Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

The Top Marketing Must Do!


You should have been here - in my office - 5 minutes ago.

This whiteboard was FULL - and I mean jam-packed - with ideas, notes, bullets, to-dos, action items, brainstorms, and some jottings about the "next big thing" for our professional speaking and inbound marketing firm.

Perhaps you have a similar whiteboard in your office. Or a wall filled with post-it notes. Or plaques and awards on your bookcase. Or other visual reminders of where your company has been and all that you have accomplished.

Tremendously exciting. Truly.

The only problem: it was tremendously exciting in your past. With every day, every week, every month - hell, every hour - that you do not ACT on those ideas, they start to turn on you.

They are no longer motivators - they are pacifiers that remind you how great you WERE. What you imagined would BE. And what - for better or worse - didn't quite turn out the way you envisioned last week, last month or last year.

In my case, my office whiteboard was holding onto ideas and initiatives from 6 months ago. Yikes! Totally useless to me today. EXCEPT it made me feel good about how gosh darn smart I am and what big plans I have/had (NOT!)

When Steve Jobs came back as interim CEO of Apple in 1997, he had every award, plaque, and completed project plan removed from the walls and hallways of Apple. He did not want any visual reminders of the past. All he wanted his teams to see was their future.

NEW plans, CURRENT prototypes, and UPCOMING projects were all over Apple's hallways, offices, and conference rooms. Everything was future-focused and kept rigorously up to date.

What do you need to erase from your whiteboard? Which awards should you put away? Which of your accolades are keeping you stuck in the past?

Put that stuff away.

Look to your CURRENT future. In the words of Steve Jobs - it will help you "Stay hungry. Stay foolish." And it will help you achieve your NEXT level of "insanely great."

Want to apply for your Speaker Strategy Call to see how you can IMPLEMENT some of these concepts right away? Apply for your call here.


Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing success, marketing for coaches, professional services marketing, small business coach, motivational speaker, leadership, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, marketing strategist, motivational speaker marketing, speaker marketing, small business marketing, thought leadership, small business marketing speaker

Marketing Coach Tip: 3 Secrets to Smarter Prospecting on LinkedIn



LinkedIn is the new cold call. Perhaps this sounds familiar to you... 

As a marketing speaker and marketing coach, I continually study the field, read a ton of books, and attend seminars and workshops from my fellow marketing enthusiasts.

And I'd like to respectfully disagree with that analogy.

LinkedIn is way better, smarter, faster, and more effective than a cold call. In fact, I'd slant the analogy a different way altogether:

LinkedIn is the new email with a red velvet rope around it, a priority seal, and a much more attractive return address envelope!

First let's explore those three points and then you'll see an example of LinkedIn in action PLUS here are some sample social media scripts you can use that have gotten awesome results for our clients in our marketing mastermind and private mentoring programs. 

3 Reasons LinkedIn Beats Email

1. Red Velvet Rope - This is a term popularized in the marketing arena by Michael Port. It means there's an exclusive, members-only feel to your marketing. It's not for everyone - and not everyone qualifies. You need to be "in the club." When you reach out to a fellow Group member on LinkedIn, you both are in the club and there's a strong element of peer-to-peer belonging that encourages community, communication, and responsiveness. Can't say that about a cold call or a plain old email!

2. Priority Seal - Most executives and business owners feel overwhelmed by email. When they're not tackling the email monster (click here if you'd like to master your email!), they are wall-to-wall with meetings, phone calls, and their daily dose of dealing with crises. LinkedIn messages DO trigger an email notification but you have the choice of responding via email or via LinkedIn -- and LinkedIn messages (for most of us) are few and far between so they give the impression of being more important, more filtered, and more personally relevant. Think of it as a FedEx envelope arriving in your daily mail. Sure, you can ignore it - you can toss it - you might not get to it for a few days. But chances are greater that you will because of curiosity - a basic trait of human nature.

3. More Attractive Return Address Envelope - LinkedIn messages tend to be shorter than emails - and a shorter note merits a shorter response. You've just given your prospects, clients, and connections a huge "out" because they do NOT need - and probably would not even consider - sending you a long, involved response. If you send a short, succinct note to reconnect with a past client - they'll respond with a short, succinct note and you'll probably use LinkedIn to make plans to connect in a longer format offline (phone call, lunch, coffee, in-person meeting). Yours will be a fast, easy and appealing note to respond to - so your chances of getting a prompt response just went up considerably!

