ramifications if not done daily - you lose sight of the big picture and get pulled off your game by distractions, trivia, and  grunt work.
  2. Put new prospects on your radar via strategic outreach...

    Ramifications if not done daily - your sales and marketing start to slip and you suffer from the feast-or-famine small business sales rollercoaster.
  3. Thank your team - whether in-house, outsourced, full-time, or virtual...

    Ramifications if not done daily - your team loses their motivation, momentum, and mojo. Once that's gone, they're halfway out the door. 
  4. Offer value - in terms of content, your blog, a video, a resource, a referral, a favor, a gift...

    Ramifications if not done daily - you become just more marketing noise and customers and prospects tune you out and see you as a peddler, not a partner.
  5. Invite engagement - online, offline, in-person, by phone or Skype; ask and answer questions, solicit feedback, invite comments, send a survey...

    Ramifications if not done daily - your business becomes isolated as you talk AT your customers and clients rather than talk WITH them. 
  6. Recharge your batteries - just like the airlines say, "secure your own mask before assisting others"...

    Ramifications if not done daily
    - entrepreneurial burnout, stress, drinking, drugs, and divorce. Don't laugh - you could be next.
  7. Be gracious and grateful - take a moment to appreciate what you have, what you've built, and who you get to serve each day...

    Ramifications if not done daily - instead of becoming more and more fulfilling, your business success becomes a trap, a race, and a never-ending contest that you can never win. Stop and smell the coffee!

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on this topic and join the conversation... 

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing for trainers, marketing coaching, small business marketing expert, marketing ideas, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, small business marketing coach

Marketing Speaker: 9 Blogging Lessons from Woofie

woofie the wonder dog, doitmarketing, doit marketingAs you may know, my loyal Labrador Retriever, Woofie, works part-time as marketing dog here at Do It! Marketing HQ. 

Her website attracts a LOT of traffic and she gets some very nice inbound traction via email (at least for a dog!) 

Here are nine secrets to Woofie's online success - and perhaps some good ideas for YOU, too:

  1. Post regularly. She posts updates annually on her birthday (4/29) but the point is that her audience has come to EXPECT that. You should post more often - but with the same dogged consistency.
  2. Don't ask for much. Woofie shares her updates with enthusiasm and authenticity. She never sells. She never begs. She never whines. How about you?
  3. Be cute and relax. Woofie's main job with her web marketing is to be herself. Share what's interesting and important to her and her like-minded followers. Bacon. Cheese. Wagging. Tennis balls. 
  4. Let people come up to you first. Woofie has lots of ways to interact with her on her website. You can email her. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. She makes herself approachable and then lets her fans be in charge of getting in touch. 
  5. Photos - visuals sell. Her website is 80% photos and 20% text. As my pal Jay Baer, author of the great new book Youtility, likes to say, "Text is going away. Everything online is moving to photos and video."
  6. Let other people help you. Since Woofie has no opposable thumbs, she needs people to answer her email for her. That's where I come in. Folks email her. I respond, pointing out the fact that I'm responding on her behalf because of the whole thumbs problem. Generally, you'll do much better in business if you FLOP (Feature and Leverage Other People.)
  7. Make people feel better about themselves after engaging with you. 'Nuf said. 
  8. It's OK to be silly. Especially if you're a Labrador Retriever! And it's OK to be funny, human, and kind if you happen to be funny, human, or kind. 
  9. 10 kisses, one bark - keep it positive. Nobody like growling, barking and whining. Not from a dog. And not from a blog. And certainly not from an online expert, thought-leading professional, or entrepreneur like YOU.

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on this topic and join the conversation... 

13 signs to fire your web design firm, doitmarketing, david newman, marketing coach, marketing speaker

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, consulting firm marketing, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, trusted advisor marketing, marketing for trainers, marketing professional services firms, marketing coaching, marketing coach, marketing consultant, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, content marketing, business blogging, conference speaker