Do It! Marketing Blog: Marketing for Smart People™

When Talent Meets Versatility

This video clip speaks for itself (you should have your audio/speakers turned on):

What can YOU do that will impress people with YOUR versatility and talent?

These days, "being good" (or even great) is merely table stakes - you need to MASTER your offerings so your audience knows they're in the hands of a professional good enough to deliver A+ work while being confident enough to have fun.

Grab your FREE copy of the Social Media Traffic Boost Cheat Sheet!

And then leave a comment below with your questions, thoughts, and advice on the ideas above.

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, business coaching, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, success tips, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, business coach

Marketing Speaker: 5 Books You Oughta Buy NOW

doitmarketing, top five business books, best business booksHere are my Top Five Business Books of the Week - but these are not just any old business books.

They are...

Fire starters...

Game changers...

Show stoppers...

Books that will transform the way you think about your work, about your business, and - yes - about your life.

Get your amazon shopping cart ready for some racing stripes - here we go: 

  1. Be the Best at What Matters Most: The Only Strategy You will Ever Need by Joe Calloway 
  2. Create Distinction: What to Do When Great Isn't Good Enough to Grow Your Business by Scott McKain

  3. Fred 2.0: New Ideas on How to Keep Delivering Extraordinary Results by Mark Sanborn

  4. Running the Gauntlet: Essential Business Lessons to Lead, Drive Change, and Grow Profits by Jeffrey W. Hayzlett and Jim Eber 

  5. People Buy You: The Real Secret to what Matters Most in Business by Jeb Blount

Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, business coaching, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, entrepreneurship, coaching, professional speaker marketing, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, business book review, best business books, business strategy, public speaker marketing

The Shame of Success

doitmarketing shame of successIf you'd like to do better in your business... this post is for you.

If you're down in the dumps - no money, no clients, no prospects, no hope... this post is for you.

If you're doing great - and not sure exactly why or how long this "lucky streak" will last - this post is DEFINITELY for you...

There's a dirty word in business, especially among authors, speakers, and experts who, above all, feel that they should serve as shining examples of personal success and professional prosperity.

That word is shame

It's easy to feel shame when your business is doing poorly. I'm not saying that it's RIGHT - but it sure is easy. 

And yes, it's painful, negative, and unpleasant to feel shame. But perhaps there's an upside to that because it makes you feel uncomfortable to feel unsuccessful. 

At least THAT part makes sense. 

There's another kind of shame that is more pernicious, dangerous and much more common than you might think. 

It's the shame of success.

It's when you juuuuust start to break through... when your business juuuuust starts to take off... when the money juuuuust starts to flow abundantly. 

You're not only paying your bills, you're paying off debt (credit cards, home equity line, etc.), you're building up your savings, your rainy day fund is healthy, you're paying yourself regularly, you are even... GASP... putting away some nice money for retirement and/or your kids' college fund.

The it hits you... The Shame of Success. It's a little voice in your head.

You know what I'm talking about. I'll bet you even know what it's saying to you. Things like: 

  • This won't last - it's just a lucky streak...
  • You're one step away from being broke again...
  • Don't count your eggs before they hatch...
  • You're not that good...
  • You're not that smart...
  • You can't even handle this much client work
  • You're going to blow through all this cash and be back at Square 1...
  • Your clients will find you out...
  • Your friends won't like your new level of success...
  • Better not tell anyone about this success, they'll be jealous...
  • They'll think you're lying...
  • They'll think you're bragging...
  • They'll feel bad that they're not doing as well as you... 

And on, and on, and on. 

Please... stop the madness. Kill that voice. Catch yourself every time you hear it and tell it to go take a hike. Refocus. Recenter. 

Remember once and for all - there is no shame in your success. 

If you have REAL friends, they'll celebrate with you. 

If you have friends who don't... guess what? They're not your real friends. 

If misery loves company, it has company enough. 

And it's time you quit that company.

You know who REALLY loves company? 

  • Passion loves company
  • Achievers love company
  • Winners love company
  • Success loves company

There are already way too many people and circumstances that make you feel weak, unworthy, and unsuccessful... they do NOT need your help!

FACT: You TOTALLY deserve to be successful.

FACT: This is ABSOLUTELY your time to crush it. 

FACT: YOU ROCK so hard, you don't even know it. 

FACT: You are insanely GREAT.

FACT: You ARE fabulously successful - so KEEP GOING!!!

In the immortal words of the great Zig Ziglar, "I'll see you at the top!" 

What do you think? Please leave a COMMENT below and let's hear YOUR advice, insights and recommendations on how not to get bushwhacked by the "shame of success."