LinkedIn in Action and Results

This story was submitted by my motivational speaker colleague Jim Clemmer to the excellent SpeakerNetNews:

Using LinkedIn to (Re)Connect and Build Business — Jim Clemmer

I have been using LinkedIn to reconnect with old contacts and to connect with anyone signing up for my newsletter. I do this with the LinkedIn for Outlook utility showing if anyone sending me an email (or completing any website form that is emailed to me) has a LinkedIn account. As my connection numbers build, more website visitors, book readers, and subscribers are now asking to connect with me. We’ve also done a few email blasts to our database asking for connections to those who have LinkedIn accounts. Over the last two years we can directly trace a few hundred thousand dollars in speaking/workshop or long term/ongoing consulting fees that started with these (re)connections.

3 LinkedIn Secrets from Jim's Success:

1. As my friend and Speaker Hall of Fame member Dr. Alan Zimmerman likes to say, "your business comes from your business." (He's a guy who enjoys a 92% repeat and referral rate from his client base so he's walking that talk.) Note that Jim Clemmer is also generating his success not ONLY from new connections - but from RE-connections. Try it for yourself and see what conversations you can generate with the folks who already know you, love you, and have given you money in the past.

2. You gotta ask for the connection. Note that Jim's strategy also involved email blasts to his list proactively asking them to connect on LinkedIn. And not just once - but several times over the past 2 years. Remember to make your social media scripts appealing, relevant, and NOT focused on you - but focused on the value you'd like to deliver to your connections.

3. It takes time and there are both direct and indirect benefits. Notice that Jim said, "over the last two years" - not the last 2 weeks or 2 months. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Notice also that he said he could DIRECTLY trace several hundred thousand dollars of new business. That's great - and in addition, Jim has likely generated that much money or more INDIRECTLY, meaning that people didn't hire him FROM LinkedIn but BECAUSE they saw something he contributed, received a connection update, or otherwise "bumped into" Jim's name, content, ideas, website, blog or network - and were prompted to engage with him.

doitmarketing email out of office message

Grab your FREE copy of the Social Media Traffic Boost Cheatsheet!

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing success, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, social media, linkedin, email marketing, entrepreneurship, motivational speaker, marketing strategist, motivational speaker marketing, speaker marketing, small business marketing, thought leadership, small business marketing speaker, marketing tip, social media marketing, social media scripts, networking, public speaker marketing

Marketing Master Class: Christina Daves on PR for Anyone

MASTER CLASS 2014Welcome to the 2014 Do It! Marketing Master Class Series

Here's where you'll get some of the smartest marketing advice from top marketers and entrepreneurs who share their best success secrets via in-depth interrogation-style interviews with yours truly... 

My special guest this week... 

Alyson LexChristina Daves - PR and Media Expert

Christina Daves is a serial entrepreneur who has founded and run four successful companies over the past 20 years. With no resources remaining when she launched her latest venture, CastMedic Designs, Christina taught herself everything she could about generating her own publicity. Since launching in 2012, she has appeared in over 200 media outlets including national and local television and publications generating over six figures in sales. As a result of her PR success, she created PR for Anyone® to help other small business owners learn how to do what she did to have similar success.

Christina is also the author of the bestselling book, PR for Anyone™ - 100+ Affordable Ways to Easily Create Buzz for Your Business.

Download this Master Class (mp3) now

Share this with your pals, link to it from your own blog, tell 17 friends, go nuts and have fun! 

Please leave a comment below with your own experiences or questions about business-boosting PR strategies, getting more media coverage, or anything else we talked about (including how to use PR to directly get more leads, sales, and customers!)

short blog posts

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, speaker marketing, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, pr, publicity, christina daves, marketing master class

Content Marketing helps prospects know, like, and trust you

Guest post by Hendrik-Jan Francke

If you are not actively implementing a content marketing strategy – because you don’t have the time, expertise, or don’t see the value – you are actively denying yourself the visibility and opportunity to get in front of prospects who want what you have to give. You are denying yourself more business!

Even if you do implement a plan, there is always room to improve. Learn why you need a content marketing strategy and a few tips to improve what you’re already doing.