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, passion, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing coaching, success tips, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing

Marketing Coach: Close More Sales

doitmarketing close more salesClosing effectively is all about answering this question: "What can you do to minimize the risk to the prospect of buying your product or service?"

Look at all the products out on the market that offer risk-free, money back guarantees. Do you offer guarantees, warrantees, refunds, free trials or make-ups?

In today’s “do more with less” business environment, many economic decision-makers have a new top priority – and it’s NOT “Making the very best choice.”

It is “Not making a mistake that will cost me my job.”

If you can reassure someone with this mindset that buying from you is smart and safe and risk-free, you will automatically close more sales.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How can I provide a free version of my product or service?
  • What can I learn from the auto industry’s new trend of “the 24-hour test drive”?
  • What does the buyer have to lose if they buy from me?
  • What do they have to gain?
  • How can I ensure the buyer’s success – not just their satisfaction?
  • How can I employ the concept of risk-reversal – meaning that the risk is all on my side if they don’t achieve success?

When most sales training programs talk about overcoming objections, they usually don’t discuss the real objections that are in most buyers’ minds. These are things like:

  • "I don’t trust you"
  • "I don’t believe this will get the results you say it will"
  • "This sounds too good to be true"
  • "If this works, I would have heard of this solution already"
  • "Who says so besides you?"

You should understand (and expect) that people probably will not trust you in the beginning of the sales process.

They have been sold stuff all their lives “against their will.”

They bought the steak knives, the late-night infomercial real estate program, the Girl Scout cookies, the raffle ticket, or the used car and regretted it later. (OK maybe not the cookies.) Trust has to be earned over time.

To address these aspects of buyer resistance, you can use a battery of smart sales tools.

You may be using some of these already, but the more you pile on, the more effective they will be.

Start to collect, document, and use:

  • Client testimonials (letters are good; audio and video are even better)
  • Awards and industry recognition of your product/service
  • Press clippings and articles mentioning you or your clients using your product/service
  • Objective, fact-based side-by-side comparisons with competing products/services
  • Cost analyses and comparisons between using your product/service, using the competition, doing it themselves, and doing nothing

All of these items will help you reduce risk, build credibility, and pave the way for closing more sales - even to your toughest prospects!

Tags: Marketing speaker, marketing coach, close more sales, marketing for speakers, marketing for authors, professional services marketing, selling professional services

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on these ideas and join the conversation...

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Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, marketing professional services, professional services marketing, trusted advisor marketing, sales rejection, sales prospecting, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, sales and marketing

Business Book Review: Lovemarks

doit marketing business book reviewsHere's another in my series of marketing and business book reviews - but not just any old business books.

Fire starters...

Game changers...

Show stoppers...

Books that will transform the way you think about your work, about your business, and - yes - about your life.

Ready? Take a look...

What do you think? Please leave a COMMENT below to share your experiences with this book, with this author, or with other game changing books that YOU recommend...

Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing coaching, marketing ideas, marketing coach, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, business book review

Top 5 Social Media Tips and Your Social Media Gameplan

top 5 social media tips, social media game plan

Top 5 Tips for Twitter:

  1. Listen and learn. As with other social media, the most important first step is to listen to the conversations. See what people are talking about in your industry on Twitter. The daily thoughts of so many people can be an incredibly rich source of new ideas for products and services.
  2. Publish valuable news and information. Only after you've listened and understand the style and etiquette of Twitter communications should you consider creating an account and posting content. An easy starting point is to publish regular news and updates that you already distribute via other channels.
  3. Distribute promotions. Some companies are finding that Twitter is an effective channel for sending out promotional messages. Timely sales and coupons are easy to distribute on Twitter, and the fast nature of the Twitterverse means that people can respond to the promotions quickly. Note: Keep offers and promotions to LESS than 20% of your tweets, otherwise you'll come off like a sleazy peddler rather than a trusted partner. 
  4. Create or extend your brand personality. Ultimately, Twitter is far more valuable for distributing your brand personality than it is for merely delivering your content. Social media is social. Be a person first. 
  5. Engage in conversations and customer service. Twitter is about conversations, not monologues. Twitter is about talking with people, not merely at them. Engage, thank, respond and reciprocate.

Top 5 Tips for LinkedIn:

  1. Use LinkedIn Groups & stimulate new leads daily with value-first outreach.
  2. Ask questions & build your credibility using LinkedIn status updates.
  3. Create powerful events and promote them to relevant groups.
  4. Run an advanced search to find buyers, prospects, and advocates in your target market.
  5. Once you find leads, send personalized messages and connect 1-to-1 as real people, not as “targets.”