Content marketing increases visibility, trust, and value of your brand

61% of consumers say custom content improves the way the they feel about a company and are also more likely to buy from that company.  Why do you need content marketing? Because consumers want it. Content marketing can help you:

  • Get found by more people
    The more you post to your blog and promote content across social media, people will start to take notice. You will drive more traffic to your blog and to your site.
  • Build brand trust and credibility
    By positioning yourself as a subject matter expert on the web, people will recognize your content is valuable and listen more intently to what you have to say.
  • Boost your SEO rank
    Content marketing is not an SEO strategy, but should be part of your SEO strategy. Relevant, insightful content, basic keyword optimization, and strategic social sharing can boost your traffic and improve your site’s overall SEO standing.
  • Prime and prepare prospects 
    When prospects that are primed with your content, prospects that already value your expertise, contact you for your services – why wouldn’t you close that deal?

Tips to Make Content Marketing more effective

So know you know the why, but the how takes more time and expertise. Time is fleeting, so take advantage of these tips.

  • Limit involvement to what is manageable
    You don’t need to blog daily or spend your day posting to social media to be effective. Limit your involvement to what is manageable. Create a content calendar to map out and schedule your blog posts, set aside a few hours each month to write, then use a tool like HootSuite to batch schedule social media posts promoting that article.
  • Know when, where, and how often you should post
    Maximize engagement by sharing and posting content where your audience will find it. If your audience isn’t on Pinterest, you don’t have to be either. But you can increase impressions and clicks by using analytics to track when your audience is most active on each social media platform.
  • Recycle your content to make it go further
    Generating 50 new blog ideas can be exhausting. Instead, take one strong piece of content you have and break that down into 10 web-friendly chunks you can use as blog articles. A little spit, polish, and strategic optimization can give your old content new perspective.

Bonus Tip: Know when to delegate!

This is probably the most important tip you need. If you can’t get the work done, delegate the tasks to an expert who can. You have the subject-matter expertise that your prospects want, but a partner that has the web writing, social media marketing, and key word optimization techniques can more effectively reach those prospects.

Start putting your plan into action

Take a quick survey of the content you already have - a book, presentations, white papers - and jot down a few ideas of how you can convert that into a blog and share it. The sooner you start your content marketing strategy, the sooner you will get results.

Ready to delegate the content marketing grunt work to a strategic partner that can amplify your results? You might be ready for your own Content Marketing Concierge.


hj headshot 150pxHendrik-Jan Francke is the owner, creative director, usability expert, and lead generation specialist of Bright Orange Thread. He and the Bright Orange Thread team deliver digital marketing solutions that engage visitors, encourage action, and result in more – and better qualified – leads.

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, consultant marketing, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, done for you marketing, marketing coach, speaker marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, social media marketing, content marketing

Marketing Speaker: How to Get Clients by Speaking

marketing speaker david newman

The Challenge

Too often, professional services firms:

  • Do marketing “by accident” or don’t do outbound marketing effectively
  • Hope that “prospects will call us when they need us”
  • Never know where their next lead is coming from
  • Don’t market using their best asset – thought leadership
  • Throw too many dollars into a “marketing black hole”

The Opportunity

Independent research with over 700 professional services firms proves that the #1 source of new business is “Making warm calls to existing clients” – and #2 and #3 are “Speaking at conferences and trade shows” and “Running our own seminars and events” yet if yours is like the majority of firms, you haven’t yet cracked the code on how to make this work for YOUR people to attract YOUR clients.

More research shows that 52-72% of B2B professional services BUYERS are willing to switch to new service providers across a spectrum of specialties. (Wellesley Hills Group, What’s Working in Lead Generation professional services market study)

Meaning: You’re always ONE good presentation away from closing new business.

The Payoff

Speakers, consultants and authors can often do a MUCH better job in the following areas:

• Design and deliver a client-magnet presentation

• Generate leads without being salesy

• Use Before-During-After marketing to stay top of mind

• Maximize profits on a shoestring marketing budget

• Generate more leads, better prospects and bigger sales using irresistible offers and high-integrity techniques

...and in my experience working with clients like this, it does NOT take a huge amount of work; small, targeted shifts in your packaging, promotion, messaging, and followup makes all the difference (which we nail down for you in this program) and then the floodgates open for your speaking success!

Last Word: Marketing Skills vs. Presentation Skills

A decent presentation built for marketing and sales results will outperform a brilliant presentation built for a “standing ovation” or praise from your local Toastmaster’s club or high marks from a presentation skills coach.

Bottom line: I don’t care if you become a great speaker. I do very much care that you become a good speaker who consistently generates more leads, better prospects, and bigger sales each time you present in front of a roomful of potential buyers.

What do you think? Fire off some thoughts, comments, or questions in the COMMENTS section below. Let's talk about this one...

Tags: professional services marketing, speaker sales training, speaker marketing, do it marketing, professional services selling, speaker marketing coach, sales training for speakers

Marketing Smarter for Speakers, Consultants, and Solo Professionals

marketing speaker marketing coach doitmarketingMy friend, Avish Parashar, just launched his "Speaking Expert" podcast and I was honored to be his first guest. 

Check it out here

As you know, it's smart friends that will make or break your success.

I'm lucky to have smart friends like Avish - and he's lucky to have smart listeners like YOU who will take all the strategies from his podcast (this episode AND all the upcoming ones, too) and implement them. 

Remember, only action creates results. 

YOUR results start here.


business coach business coaching simple marketing successp.s. We still have a few open seats for the Simple Marketing Success 10-Week Virtual Bootcamp experience that starts October 8, 2013. Let me know you're interested (email or call me 610.716.5984) and I'll forward you the application materials right away. 

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, speaker marketing, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing for authors, small business marketing speaker

Marketing Coach: Well-Connected vs. Fearless

entrepreneur of 2013

As you may know, a wonderful team of small business experts and I are organizing the inaugural America Talks Business Conference coming up on July 25. (Conference info is here and you can still register with early bird savings here.)

One of our media partners is Entrepreneur Magazine. When I shared this news with my friend Dan Janal of PRLeads and, his first comment was, "Looks good. Congrats on getting Entrepreneur magazine. You are one well-connected guy!

I sent Dan back a note that said, "Not well-connected. Just fearless in asking."

And he closed out our email conversation with this brilliant observation: "Same thing, I guess!"


It is the same thing indeed.

So here are some questions for YOU: 

1. Who do YOU need to be well-connected to?

2. Who do you need to fearlessly ask for help?

3. What's stopping you from asking? 

4. What's the worst that could happen? 

5. What's the best that could happen? 

6. How much do you care about #4? 

7. How much do you want #5?

8. Is it time for YOU to do some fearless asking? 

p.s. The June 17 deadline is coming up for Entrepreneur Magazine's Entrepreneur of 2013 competition. You can't win if you don't enter. They are accepting applications for Entrepreneur of 2013, Emerging Entrepreneur of 2013 and College Entrepreneur of 2013. See if you qualify to join the ranks of other inspiring entrepreneurs: 

Tags: marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing success, consultant marketing, thought leadership marketing, conference, small business conference, trusted advisor marketing, entrepreneurship, small business marketing expert, marketing strategist, speaker marketing, small business marketing, doit marketing, do it marketing, small business marketing speaker, doitmarketing, small business marketing coach, conference speaker, business conference

33 Great Questions to Get Your Business Unstuck

  1. 33 questions to get your business unstuckHow can we offer a risk-free trial of our product/service?
  2. What would make our work more fun?
  3. Which of YOUR talents and capabilities would you like to use more of?
  4. How can we do better in generating inbound leads?
  5. What should we be doing more of?
  6. What should we be doing less of?
  7. How can we be more valuable to our clients?
  8. What's the smartest decision we made in the last 3 months? 
  9. What's the dumbest decision we made in the last 3 months?
  10. Where are we hitting it out of the park?
  11. Where are we missing the mark and need to raise our game?
  12. How do we know the metrics we're tracking are the right metrics? Do we need to add, change or delete some key success factors? 
  13. What are the DNA markers of a 2-year client? 5-year client? 10-year client?
  14. What extra services could we offer in a super-premium version of our core product/service? 
  15. What "lite" services could we offer in an entry-level version of our core product/service?
  16. Do we have enough staff, capacity, and bandwidth to handle bigger, better projects? If not, how quickly can we scale with outsourcing, partnering, or subcontracting?
  17. What can we simplify, eliminate, delegate, or outsource?
  18. How can we work with prospects who are ahead of the curve in our area of expertise? (Advanced level program)
  19. How can we work with prospects who are behind the curve in our area of expertise? (Quickstart program)
  20. Are we doing too much marketing and not enough selling? 
  21. Are we doing too much selling and not enough marketing? 
  22. How are we making our prospects smarter - even if they DON'T buy from us? 
  23. Are we articulating clearly and concisely our level of expertise, experience and empathy with our target market? 
  24. Are we articulating clearly and concisely the exact types of heartaches, headaches, pains, problems, challenges and gaps that we can fix? 
  25. Are we investing in thought leadership marketing strategies like speaking, publishing, and social media to elevate our expertise and stand out from the crowd? 
  26. How can we zig where the competition zags? 
  27. How can we show - not tell - our clients that we offer products and services that are BFS (better, faster, smarter)?
  28. How can we offer depth with variety? 
  29. What can we do to encourage our favorite customers to serve as our most effective salesforce?
  30. How can we provide indisputable points of proof that what we do works, is cost-effective, and is better than any competitor or alternative (customer testimonials, industry recognition, videos, demonstrations, references, case studies, expert endorsements)
  31. What else can we do to qualify the right prospects, disqualify the wrong prospects, and get our sales process to be shorter, sharper, and more streamlined? 
  32. When we win business, do we know (exactly) why? When we lose business, do we know (exactly) why? Where has this data been captured and how are you using it to improve your odds with every new prospect day by day and week by week?
  33. Have you shared this post with three people whose business might benefit? Have you bought this book that comes with over $747 of marketing bonuses? Have you noticed there are more than 33 questions in this list? <Smile>.  
Grab your FREE copy of the Social Media Traffic Boost Cheat Sheet!