Top 5 Tips for Facebook:

  1. Define your target market. Every online effort that will actually get you results starts with knowing exactly who your perfect clients are.
  2. Connect with people in your target market. For every action you take on Facebook, ask yourself how doing this helps you connect and network with people in your target market.
  3. Get and stay active. Facebook marketing will only work for you if you are active. Don't engage in "drive-by" activity and expect long-term results.
  4. Share valuable tips and ideas. A big part of your Facebook marketing should be promoting and sharing your expertise – not pitching and peddling your wares
  5. Start a Facebook business page. Start one if you don't have one yet. It's a great forum for discussion, answering questions, and building community.

Your Simple Social Media Marketing Plan:

Here is exactly what you need to do - step by step - to help you and your organization maximize the basics in your social media gameplan:

  • Calendarize your social media tactics in less than 30 minutes a day
  • Organize your social media priorities behind one of three main purposes (sharing resources, building relationships, engaging in reciprocity)
  • Operationalize your social media game plan with time-saving tools such as TweetAdder, BufferApp, and
  • Leverage and grow the impact of all your social media efforts and assets

Remember – if you start small, stick to your plan and your calendar, learn as you go, and adjust your game plan based on your results, your social media strategies WILL pay off for you and for your organization!

Tags: Marketing speaker, marketing coach, social media gameplan, top 5 social media tips, marketing for speakers, marketing for authors

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on effectively using social media WITHOUT going bonkers...

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Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, social media, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing coaching, marketing, professional speaker marketing, motivational speaker marketing, speaker marketing, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, social media marketing, public speaker marketing

Marketing Coach: Talk CEO Language About CEO Problems

ceo language ceo problemsDo you sell to chief executives, presidents, and corporate bigwigs? 

If so, chances are good you're doing it wrong. Here's why... and later in this post, you'll get some tools to start doing much MUCH better FAST...

The reason you're not getting the appointments you want or capturing the interest you need from senior executives and CEOs is that you're selling functional ideas to strategic people.

The last thing - and I mean DEAD LAST thing - that any chief executive cares about is the "how" of solving a particular problem.

You've seen the cliche in a hundred different movies of the top dog barking at an underling in the board room - "I don't care HOW you do it. Just get it done."

But when it comes to selling, we sellers and marketers are soooo in love with our "How."

What you need to focus on is the "Why" and then immediately jump to results and outcomes. 

But not just ANY results and outcomes - the results and outcomes that your CEO prospects are publicly, permanently and strategically committed to achieving

Not sure exactly what results or outcomes your top executive prospects care about? 

Don't guess... educate yourself. 

Here are links to some online and offline resources (magazines, annual lists, websites, books) that you should buy, download, read and integrate into your marketing game plan so that you can sell much more effectively to CEOs and other C-level buyers:


Harvard Business Review - Top 100 CEOs

Fortune Most Admired Companies

Fortune Best Companies to Work For

50 Most Powerful Women in Business

2013 NAFE Top 50 Companies for Executive Women


The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success

What Got You Here Won't Get You There

The NEW Secrets of CEOs: 200 Global Chief Executives on Leading

The CEO Code 

The moment YOU start talking CEO Language about CEO Problems is the moment you start to earn their attention, their trust, and - eventually - their business. 

Tags: Marketing speaker, marketing coach, sales, selling, CEO language

What do YOU think? Please use the COMMENTS area below to share your advice, insights and recommendations on effectively selling to CEOs and corporate executives...

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Tags: marketing for speakers, consultant marketing, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, entrepreneurship, marketing coaching, ceo, professional speaker marketing, marketing ideas, marketing coach, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, public speaker marketing

Marketing Coach: How to Create a Great Company Name

How to create great company nameAs a marketing speaker and marketing coach, clients often ask me for branding and naming advice to help create a great company name.

Where do awesome business names come from?

Names like...

  • The Cookie Machine
  • The Video Advisor
  • CareerNavigator
  • SalesGPS
  • The Coffee Hangout
  • Guitars After Dark
  • The Fitness Foundry

I've seen solopreneurs and companies go through the branding/naming (or re-branding/re-naming) process smoothly and efficiently in less than a week - and I've also seen train wrecks that needlessly dragged on for months. 

How to get started

First, take a look at two blog posts to help you set the stage for an easy, effortless, enjoyable naming and branding process: 

Instant Branding Toolkit

Building Your Brand Sandwich

How not to screw it up

Here are some ideas to dig into for the "how" or "do's and don'ts" of the naming process...

  1. At first, sit down with your leadership team. No spouses. No customers. No low-level employees. 5 people maximum.
  2. Generate ideas for your raw branding/naming "building blocks" (as outlined in my "Instant Branding Toolkit" blog post)
  3. Work over the list until you have 10 strong candidates.
  4. Whittle the list down by eliminating 5 of them - the process is "1 vote to eliminate." If there are no objections from the rest of the group, it's gone. If there are objections, then it is up to those individuals to argue the case for "saving" that name until the vote is unanimous either way. This voting/defending process makes things go MUCH faster. And it gets you to focus on much stronger names faster. 
  5. With your top 5 candidates, do a customer survey. Not your spouse, your brother-in-law, your Uncle Marvin who used to be an ad agency exec, not your sister who is a brand manager for Tide. Actual, real, live customers. 
  6. Take the top 2 scoring names from the customer survey and do an in-house survey with your own team. Use ONLY customer-facing executives. Sales reps are great. Customer service people are great. Field service people are great. Ask them two simple questions: 1. "Given what you know of our customers and prospects, which one of these two names will resonate with them the most?" 2. "Why?" 
  7. Compile your results, make your decision, announce your winner, and start your transition to your new name. 

Boom - done!

What do YOU think? Agree? Disagree? Comment? Rant? Rave? Awesome... go ahead and use the COMMENTS area below and let's discuss...
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Tags: marketing for speakers, thought leadership marketing, marketing agency, marketing professional services, trusted advisor marketing, marketing coaching, branding, marketing coach, motivational speaker marketing, speaker marketing, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, marketing for consultants, marketing tips, brand strategy, naming

Marketing Speaker: Top 10 Marketing Secrets

top 10 marketing secrets, marketing speaker, marketing coach, doitmarketing, david newmanHere's a piece I submitted to CMO magazine. 

Wanted to share it with YOU first because, heck, you deserve to see it before a whole bunch of corporate dudes get their hands on this info, take it into meetings, and debate it for months before deciding not to implement any of it... Ya dig?

The lesson? Action creates traction... so GO, GO, GO!!!

Top 10 Marketing Secrets

  1. There is NO secret - it's just hard work, good luck, and a great team
  2. Social isn't marketing. Social is social. Marketing is marketing. Doing one and expecting the others' result is probably the #1 cause of heartaches, headaches and disappointment.
  3. It's all about the basics - always has been, always will be. Now more than ever.
  4. B2B and B2C are different animals - yes, really. Thus, genius in one can make for a train wreck in the other.
  5. Marketing's main client is sales. Boom!
  6. There is no industry or market sector where thought leadership isn't going to make a huge difference to your success. HUGE.
  7. We've been saying this for a decade but still so few are doing it: stop "spreading messages" and focus more on starting conversations. Real, open, 2-way conversations with the public, the media, consumers, clients, influencers, and friends (real ones, not the ones on Facebook).
  8. The more you rely on third-party platforms like Facebook, the less stable and more endangered your brand becomes. Build traffic on your own properties where you have 100% control of what's visible and what's not, who can see what and when and for how long, and how content and community are built and nurtured.
  9. Good, creative, smart advertising has always worked. It's not about where you see it - it's about what you see. And how much it makes you think, smile and act.
  10. Stop following the herd - we need more leaders. Stop reading Top 10 lists like this one - and start writing your own. Stop blathering on about your products and services - and start telling real stories about real customers making real improvements in their real lives because you were there. 
What do YOU think? Agree? Disagree? Comment? Rant? Rave? Awesome... go ahead and use the COMMENTS area below and let's hear from YOU...
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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing success, marketing concept, thought leadership marketing, trusted advisor marketing, marketing expert, marketing strategist, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, marketing tips

Do It! Marketing Podcast: Speaker Marketing with Jim Mathis

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Late to the party but still ready to have fun... share smart marketing ideas... and put money in YOUR pocket...  

Please give a warm welcome to...

The Do It! Marketing podcast!!!

In this episode, my guest is author and professional speaker Jim Matthis. 

Jim is an international Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), business strategist and best-selling author. He helps business leaders who want to reinvent their businesses in changing economic climates.

Jim is also the author of the best-selling book: “Reinvention Made Easy: Change Your Strategy, Change Your Results,” and “Reinvention 101: Bold Ideas for Reinvention.”

Jim talks with me about the business of speaking AND how executives and entrepreneurs can punch through the noise and sell more effectively - even to prospects who are lazy, busy, and befuddled!

Listen in and then share YOUR advice, insights and recommendations in the COMMENTS area below... 

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Tags: marketing for speakers, marketing speaker, marketing strategy, marketing success, marketing professional services, marketing expert, sales prospecting, marketing coaching, marketing coach, marketing strategist, marketing consultant, marketing for authors, doit marketing, do it marketing, doitmarketing, sales and marketing, marketing podcast