And then leave a comment below with your questions, thoughts, and advice on the ideas above.

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, business coaching, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing coaching, marketing coach, speaker marketing, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing

Do It Marketing: 37 Gurus Worth Following

29 business gurus doit marketing

Unless you're brand new to me and this blog... you know that my new Do It! Marketing book is about to be released. 

You may also know that we hit Amazon #1 bestseller status not once - but TWICE already - and the book isn't even out yet. 

What you may not know is that I had help. Amazing help from amazing people. Gurus and friends and colleagues and people I consider my personal and professional heroes. 

Some helped a little. Some helped a lot. Some helped WAY above and beyond my wildest dreams... 

If you're interested in marketing success, business success, and life success - well, there are a lot of so-called experts out there.

Many are called. Few are chosen.

I've made the choosing easy for you...

Here are 37 super-smart, generous, prolific, sometimes contrarian, and always fascinating people worth following...

p.s. The best thing about them - none of them would CALL themselves a "guru" - they simply consider themselves lucky to be sharing their insights with others who can benefit.

Here they are in no particular order (although each of them is truly #1)

  1. Jay Baer -
  2. Stephanie Chandler -
  3. Corey Perlman -
  4. Melinda Emerson -
  5. Chris Murray -
  6. Henry DeVries -
  7. C. J. Hayden - 
  8. Scott Ginsberg -
  9. Dan Janal -
  10. Art Sobczak -
  11. Mary Foley -
  12. Gene Marks -
  13. Viveka Von Rosen -
  14. Brian Tracy -
  15. Geoff Ramm - 
  16. John Jantsch -
  17. Joe Calloway -
  18. Jay Conrad Levinson -
  19. Jim Meisenheimer -
  20. Mark Sanborn -
  21. Marshall Goldsmith -
  22. David A. Fields -
  23. Pamela Slim -
  24. Mark Hunter -
  25. Bob Bly -
  26. Sean Carroll -
  27. Bob Burg -
  28. Jeffrey Hayzlett -
  29. Sam Richter -
  30. Howard Lewinter -
  31. Stephen Lahey -
  32. Jose Palomino -
  33. Karyn Greenstreet -
  34. Avish Parashar -
  35. Michael Dalton Johnson -
  36. Greg Williams -
  37. Marnie Swedberg -

Bookmark this blog post - stay connected with these people - implement their big ideas - and you WILL profit, prosper, and succeed.

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on the people who have made the biggest impact on YOUR professional success...

29 gurus worth following doit marketing


Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, marketing for coaches, thought leadership marketing, keynote speaker, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing for trainers, marketing coaching, small business coach, marketing ideas, marketing coach, success tips, speaker marketing, marketing consultant, small business marketing, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, thought leadership, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, marketing tips

Marketing Coach: Motivational Speaker Eric Thomas

Awesome video - wanted you to experience this for yourself:

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, business coaching, marketing expert, marketing coaching, professional speaker marketing, marketing coach, success tips, speaker marketing, marketing for authors, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, success, business strategy, business coach, becoming an expert